The Worms - Back To The Bog

This Lon­don trio de­liv­ers some new high qual­i­ty bursts of de­cid­ed­ly crude garage punk with a clear post punk edge. Ad­mir­ers of bands like Con­stant Mon­grel, Ex Cult, Tyvek, Use­less Eaters or Shark Toys will know to ap­pre­ci­ate this.

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Shit Blimp - A Groundbreaking Standard of the Genre

On their re­cent EP some Cleve­land, Ohio based group serves us ten flaw­less­ly ex­e­cut­ed deep brown pud­dles of filthy and con­ta­geous hard-/noisec­ore, boiled down to less than ten min­utes of quirky, messy joy.

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Constant Insult - History In Shorthand

Whoa… didn't re­al­ly ex­pect to hear from those Min­neapo­lis folks again, as five years have al­ready passed since their strong de­but EP. On their first long play­er we get more of that stuff - times 10, thanks to no­tice­ably re­fined songcraft and force­ful per­for­mances. This is plain old un­pre­ten­tious, melod­ic Punkrock with a clear ear­ly 90's bent at its very best. Kin­da like a Fu­sion of Day­light Rob­bery and Su­per­chunk, but you might al­so hear some Echoes of Jaw­break­er, Sami­am, even a very slight trace of Leather­face every now and then…

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Hank Wood and the Hammerheads - Use Me 7"

New record­ed ma­te­r­i­al by Hank Wood & his crew has be­come a some­what rare oc­curence in re­cent years… but when­ev­er some new tunes crop up, you're in­stant­ly re­mind­ed why you fell in love with his soul-in­fused Garage Punk in the first place - more than ever, i'd say. Song­writ­ing and arrange­ments are just as spot-on here as we've seen on past re­leas­es, pro­pelled for­ward by ra­zor sharp per­for­mances. Those ham­mers keep hit­ting every nail with im­pres­sive pre­ci­sion.

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Signal - Love w/​o Moisture

On their sec­ond EP, New York punks Sig­nal brew up a strong po­tion con­sist­ing of raw noise-/fuzz punk and post punk/-core. To me it sounds a bit like an amal­ga­ma­tion of ear­li­er Lié and Lit­tly Ug­ly girls, but al­so con­tains quite some of the rough, garagey vibes sim­i­lar to Warp or Vexxx.

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Chubby & The Gang - Speed Kills

No rock­et sci­ence on Chub­by & The Gang's de­but al­bum, just the plain old melod­ic punk rock schtick. But boy, is that some re­al­ly fuck­ing good stuff. '77 catchy­ness is in­ject­ed with loads of hard­core en­er­gy and giv­en a rough garage sur­face. Kin­da like Boo­ji Boys record­ed in high fi­deli­ty.

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Vangas - Dog Walker /​ Waltz In E Minor

At­lanta noise rock­ers Van­gas stay beau­ti­ful­ly un­con­ven­tion­al on their new 7" via Chun­klet. On the A-side, a slow-burn­ing groove creeps along to­ward an in­evitable erup­tion at its mid­point, where shit fi­nal­ly gets weird. The even more un­pleas­ant B-side then re­minds me quite a bit of their Port­land noise rock con­tem­po­raries Mar­riage + Can­cer or cana­di­ans Near­ly Dead.

Gunky - Ectoplastic

This de­but EP by Philadel­phia band Gunky is kind of an odd and de­li­ciois bas­tard of (post-)punk and noise, bold­ly plun­der­ing its way through large por­tions of un­der­ground punk his­to­ry. I think i hear some echoes of MX-80 and mid-eight­ies Son­ic Youth, The Men­tal­ly Ill and of ear­ly Sac­cha­rine Trust's pro­to post­core. In oth­er mo­ments, their sound re­minds me of more re­cent bands, the likes of like Pat­ti or Plax.

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Maximum Roach - Dry Rot

This group, prob­a­bly from Phoenix, Ari­zona, sets up some chem­i­cal­ly un­sta­ble noise punk shit weld­ed to a garagecore rock­et dri­ve ready to blow up in your face. At times you might feel pleas­ant­ly re­mind­ed of acts like Beast Fiend, Anx­i­ety, Bo Gritz or Mys­tic Inane.

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Punter - Demo

An­oth­er batch of awe­some garage punk with an oc­ca­sion­al hard­core edge from the ever re­li­able mel­bourne scene. At times, Punter's mu­sic has a fran­tic qual­i­ty rem­i­nis­cent of Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters, com­bined with the slight­ly more ground­ed garage sound of Civic or ear­li­er Vaguess, with the latter's pop in­stincts as well as some Pist Id­iots-style dra­ma boil­ing over at the EP's most an­themic mo­ment, A Minute's Si­lence.

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