Awful - 4 Songs

Speak­ing of Deluxe Bias… here's the newest cas­sette of minis­cule run­time from that Wyoming la­bel spe­cial­iz­ing in ex­act­ly that one kind of thing. An­oth­er com­plete­ly blown-out as­sault on the sens­es walk­ing a thin line be­tween ul­tra-rough LoFi fuzz-, garage- and egg­punk re­sult­ing in some ex­quis­ite may­hem which may plau­si­bly get de­scribed as a cu­ri­ous blend of the likes of Print Head, Warm Bod­ies, Snoop­er and Fugi­tive Bub­ble.

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Delta 8 - Greased Lightning

An awe­some de­but cas­sette by this group out of Athens, Geoar­gia, de­liv­er­ing a sal­vo of fuzzed out tunes on the in­ter­sec­tion of hard­core- and KBD-soaked garage punk. While at times re­sem­bling the noise-laden out­put of groups á la Lumpy and the Dumpers, Soup­cans and Black But­ton i think this stuff would fit equal­ly well with­in the cat­a­logs of LoFi spe­cial­ist cas­sette la­bels Im­po­tent Fe­tus and Deluxe Bias, hav­ing a sim­i­lar sham­bol­ic en­er­gy in com­mon with acts like Sep­tic Yanks, C-Krit, ear­ly Elec­tric Chair, Exxxon and Mo­tor Corp.

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No Brains - Cheap Shot /​/​ The Celebrities - Redd Karpet

Two out­stand­ing re­leas­es rolled in this week dab­bling in un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly old­school aes­thet­ics, both pre­vail­ing in their own way by fair­ly dif­fer­ent means. No Brains from Utrecht, Nether­lands present an un­com­pro­mis­ing­ly straight­for­ward blend of time­less garage punk and ear­ly eight­ies, some­what hard­core- and KBD-ad­ja­cent nois­es. I give this shit 0/​10 stars for orig­i­nal­i­ty and 20/​10 stars for sheer un­re­lent­ing force. That av­er­ages out to an ac­tu­al 10/​10 record, mind you. You think oth­er­wise? That's 'cos you suck at math dude, deal with it.
Al­so plen­ty of garage ac­tion, al­though with more of a '77 and pow­er pop vibe, is what we get on a brand new EP by Cal­i­for­nia group The Celebri­ties via US garage punk bul­wark To­tal Punk. A bit more re­laxed tem­po-wise but these are per­fect­ly fun and catchy lit­tle tunes with some pro­nounced Dead Boys-meet-Dick­ies en­er­gy goin' on here, mak­ing for an ex­quis­ite sug­ar rush of an ad­mit­ted­ly, at times, kin­da cheesy qual­i­ty which thank­ful­ly al­ways gets coun­tered by way an ex­pert­ly craft­ed wall of fuzz. I give it a 11/​10 for all the glitz, glam­our and star pow­er. Maths man, noth­ing we can do about it.

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The Gobs - The Gobs

New shit by these Olympia, Wash­ing­ton Lo-Fi punks and you kin­da know what's gonna hit you: More of that de­li­cious­ly blown out and catchy-as-fuck garage-/elec­tro/­fuzz punk de­men­tia for the mod­er­ate­ly de­sen­si­tized mind, hell­bent on dam­ag­ing your speak­ers, cor­rupt­ing your soul, spilling your booze and puk­ing on your car­pet. Very neg­a­tive in­flu­ence these kids, stay away!

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RONi - Demo

Oh look, it's that mys­te­ri­ous dude again who al­so goes by such names as Zhoop, Djinn, Night­man, Feed, Brun­dle and even more dis­guis­es i can't re­call right now. As usu­al he does ex­act­ly one thing on here and he gets it right every sin­gle time - five ex­cel­lent no-frills min­i­mal­ist det­o­na­tions on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage-, hard­core- and fuzz punk.

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Jëg Hüsker - Demo!

