Nearly Dead - Death Party

In a noise rock world most­ly dom­i­nat­ed by pre­ten­tious wankers con­tent with re­pro­duc­ing the done-to-death "left­over doom riffs played with odd time sig­na­tures (that makes us math rock, i guess…)" for­mu­la ad nau­se­am, Canada's Near­ly Dead have al­ways kin­da stuck out from the sad sta­tus quo not through smarts but through sheer prim­i­tive force and a very old­school ap­proach to sludge-in­fest­ed noise rock, rem­i­nis­cent of an­cient genre ar­ti­facts by the likes of Cows, Kill­doz­er, Cherubs, Fun­gus Brains, Scratch Acid… plus count­less of deep cuts from the clas­sic Am­Rep cat­a­logue. These tunes make me wan­na take a show­er - a rare qual­i­ty these days.

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Ra!d - Ra!d

As co­in­ci­dence would have it, here's yet an­oth­er group of some­what fuzzy where­abouts al­though the avail­able ev­i­dence gen­er­al­ly points to­ward Penn­syl­va­nia this time. On their most re­cent full-length ef­fort, a war­bly blown-out lo-fi acoustic in­tro gives way to a knock­out punch of a post punk blast that sounds a bit as if the hal­lu­cino­genic haze of groups á la Piles or Die! Die! Die! en­tered the pitch black worlds of Nag. Oth­er times we get some­what more con­ven­tion­al yet nonethe­less ass-kick­ing flash­es of old­school doom- and sludge-lean­ing Am­Rep-style noise rock col­lid­ing with the spaced out acid punk ex­cess of, say, De­struc­tion Unit, Hamer or Su­per-X.

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TVO - Fall In A Pit

An­oth­er kick­ass EP by this Philadel­phia group. This time they crank up the garage fac­tor con­sid­er­ably while main­tain­ing their taste for old­school pro­to-noise rock and -sludge. Think of a cu­ri­ous mix be­tween NY's Cutie and aussie garage groups like Mi­ni Skirt, Pist Id­iots on a col­li­sion course with old-timey noise­mak­ers of the U-Men, Sci­en­tists, X (Syd­ney, not L.A.) va­ri­ety plus a slight touch of Mud­honey.

Freaks - Freaks

An un­re­lent­ing storm of raw KBD-meets-ston­er punk kicked loose by the Freaks of Philadel­phia, en­forced with loads of hard­core propul­sion. Starts out kin­da like an amal­ga­ma­tion of ear­ly Milk Mu­sic or Di­nosaur Jr. with Every­thing Falls Apart-era Hüsker Dü, then set­tles in­to a mode that comes across like a mix of Tarantüla/​Cülo, Fried Egg, a hint of Launch­er and some added sludge and death rock vibes, the lat­ter re­mind­ing me of Be­ta Boys.

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The Resource Network & Big Hog - Split 7"

This al­ready marks the sec­ond time these two bands from In­di­anapo­lis are pool­ing their, um… re­sources for a split re­lease - this time it's a 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records. Not on­ly is the record­ing qual­i­ty a lit­tle bit less rough than last time; both bands have al­so sig­nif­i­cant­ly di­ver­si­fied their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary.
The Re­source Net­work al­ter­nate be­tween smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Ura­ni­um Club & Yam­mer­er va­ri­ety, a post punk/-core thingy you could imag­ine as a weird mix of Rites Of Spring and ear­ly Sloven­ly, and fi­nal­ly a straight punk rock­er ra­di­at­ing a Launch­er-style KBD Vibe.
Quite a bit of the lat­ter you can al­so find on Big Hog's side and there's less of a hard­core edge to their new songs - in­stead you'll find a wild post punk ride you might de­scribe as Pat­ti-meet-ear­ly-Min­ute­men, sur­round­ed by two blasts of noise punk re­sem­bling what Lumpy & The Dumpers could have sound­ed like on some sort of sludge/​doom trip.

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