Pablo X Broadcasting Services - Running Wild /​ Hunted

Fol­low­ing an in­tox­i­cat­ing­ly strong de­but EP last sum­mer, the fol­low-up by french psy­che­del­ic rock wiz­ard Re­my Pablo de­liv­ers more of that same over­whelm­ing good­ness stub­born­ly ex­e­cut­ing its very own no­tion of pul­sat­ing loops and blown-out drones at the in­ter­sec­tions of psych- and space rock, post-, art-, pro­to- and garage punk with more than just a lit­tle of an MX-80-, Chrome- and Mé­tal Ur­bain vibe to it.

Jëg Hüsker - My Dawn Promo

The sec­ond EP by this Karl­sruhe, Ger­many group is al­so the first taste we're get­ting of an up­com­ing al­bum and just like their ex­cel­lent de­mo tape at the end of last year, this thing com­bines the grimy dun­geon-es­que garage vibes the group ob­vi­ous­ly in­her­it­ed from Thee Khai Aehm, whose mem­bers com­prise half of this group's line­up, with a dis­tinct flour­ish of pro­to punk prim­i­tivism, plen­ty of spaced-out psy­che­del­ic ex­cess á la late De­struc­tion Unit, some hard­core en­er­gy in Tear It Up and even some melod­ic flour­ish­es in My Dawn, while the clos­ing track Inte Mer Hem is noth­ing short of raw and sim­ple dun­geon punk per­fec­tion.

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Jean Mignon - Dirty Mean Fast

The fol­low-up to last year's sen­sa­tion­al de­but tape AN/​AL by new york garage punk wiz­ard Jean Mignon some­what di­als down the styl­is­tic va­ri­ety fac­tor but ab­solute­ly makes up for it by con­sid­er­ably up­ping the av­er­age en­er­gy lev­el of his straight­for­ward punk smash­ers, pro­pelled for­ward by an un­stop­pable, com­bus­tive dri­ve with more than just a lit­tle un­der­cur­rent of pro­to punk in gen­er­al and the '74-'77 New York scene in par­tic­u­lar.

Al­bum-Stream →

Society - Social Flies

Port­land la­bel Spared Flesh Records has es­tab­lished it­self as a re­al trea­sure chest of quirky, un­con­ven­tion­al garage- and post punk good­ness over the course of just over two years and the newest cas­sette is no ex­cep­tion. So­ci­ety is a so­lo project of Sims Hardin who you might have al­so heard as part of Philadel­phia groups Mesh and Toe Ring. Hav­ing al­ready made a great im­pres­sion with last year's All Flies Go To Hell EP, the sec­ond one seam­less­ly con­tin­ues the scrap­py charm of his sound hov­er­ing some­where in­be­tween the strange worlds of '80s cas­sette cul­ture and oth­er ar­ti­facts on the fringes of garage-, pro­to-, post- and art punk. Think of a fu­sion of Mod­ern Lovers, ear­ly Mekons, The Fall and Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles and you're rough­ly on the right track. Or you might com­pare them to more re­cent groups like the rus­tic jams of Hon­ey Radar, Far Cor­ners, Germ House and ear­li­er Woolen Men, the pro­to-meets-post-punk ex­per­i­ments of Shark Toys and NY's Peace de Ré­sis­tance.

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The Stools - R U Saved?

It's a new LP by the De­troit group and as you might al­ready sus­pect, there's not a whole lot in the way of sur­pris­es here, which is to­tal­ly fine for their par­tic­u­lar lo­cal flavour of garage may­hem. As far as fair­ly tra­di­tion­al, heav­i­ly Stooges-/M­C5-in­formed garage punk (and just maybe, a hint of Feed­time?) goes, it doesn't get much bet­ter in terms of raw, pri­mal en­er­gy. This is the kind of record which con­vinces al­most ex­clu­sive­ly by virtue of brute force and boy do i feel saved now, which is to say: Ouch!

Al­bum-Stream →

Scooter Jay - Jaywalking

A de­light­ful batch of laid-back, off-kil­ter psy­che­del­ic- and garage punk good­ness by a Toron­to group. These tunes do have some slight US pro­to punk vibe to them in ad­di­tion to pret­ty un­mis­tak­able space-/acid rock lean­ings, kin­da like a mix be­tween re­cent LPs by Jean Mignon, Peace de Ré­sis­tance or old­er stuff like Faux Fe­ro­cious, even some ear­ly White Fence - with plen­ty of egg­punk weird­ness on top. What's not to like?

Al­bum-Stream →

Jean Mignon - AN/​AL

Garage Punk with a weird the­mat­ic fix­a­tion on mope­ds and but­t­holes by some New York dude which sounds a lot like his city ca. '73-'77, in­hab­it­ing a son­ic space some­where in­be­tween the pro­to- and ear­ly punk of the NY Dolls, Mod­ern Lovers and Dead Boys, with fur­ther echoes of the wider ear­ly US scene á la Pa­gans, Black Randy and the Met­rosquad on the more re­laxed side of things as well some se­ri­ous ear­ly aus­tralian Saints- and Bird­man en­er­gy in its wilder mo­ments.

Al­bum-Stream →

S.U.G.A.R. - II

Fol­low­ing last year's some­what un­even de­but LP of this Berlin group, their newest al­bum is a huge step for­ward in every as­pect - the huge­ly im­proved song sub­stance be­ing dri­ven forth with un­re­lent­ing mo­men­tum and cap­tured in a mid-fi aes­thet­ic that fits them per­fect­ly. Sound­wise, they're clear­ly tak­ing cues from a long lin­eage of pro­to- and old­school garage punk - ob­vi­ous­ly Stooges, MC5 and Death to be­gin with, in ad­di­tion to Dead Moon and some Wipers touch­es but, most of all, that austal­ian breed of groups like Saints, Ra­dio Bird­man, Sci­en­tists ap­pear to have left their mark in their sound, not to men­tion the larg­er-than-life fuzz punk one-hit-won­ders God - but while the lat­ter seemed to flame up and burn out over the short du­ra­tion of one glo­ri­ous A-side nev­er to reach such heights again, S.U.G.A.R. show no signs of wear yet, re­peat­ing that mar­vel eight­fold for a cer­ti­fied all-killer-no-filler al­bum.

Al­bum-Stream →

Peace De Résistance - Bits and Pieces

When this New York dude's en­chant­i­ng and be­wil­der­ing 2020 de­but EP Hedge­mak­ers hit, i didn't have the slight­est clue who's the mas­ter­mind be­hind Peace De Ré­sis­tance. Turns out it's none oth­er than In­sti­tute vo­cal­ist Moses Brown - yeah, kin­da makes sense in ret­ro­spect, i guess. Dun­no how i missed that. His first long­play­er now un­folds a some­what more elab­o­rate, yet still pret­ty min­i­mal­ist sound­scape that once again feels out of place in all the best ways - a time cap­sule of hazy false mem­o­ries weav­ing ear­ly strains of pro­to-, art- and post punk in­to a vivid, se­mi-plau­si­ble case of the Man­dela ef­fect.

Al­bum-Stream →

Society - All Flies Go To Hell

Four-and-a-half fun litte strum­ming ex­cer­cis­es of the heav­i­ly pro­to punk in­spired kind, done by a dude who al­so hap­pens to be a mem­ber of Toe Ring. Sounds a bit like a mix of Peace De Re­sis­tance, Woolen Men and Hon­ey Radar with a hint of Mod­ern Lovers on top.

Al­bum-Stream →