Busted Head Racket - Go! Go! Go!

An­oth­er qual­i­ty re­lease from that bas­tion of off-kil­ter punk and noise, Er­ste Theke Ton­träger. Bust­ed Head Rack­et is a group based in New­cas­tle, Aus­tralia cen­ter­ing around vo­cal­ist /​ mul­ti-in­stru­men­tal­ist Ar­den Guff and in the past year has al­ready made waves with a num­ber of EPs, com­pi­la­tion ap­pear­ances and split re­leas­es. Their long-play­ing de­but now de­liv­ers an­oth­er strong batch of odd lit­tle tunes of dis­tinct­ly egg-ish qual­i­ties which man­age to come across as equal­ly catchy, quirky, rough and en­er­gic, kin­da com­bin­ing the traits of, say, Bil­liam and the hard­core at­tack of last year's Snoop­er LP, with fur­ther par­al­lels to be drawn to such acts as Slimex, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Set-Top Box and Ghoulies.

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Klint - Somebody Cut Out My Brain

As thrilling and en­er­giz­ing as ever, this new dig­i­tal two-track sin­gle by Schleswig, Ger­many viking synth punk wiz­ard Klint. Lots of catchy trea­sure to be found in there if you can make it alive to the bot­tom of this filthy, rat-in­fest­ed spike pit. And yeah, thats no ex­ag­ger­a­tion here as es­pe­cial­ly the ti­tle track takes his one-of-a-kind odd­ball aes­thet­ics to a whole new lev­el of noisy and abra­sive depths while nev­er fail­ing to de­rive plen­ty of joy­ful de­light out of the process!

Molbo - Rettferdighetens Ridder /​/​ Kerozine - Living In A Nightmare

Two no­table, more or less dun­geon punk-ad­ja­cent re­leas­es have land­ed this week. First off, there's the de­but cas­sette of Oslo group Mol­bo who, on the sur­face, pri­mar­i­ly seem to draw in­flu­ences from that genre com­plex of eight­ies goth, death rock and post punk that's been so en vogue once again for the last decade or so. What sets them apart in that par­tic­u­lar niche though is a cer­tain whim­si­cal egg­punk aes­thet­ic, a sense of joy and fun not of­ten found in an oth­er­wise of­ten overky self-se­ri­ous genre, though ad­mit­ted­ly this can at times have an un­in­ten­tion­al­ly com­i­cal ef­fect as well.

Ip­swich, UK duo Kerozine then ap­proach a vague­ly dun­geon-es­que aes­thet­ic from a more straight­for­ward yet de­light­ful­ly noisy synth-/elec­tro punk an­gle that's every bit as dri­ving and hard-hit­ting as it's catchy, the best rea­son­ably re­cent com­par­isons i can come up with right now be­ing the likes of Spy­roids, O-D-EX, Drýsild­jö­full, Chan­nel 83, C57BL/​6, Ex­pose and Beef.

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Electric Prawns 2 - Hot Wheels /​ I'm Hooked /​ I Love Rock & Roll (I Love It)

Com­ing off their un­wieldy two-hour Lo-Fi garage-/post-/eg­g­punk mono­lith Prawn Sta­t­ic For Porn Ad­dicts from last year, the Mof­fat Beach, Aus­tralia based group re­turns with a cou­ple of com­par­a­tive­ly Mid-to-Hi­Fi sound­ing sin­gles and EPs. All three of them re­in­force my as­sess­ment that was al­ready ev­i­dent on their pre­de­ces­sor, name­ly that these folks just write kick­ass tunes, plain and sim­ple, which don't re­al­ly need to hide be­hind a wall of low fi­deli­ty gunk and grime and can be made to work in pret­ty much any shape and form. I like my things sound­ing kin­da scruffy and crum­my though and thank­ful­ly, here they pret­ty much hit the sweet spot con­cern­ing that.

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Nervous Tick and the Zipper Lips - The Monochromatic Mind Of… /​ More Monochromatic

Af­ter a some­what mixed bag of a cas­sette four years ago and a string of col­lab­o­ra­tion EPs with the likes of Eyes And Flies, Sci­ence Man and Ricky Hell, the newest al­bum and ac­com­pa­ny­ing ex­tend­ed play cas­sette of Buf­fa­lo, NY group Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips sees them re­turn­ing at their most fo­cused to date, their mix of post-, garage- and synth punk with just a slight hint of in­dus­tri­al com­ing across like a de­cent mid­dle ground be­tween, say, Droids Blood, Beef and The Spits - far from rein­vent­ing the wheel here but al­ways en­er­getic, catchy and ef­fec­tive.

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iPad Baby - TradCath Terrorists

iPad Ba­by of Glass­boro, New Jer­sey first came to my at­ten­tion with a fun lit­tle de­but EP last fall but their newest EP/mi­ni-LP thingy is just a so much stronger, more con­sis­tent ef­fort in which they di­al the weird en­er­gy and cre­ativ­i­ty up to eleven, co­a­lesc­ing in­to a new lump of com­plete­ly off-the-rails in­san­i­ty sure to please dis­cern­ing fans of all kinds of oth­er un­med­icat­ed, beau­ti­ful train­wrecks in the realm of Egg-, Synth- and Garage Punk as done by the likes of Zoids, The Gobs, Ma­teo Man­ic, Prison Af­fair, Met­dog, Nuts or Nubot555, to name a few.

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Balaclava - The 1/​4 Inch Almanac

A buck­et­load of un­healthy sug­ary joy, the sec­ond EP by this NY act de­liv­er­ing a quirky and catchy mix of synth- and garage-, art- and egg­punk that skill­ful­ly and pre­cise­ly hits kind of a sweet spot in­be­tween the son­ic worlds of, say, Met­dog, Smirk and Cher­ry Cheeks, more or less. Good shit!

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Sex Mex - Cold, Not Cute

A new EP by the San An­to­nio, Texas group and as al­ways i'm hap­py to say that Sex Mex still sound very much like Sex Mex, their mix­ture of garage- and synth punk, noise- and pow­er pop trans­port­ing the aes­thet­ics of on­ly the most catchy and melod­ic ar­ti­facts out of the whole Reatard era. Re­li­able shit that doesn't try any­thing fun­ny and in­stead just de­liv­ers on the hooks!

The EP suf­fers from non-em­bed­d­a­ble band­camp dis­ease, but you can lis­ten to the whole thing over at their band­camp page.

The Gobs - The Gobs

New shit by these Olympia, Wash­ing­ton Lo-Fi punks and you kin­da know what's gonna hit you: More of that de­li­cious­ly blown out and catchy-as-fuck garage-/elec­tro/­fuzz punk de­men­tia for the mod­er­ate­ly de­sen­si­tized mind, hell­bent on dam­ag­ing your speak­ers, cor­rupt­ing your soul, spilling your booze and puk­ing on your car­pet. Very neg­a­tive in­flu­ence these kids, stay away!

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Spewed Brain - Spewed Brain

Fol­low­ing up on their much rougher, hard­core-lean­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Heart­throb EP of last year, Indiana's Spewed Brain take their sound in­to a catch­i­er, slight­ly egg-ish di­rec­tion on their new LP while stay­ing de­light­ful­ly fucked-up and un­pre­dictable, at dif­fer­ent times re­mind­ing me of groups as di­verse as, say, Trau­ma Har­ness, Print Head, Exwhite, The Gobs, Snoop­er, Rolex, Witch Piss or Slimex.

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