Grimly Forming & Rolex - Split

This spec­tac­u­lar new split LP fi­nal­ly brings us new ma­te­r­i­al of two Los An­ge­les Groups - both of 'em stub­born­ly re­fus­ing to con­form to the es­tab­lished rules and con­ven­tions of hard­core punk - af­ter a cou­ple years lack­ing any "prop­er" re­lease from both groups.

Rolex come across as pow­er­ful as ever in their un­pre­dictable and in­ven­tive-as-fuck post­core at­tacks which on one hand con­tain echoes of a cou­ple of fair­ly re­cent acts like Mys­tic Inane, Big Bop­per, Brandy, Launch­er and ear­ly Pat­ti, while al­so be­ing mod­er­ate­ly in­debt­ed to the likes of Min­ute­men, Dicks and ear­ly Sac­cha­rine Trust (whose first LP Sur­viv­ing You, Al­ways is in des­per­ate need for a reis­sue god­dammit… a crim­i­nal­ly over­looked clas­sic of ear­ly post­core, years ahead of the curve if you ask me). Add to that oc­ca­sion­al flash­es of cow­punk, in­fused with some Lumpy & The Dumpers-style may­hem chan­neled in­to an off-the-rails vo­cal per­for­mance and the re­sult is pure weird­core bliss, leav­ing no doubt they re­main the right­ful rulers of their par­tic­u­lar sub­genre for now.

Grim­ly Forming's side then mounts a way rougher, yet no less smart and un­con­ven­tion­al at­tack on the sens­es, coun­ter­bal­anc­ing un­re­lent­ing force with plen­ty of elab­o­rate struc­tures to build on and a healthy dose of garage-y un­der­cur­rent to keep things go­ing smooth and fun all the way through.

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Unsheather - Demo

File un­der: Poi­son Ruïn and their af­ter­math… Un­sheather from Belling­ham, Wash­ing­ton tack­le the aes­thet­ics of end­less strug­gle fa­cil­i­tat­ed by heavy ar­mor and weapon­ry from much more of a raw hard­core an­gle - less epic and way more prim­i­tive and un­pol­ished, which is prob­a­bly a good strate­gic start­ing point any­way in this still kin­da ear­ly phase of the on­go­ing dun­geon punk saga as the eleb­o­rate at­mos­pher­ic epics of genre's supreme over­lords will sure take a good while to find a wor­thy chal­lenger. Un­til then, i'm glad to sa­vor any bit of grim, me­dieval-themed axe-wield­ing fun along the way and Un­sheather are an ex­cel­lent choice for that!

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Showroom Dummies - Showroom Dummies

This lat­est EP by this Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba group treats us to four ex­cel­lent blasts on the rougher end of the garage-/fuzz-/synth punk spec­trum, ham­mered home by a com­plete­ly un­hinged mad­man vo­cal per­for­mance. This EP is a safe-bet crowd­pleas­er guar­an­teed to de­light con­noiseurs of shit á la The Gobs, 3D and the Holo­grams, Ghoulies, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings and Fac­to­ry City Chil­dren, con­clud­ing in a ful­ly charged burst of hard­core punk evok­ing fur­ther com­par­isons to groups such as Witch Piss, Spewed Brain and Ge­o­duck Diodes.

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Assistert Sjølmord - Assistert Sjølmord

Hard­core punk from Oslo, Nor­way that sticks out with some rough garage edge to their cer­tain­ly sim­ple and straight­for­ward, yet un­doubt­ed­ly el­e­gant and well-bal­anced punk at­tacks and the undi­lut­ed fury trans­port­ed by a thor­ough­ly caf­feinat­ed front­woman. All in all, this shit hits me kin­da like a more stripped-down, fast-and-loose play­ing vari­ant of swedish heavy hit­ters Vidro, fused with a gen­er­ous dose of Judy and the Jerks.

