Alien Nosejob - Suddenly Everything Is Twice As Loud

I'm not sure if Alien Nose­job cur­rent­ly ex­ist as a full blown band, but at least for their sec­ond long play­ing ef­fort, Jake Robert­son (Aus­muteants, School Dam­age, Leather Tow­el, Hi­ero­phants, etc.) has been record­ing every­thing on his own. While the last few re­leas­es turned out to be a rather wild and un­pre­dictable ride - touch­ing on Pow­er-/Jan­gele Pop, Synth Pop and Hard­core Punk among oth­er things - Alien Nosejob's newest al­bum is an un­ex­pect­ed­ly con­sis­tent work most­ly op­er­at­ing in a spec­trum of sad pow­er pop and more fa­mil­iar Aus­muteants style garage fare, wrapped in a warm and fuzzy ana­log aes­thet­ic vary­ing from mid- to high fi­deli­ty. With­out ex­cep­tion, these songs are top rate stuff, just clas­sic Robert­son at his best.

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Iron Cages - January 2020 Tour Promo

On their newest EP, Washington's Iron Cages give us three ex­cel­lent new blasts of garag­i­fied hard­core punk which in­di­cate mas­sive step for­ward for the band, to­wards a more com­pact and co­her­ent sound friends of stuff along the lines of Fried Egg, Punk Gui­tars, Cü­lo, Anx­i­ety or Elec­tric Chair will sure­ly ap­pre­ci­ate.

Trashdog - Dipshitticus

What a beau­ti­ful­ly de­ranged kind of mess, the sec­ond Al­bum by Trash­dog a.k.a. An­drew Jack­son, the dude al­so re­spon­si­ble for Austin, Texas la­bel Dig­i­tal Hot­dogs. I didn't ex­pect a lot of nor­mal­cy here to be­gin with, but nonethe­less i'm kind of as­ton­ished by the mas­sive amount of top notch good­ness scat­tered wild­ly across this record, es­pe­cial­ly af­ter i found Trashdog's first ef­fort to be of some­what in­con­sis­tent qual­i­ty. Rough­ly one third here con­sists of dumb jokes and var­i­ous shades of fuck­ing around. An­oth­er third turns out to be bril­liant­ly weird and in­ven­tive songcraft in a spec­trum of garage punk, pow­er pop, synth-/elec­tro punk and a tiny hint of glam. And as for the re­main­ing third, i'm some­what un­de­cid­ed in which of the first two cat­e­gories i should file that stuff. The whole of it makes for an awe­some, if at times over­whelm­ing, dis­ori­ent­ing roller coast­er ride. Some kind of white al­bum on stu­pid pills.

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Moist Boy - Deep Rest

Moist Boy from New Bed­ford, Mass­a­chu­setts are one of the rare cas­es in which a band comes some­what close to what you could call pop punk with­out im­me­di­ate­ly piss­ing me off. But for me, that's hav­ing most to do with in­cred­i­bly low stan­dards in that par­tic­u­lar genre rather than an aver­sion to sim­ple, straight­for­ward melodies. Pop punk bands just tend to fuck up even the most ba­sic, fun­da­men­tal com­po­nents of de­cent punk rock.
Moist Boy don't suck in the slight­est and that's thanks to first rate song­writ­ing abil­i­ties, an ad­e­quate­ly tight and punchy per­for­mance and - to counter the sweet catchy­ness of their melodies - a dis­tinct garage edge as well as some rather dark lyri­cal con­tent. Qual­i­ty stuff through­out and re­quired lis­ten­ing if you ap­pre­ci­ate bands like Cheap Whine, Dark Thoughts, Steve Adamyk Band… maybe even The Marked Men!

