Showroom Dummies - Showroom Dummies

This lat­est EP by this Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba group treats us to four ex­cel­lent blasts on the rougher end of the garage-/fuzz-/synth punk spec­trum, ham­mered home by a com­plete­ly un­hinged mad­man vo­cal per­for­mance. This EP is a safe-bet crowd­pleas­er guar­an­teed to de­light con­noiseurs of shit á la The Gobs, 3D and the Holo­grams, Ghoulies, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings and Fac­to­ry City Chil­dren, con­clud­ing in a ful­ly charged burst of hard­core punk evok­ing fur­ther com­par­isons to groups such as Witch Piss, Spewed Brain and Ge­o­duck Diodes.

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Shament - Shament

An ef­fort­less­ly ass-kick­ing de­but EP from an Oslo, Nor­way group that runs the gamut from the buz­z­saw hard­core punk of the open­ing track Ri­tal­in­bjørn­er to break­neck-speed fuzzed-out garage punk in Laserkrieg, hav­ing some sim­i­lar en­er­gy to, say, The Gobs, Kid Chrome and S.B.F.. Stygg Be­bi then has some dis­tinct dun­geon-es­que egg­punk-meets-deathrock vibe rem­i­nis­cent of stuff like Pow­er­plant, Kerozine or fel­low nor­we­gians Mol­bo. The lat­ter ten­den­cy then cul­mi­nates in the clos­ing track Shament, a catchy an­them built from pure goth-y post punk ear can­dy lead­ing up to a some­what black met­al-ish con­clu­sion. Fuck me this is some strong shit!

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Seagate - Tapes Volume II

The sec­ond EP of this At­lantic Beach, Flori­da group de­lights with a whol­ly in­fat­u­at­ing make of sim­ple, com­pact and catchy garage- and fuzz punk good­ness that ac­tu­al­ly comes with some un­ex­pect­ed­ly var­ied col­lec­tion of vibes, at one point or an­oth­er chan­nel­ing qual­i­ties you might as­so­ciate with groups such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, New Berlin, Buck Biloxi, Set-Top Box, Spits, Die TV or Penance Hall.

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Jëg Hüsker - My Dawn Promo

The sec­ond EP by this Karl­sruhe, Ger­many group is al­so the first taste we're get­ting of an up­com­ing al­bum and just like their ex­cel­lent de­mo tape at the end of last year, this thing com­bines the grimy dun­geon-es­que garage vibes the group ob­vi­ous­ly in­her­it­ed from Thee Khai Aehm, whose mem­bers com­prise half of this group's line­up, with a dis­tinct flour­ish of pro­to punk prim­i­tivism, plen­ty of spaced-out psy­che­del­ic ex­cess á la late De­struc­tion Unit, some hard­core en­er­gy in Tear It Up and even some melod­ic flour­ish­es in My Dawn, while the clos­ing track Inte Mer Hem is noth­ing short of raw and sim­ple dun­geon punk per­fec­tion.

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Corpus Earthling - The Glove

Hav­ing put out a pair of al­ready quite im­pres­sive LPs in '22/'23, the third long­play­er of this Hamil­ton, On­tario act re­al­ly nails it this time. Fol­low­ing a brief iron­ic met­al-ish in­tro, right out of the gate The Glove ra­di­ates a vibe of MX-80, Chrome and Met­al Ur­bain plus just the slight­est touch of The Cramps. This is some first rate fuzz-/garage-/space punk shit right here, weird enogh to keep you on your toes yet al­so so­phis­ti­cat­ed enough to keep you en­gaged, with just the right amount of ear can­dy sprin­kled in like in Cor­pus Earth­ling Meets The Counter Cul­ture, where a well-worn catchy stan­dard punk riff gets the over-the top fuzz-ex­cess treat­ment. Oth­er times and es­pe­cial­ly in the first cou­ple of tracks, there's some weird Hawk­wind-goes-hair/glam met­al en­er­gy go­ing on. Just as well though, you might find sim­i­lar son­ic tex­ture in a dif­fuse clus­ter of cur­rent acts such as Zoids, Thee Hears­es, Monobur­ro, Ma­teo Man­ic, Mononeg­a­tives or Sil­i­con Heart­beat.