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Subdued - Abattoir

Fu­ri­ous an­ar­cho punk from Lon­don that re­fus­es to be neat­ly filed away in a sin­gle genre crate, which is al­ways the most thrilling kind of punk shit any­way. Record­ed at New York's D4MT Labs, this does in­deed share some of the hall­marks of that par­tic­u­lar place's most well known ex­port Kalei­do­scope and, to a less­er ex­tent, Straw Man Army, while al­so ex­pos­ing some over­tones of the wider left-field am­bi­tious hard­core spec­trum with the likes of ear­ly Bad Breed­ing, Acrylics and Day­dream be­ing some of the names com­ing to mind at first glance.

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Criminal - Duke Of Oi!

Not kid­ding, this is some hon­est to god oi! shit right there yet this stuff al­so couldn't be more far re­moved from what you'd nor­mal­ly ex­pect out of the genre, al­so mark­ing a sharp de­par­ture from this Los An­ge­les group's (rather un­re­mark­able, if you ask me) ear­li­er out­put. Rather, this record strikes me as an­oth­er wel­come ad­di­tion to the small but grow­ing canon of the emerg­ing dun­geon punk bub­ble, kin­da like what a sim­pli­fied Poi­son Ruïn might sound like if they di­aled down the post punk and went all-in on the oi! el­e­ments. Add to that a singer who seems to chan­nel some sort of al­ter­nate-re­al­i­ty true met­al Frankie Stubbs clone and what you get is a new fa­vorite batch of tunes for crush­ing the world's in­jus­tuces with right­eous anger and prim­i­tive, blunt weapon­ry.

Geoduck Diodes - Must Fry All Planets!

Now that's some wild shit from Tübin­gen, Ger­many. Break­neck speeds meet ex­treme­ly catchy hooks and melodies, com­ing to­geth­er in a buz­z­saw au­dio aes­thet­ic that sits un­com­fort­ably wedged right inb­wte­ween the son­ic worlds of equal­ly melod­ic and ec­cen­tric hard­core acts such as Hip­py­fuck­ers, Every­one Is Alone Some­times, Pink Gui­tars and the more garage-/egg-lean­ing high-speed punk at­tacks of The Gobs, Exwhite, Spewed Brain, Witch Piss or 3D & The Holo­grams.

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RONi - Fast! Loud!

Yeah, it's yet an­oth­er record by that omi­nous fig­ure which i'm just gonna call "that In­di­ana dude" from here on 'cos he al­so goes by a ton of oth­er pseu­do­nyms which i'm not gonna bore you with this time. You know what to ex­pect and he de­liv­ers once again - that means more of these min­i­mal­ist but pre­cise and dead­ly blows on a slid­ing scale be­tween hard­core- and garage punk. If anything's chang­ing with this dude's mu­sic, it's that his records just keep get­ting bet­ter!

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Disciplina Limitar - Yo tambi​é​n yo no

This group based in Al­i­cante and Va­len­cia, Spain (pre­vi­ous­ly al­so known as Dis­li on their first EP) cer­tain­ly has upped their game on their newest EP via Flex­i­dis­cos, on which com­par­a­tive­ly sim­plis­tic bursts of hard- and post­core al­ter­nate with more elab­o­rate post punk con­struc­tions - you nev­er know what's gonna hap­pen just one song lat­er. All the while, songs like the über-hymn Glamur In­te­ri­or skill­ful­ly coun­ter­bal­ance that trait with plen­ty of catchy melod­ic un­der­cur­rent and there's even a touch of Wire-es­que psy­che­delia on the clos­ing track Calam­bre Ex­quis­i­to. The open­ing track, on the oth­er hand, has a bit of a Sauna Youth vibe to it while over­all, you might catch some echoes of bands like Pyrex, Waste Man, Sieve­head, Tube Al­loys, Cork­er, Rank/​Xerox or Crim­i­nal Code.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mobile - Demo

A new re­lease on Deluxe Bias, the glob­al leader in glo­ri­ous­ly shit-sound­ing cas­settes of usu­al­ly neg­li­gi­ble run­ning time. And here we have yet an­oth­er per­fect ex­am­ple of three max­i­mal­ly blown-out fuzz-laden hard­core punk tracks record­ed with just about the min­i­mum amount of fi­deli­ty to make the as­sess­ment that this shit fuckin' rips. Plus, i think that shit couldn't sound any more per­fect than this!