Al­bum-Stream →

The Resource Network & Big Hog - Split 7"

This al­ready marks the sec­ond time these two bands from In­di­anapo­lis are pool­ing their, um… re­sources for a split re­lease - this time it's a 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records. Not on­ly is the record­ing qual­i­ty a lit­tle bit less rough than last time; both bands have al­so sig­nif­i­cant­ly di­ver­si­fied their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary.
The Re­source Net­work al­ter­nate be­tween smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Ura­ni­um Club & Yam­mer­er va­ri­ety, a post punk/-core thingy you could imag­ine as a weird mix of Rites Of Spring and ear­ly Sloven­ly, and fi­nal­ly a straight punk rock­er ra­di­at­ing a Launch­er-style KBD Vibe.
Quite a bit of the lat­ter you can al­so find on Big Hog's side and there's less of a hard­core edge to their new songs - in­stead you'll find a wild post punk ride you might de­scribe as Pat­ti-meet-ear­ly-Min­ute­men, sur­round­ed by two blasts of noise punk re­sem­bling what Lumpy & The Dumpers could have sound­ed like on some sort of sludge/​doom trip.

Al­bum-Stream →

B.E.E.F. 39X - Man-Simulator 5

At first lis­ten, i can't help but think of the tex­an (neo) no wave/​chaotic noise rock con­nec­tion around bands like Flesh Narc, Gay Cum Dad­dies and a few oth­er projects shar­ing much of the same per­son­nel. How­ev­er, this band is from Philadel­phia, mak­ing any as­so­ci­a­tion with those rather un­like­ly. Al­so, on clos­er in­spec­tion, their sound and songs come across a lot more struc­tured, com­pared with the kin­da se­mi-im­pro­vised feel of the Den­ton scene's out­put. Sound­wise, this is some­what less in the no wave camp, lean­ing more in­to the noise rock side of things and now that i'm think­ing of it… I al­so see quite some sim­i­lar­i­ties to their ge­o­graph­i­cal­ly much clos­er New York con­tem­po­raries Spray Paint and Big Neck Po­lice, as well as a hint of cana­di­an noise punks Sop­cans.

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Warm Exit - Demo

On their de­mo, Brus­sels out­fit Warm Ex­it come up with a flaw­less lit­tle dose of synth-en­hanced garage punk, al­ter­nate­ly re­mind­ing me of con­tem­po­rary genre pow­er­hous­es like Aus­muteants, Dumb, Erik Ner­vous or Pow­er­plant.

Krul - EP

The aus­tralian Scene al­ways finds new ways to sur­prise, some­times out­right baf­fle me. This time it's done by a mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of, among oth­ers, Kids Of Zoo, pro­found­ly un­set­tling my sense of ge­og­ra­phy by way of hav­ing their lyrics sung in japan­ese. Sound-wise, i'm re­mind­ed of more-or-less gloomy post punk stuff by acts like In­sti­tute, Diät, Crim­i­nal Code, Pret­ty Hurts or Acrylics - com­bined with some noisy and rough DIY punk in the vein of Lumpy & The Dumpers, Launch­er or Beast Fiend, as well as a faint echo of Hot Snakes.

Al­bum-Stream →

Super X - Super X

This tape by Mel­bourne group Su­per-X isn't ex­act­ly new stuff, but that shit is way to strong not to be men­tioned here. Wit­ness a son­ic spec­ta­cle un­fold, fus­ing the old garage-/pro­to punk fuzz of Fun House-era Stooges with spaced out vibes not un­like De­struc­tion Unit or ear­ly Tele­scopes, all the while drag­ging along with it some traces of con­tem­po­rary post punk.

Nag - Red Panda

It's busi­ness as usu­al for Atlanta's Nag on their newest EP, on which they're stay­ing clear of new ex­per­i­ments and bright ideas. I'm per­fect­ly fine with that. In­stead, their sound made from frag­ments of post-, fuzz- and noise punk once again man­ages to con­vince me, craft­ed in­to three rock sol­id songs that aren't even try­ing to look smarter than they ac­tu­al­ly are - and that's ex­act­ly why they work so well.