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Geoduck Diodes - Must Fry All Planets!

Now that's some wild shit from Tübin­gen, Ger­many. Break­neck speeds meet ex­treme­ly catchy hooks and melodies, com­ing to­geth­er in a buz­z­saw au­dio aes­thet­ic that sits un­com­fort­ably wedged right inb­wte­ween the son­ic worlds of equal­ly melod­ic and ec­cen­tric hard­core acts such as Hip­py­fuck­ers, Every­one Is Alone Some­times, Pink Gui­tars and the more garage-/egg-lean­ing high-speed punk at­tacks of The Gobs, Exwhite, Spewed Brain, Witch Piss or 3D & The Holo­grams.

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Brandon Monkey Fingers - Brandon Monkey Fingers

Bran­don Mon­key Fin­gers of St. John's, Cana­da feel kin­da out of place in this day and age and y'all know i'm a suck­er for that kind of shit. Their de­but al­bum cov­ers a son­ic range some­where in­be­tween old­school fuzz punk, '80s and '90s (pro­to-) grunge and in­die rock sea­soned with just a hint of sludge-y Am­phet­a­mine Rep­tile-style noise rock flour­ish­es. Among the old guard, you might con­sid­er U-Men and ear­ly Mud­honey among their spir­i­tu­al an­ces­tors or the rougher ends of the Se­badoh son­ic spec­trum. Of more re­cent ocur­rences, i'd name Dog Date and Hell­co as pos­si­ble ref­er­ences as well as ear­ly Pale An­gels or a less melod­ic Cal­i­for­nia X. Darth Vader's Bon­er car­ries a sim­i­lar vibe of garage-in­fused noise rock to The Cow­boy and Flat Worms. H.M.P. sounds a bit as if con­tem­po­rary noise rock­ers like Metz, John (timest­wo), Greys or Van­gas got im­bued with heavy over­tones of Angst-es­que psych folk while Nor­bit has quite some Di­nosaur Jr. and Cloud Noth­ings en­er­gy un­der the hood on its way to a '90s Weez­er-es­que melod­ic con­clu­sion.

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Indenadfin - Sin miedo al éxito

This chilean group or so­lo project just put out a kick­ass EP mande up of sim­ple and ef­fec­tive shit-fi garage punk rip­pers that kin­da ap­pear pre­des­tined for a re­lease on Good­bye Boozy (not say­ing that's gonna hap­pen, on­ly that it should) where it would fit com­fort­ably in­be­tween the col­lect­ed in­san­i­ties by the likes of 208, Zoids and Sil­i­con Heart­beat.

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The Gobs - Pop Off

What new things are there to say about yet an­oth­er Gobs EP? It's the moth­er­fuckin' Gobs for fuck's sake and few oth­er bands have per­fect­ed the for­mu­la for blown-out and dumb lo-fi fuzz punk in­san­i­ty, equal­ly un­re­lent­ing and catchy, as well as this Olympia, Wash­ing­ton group. A league of their own, re­al­ly.

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Monda - Stiff Jumbo

The newest of a, to be per­fect­ly hon­est, fuck­ing in­pen­e­tra­ble amount of re­leas­es which have ac­cu­mu­lat­ed on this To­towa, New Jer­sey group's band­camp page over the past few years, de­liv­ers a pure spec­ta­cle of short and catchy lit­tle tunes with a max­i­mum length of ex­act­ly one minute, fir­ing off four­ty tracks in­be­tween the co­or­di­nates of garage punk, pow­er pop, old­school in­die rock and fuzz punk in well un­der half an hour. The whole thing makes me think of a cou­ple of 1980s DIY punk and in­die rock land­marks like the ear­ly works of Guid­ed By Voic­es, Fast­backs and M.O.T.O. just as much as a cou­ple more re­cent bands like Boo­ji Boys, Print Head, Vaguess and Datenight.

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