Ex­cel­lent new shit by a group from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many fea­tur­ing, as far as i can tell, the two mem­bers of Thee Khai Aehm. There are par­al­lels to be drawn to that group, es­pe­cial­ly con­cern­ing the heavy dun­geon-es­que vibe of which much is re­tained here as well, but over­all i'd say this group's garage- and fuzz punk sound is a dif­fer­ent kind of beast al­to­geth­er, in­volv­ing way high­er ve­loc­i­ties and more styl­is­tic va­ri­ety. The open­er has some pri­mal pro­to punk en­er­gy to it while the melod­i­cism of As Loud As Me re­minds me of ear­ly No Age or Wavves. Give Me Beat ven­tures deep in­to hard­core ter­ri­tor­ry and clos­ing track Fo­mo Boy is a force­ful blast of clas­sic dun­geon punk ex­cess. Well… if the word "clas­sic" even has any mean­ing for a genre this young. What­ev­er, there's no use ar­gu­ing with this kind of fury.

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Gremlin - 1-800-GREMLIN

Lux­u­ry new fod­der for garage- and egg­punk afic­i­na­dos by this Cin­ci­nati, Ohio group. Soft Vi­o­lence and Why Fight res­onate the quirky mad­ness of groups like Prison Af­fair, Nuts, Beer, Cher­ry Cheeks and Pringue but ex­tend that aes­thet­ic with a dis­tinct psy­che­del­ic feel trans­port­ed main­ly through the poly­phon­ic vo­cals here. The lat­ter ten­den­cies are al­so leav­ing their mark on Null Fu­ture, which ex­pert­ly treads in old­school garage punk ter­ri­to­ry re­sult­ing in a vibe á la Mononeg­a­tives with a more purist fuzz punk edge. Clos­ing track It Goes On, then, close­ly re­sem­bles the kraut-y psy­ched-out post punk vibes of fel­low Cincin­nati groups The Drin and The Serfs, sug­gest­ing some of the same folks might be at work here.

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Busted Head Racket & Billiam - Genetic Southern Hemisphere Christmas

Two cur­rent pow­er­hous­es of weirdo garage- and synth punk join forces for this neat new lit­tle EP and guess what: It sounds ex­act­ly like you'd ex­pect and all i can fur­ther say is what the fuck is not to like about that propo­si­tion? The shit rules!

Rifle - Under Two Flags

Last year's de­mo by this Lon­don group has been a thor­ough­ly pleas­ant oc­curence al­ready and their newest EP even packs con­sid­er­ably more of that same kind of punch, their mix of noise-heavy post­core and garage-lean­ing fuzz punk at times com­ing across like a vari­ant of Hot Snakes or Obits with more of a melan­cholic un­der­cur­rent which al­so kin­da re­minds me a lot of Wymyns Prysyn, with fur­ther cred­i­ble com­par­isons to be made to acts such as As­cot Stab­ber, Cri­sis Man, Ze­ro Bars, Beast Fiend and Mys­tic Inane.

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Pleaser - Pleaser

Fol­low­ing up on their in­cred­i­ble 2021 de­mo, this Copen­hagen group de­liv­ers an equal­ly ex­cit­ing de­but full length. On one hand, this sounds vague­ly fa­mil­iar as the lo­cal leg­ends Low­er and (ear­ly) Iceage have sure left their mark on Pleaser's mu­sic - hav­ing a sim­i­lar ap­peal of larg­er-than-life dra­ma tan­gled up in chaot­ic and emo­tion­al no-holds-barred per­for­mances - in ad­di­tion to less­er known Copen­hagen groups like Melt­ing Walk­men, Echo Peo­ple and Spines. But then again, Pleas­er to­tal­ly hold their own ow­ing to top-notch song sub­stance and plen­ty of neat lit­tle sur­pris­es like some black met­al flour­ish­es in the in­stru­men­tal The World Says Its Name, Mor­ri­cone stylings and a Mur­der­er-es­que psy­che­del­ic cow­punk haze in Dri­ve of Dis­tress while Light and Fire and This Is How I Die have some dis­tinct Poi­son Ruïn vibes to them. Last but not least, in The Dream, a good bit of Rites of Spring, Dag Nasty col­lides with some 90s Leather­face or Sami­am vibes as well as some­what younger noise pop acts á la Star Par­ty, Times Beach, No Age, Male Bond­ing or Joan­na Grue­some.

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