Five Bucks - Go Skate /​ H82W8

This Varese, Italy group fol­lows up a fun de­mo from two years ago with an even stronger dig­i­tal two-track sin­gle. Go Skate evokes the pound­ing elec­tro punk aes­thet­ics of, say, Spy­roids, Freak Genes, O-D-EX or the most re­cent Shrudd EP. H82W8 then has more of a fluffy garage pop vibe much in the vein of groups such as Slimex, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Ghoulies, Gee Tee and Bust­ed Head Rack­et, among many oth­ers.

Beer - Beer I

For our week­ly dose of egg-re­lat­ed brain­fuck, some dude or group from Charleston, South Car­oli­na is vol­un­teer­ing and they've brought beer with them, nice! Though not ex­act­ly rein­vent­ing the wheel here, this is an­oth­er rock sol­id new pack­age of quirky funky lo-fi garage pop good­ness that fans of shit á la Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nuts, Eu­gh or Pringue are guar­an­teed to have a mas­sive ball with.

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Tee Vee Repairman - What's On TV

Not long af­ter the re­cent 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records we get the first LP of Sydney's Tee Vee Re­pair­man on that oth­er garage punk pow­er­house la­bel To­tal Punk. As you might've guessed this is an­oth­er juicy treat of sim­ple and stu­pid melod­ic garage punk and pow­er pop de­light well suit­ed for fans of shit like Bad Sports, Tom­my and the Com­mies and Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys while of the dude's own oth­er projects, you might be most re­mind­ed of a sug­ar-coat­ed ver­sion of Sa­tan­ic To­gas or re­cent R.M.F.C..

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Légumes Sex - LPette

An over­flow­ing buck­et of joy, the newest LP(ette) by some duo from Mon­treuil, France, gen­er­at­ing a mix­ture melod­ic of garage punk, old­school in­die rock, fuzz- and jan­gle pop re­mind­ing me of a di­verse group of more-or-less re­cent acts á la Dumb Punts, Woolen Men, Her­met­ic, Land­lines, The Ex­bats, Tape/​Off… or maybe a more down-to-earth P.S. I Love You, aswell as old in­die rock­ers of the Su­per­chunk, Archers Of Loaf va­ri­ety. This record serves as a per­fect re­minder that you don't need to stage a huge spec­ta­cle if you just de­liv­er on the melodies that stick.

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Private Lives - Private Lives

This mon­tre­al group's de­but EP de­lights with a batch of fair­ly melod­ic, sim­ple-and-ef­fec­tive lit­tle smash­ers in the realm of garage pop, fuzz- and post punk re­mind­ing me of a par­tic­u­lar clus­ter of groups from a few years ago in­clud­ing acts such as Fea­ture, Neg­a­tive Scan­ner, Slow­coach­es and UV-TV. Al­so, in Get Loose, there's a dis­tinct Wire vibe at play here and y'all know i'm a suck­er for that kind of shit.

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Mo Troper - MTV

Whoa, i didn't re­al­ly ex­pect that record to be this fuck­ing good - a hot con­tender for my fa­vorite pow­er pop record of 2022, plain and sim­ple. Like a cu­ri­ous eggfolk Res­onars or Be­vis Frond, these songs al­so ra­di­ate the melan­choly, dreamy vibes of Lost Bal­loons with lit­tle hints of ear­ly Guid­ed By Voic­es, Soft Boys, Hon­ey Radar or Woolen Men added to the mix for good mea­sure. The quirky and blown-out lo-fi aes­thet­ics sim­ply can't do any­thing to lessen the im­pact and beau­ty of the su­perb song­writ­ing chops on dis­play here.

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Ex-Gold - We Are Good

I al­most over­looked this beau­ty which ap­pears to have been out for a cou­ple months al­ready. Knoxville's Ex-Gold had put out a de­light­ful de­but EP in 2018, a cou­ple of whose songs have al­so been re-record­ed for this new one while the new tracks seam­less­ly con­tin­ue the ex­cel­lence of their de­but. That means more quirky pow­er­pop and garage punk with both a slight '77- and an old­school in­die rock touch. The best com­par­i­son i can come up with right now are UK wise­crack­ers Pro­to Id­iot but fans of stuff like Tom­my and the Com­mies, Bad Sports, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Sweet Reaper, Cor­ner Boys or Steve Adamyk Band should al­so get a kick out of this.

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Beta Máximo - Spain Vice

Span­ish garage pop­pers Be­ta Máx­i­mo al­ready left a rather pos­i­tive im­pres­sion on me with their cou­ple of fair­ly re­cent EPs but with this one, they're fi­nal­ly nail­ing it if you ask me, strik­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween snap­py garage punk and surf-in­fused pow­er pop - kin­da like a some­what less eggy, less lo-fi in­car­na­tion of Barcelona group Prison Af­fair.

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Toe Ring - Footage

A won­drous and strange lit­tle EP full of oth­er­world­ly garage-/pow­er-/fuzz pop from a Philadel­phia Duo. The tape starts out as if the in­sane pop qual­i­ties of, say, Boo­ji Boys or Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings col­lid­ed with the smart rhyth­mic post punk of Lithics, while the re­main­ing three songs then set­tle in­to a slight­ly more low-key kraut-lean­ing psy­che­del­ic groove, the likes of which you might sus­pect some­where in the lo-fi pop worlds of acts like Germ House, Far Cor­ners, Vi­o­lent Change, Hon­ey Radar or even ear­ly Woolen Men. Ex­cel­lent shit through­out.

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Alien Nosejob - Paint It Clear

Um… what mean­ing­ful thing is there left to say about a new Alien Nose­job record at this point? They kin­da come in two shapes: The grab bag style ones where Mr. Robert­son branch­es out in every di­rec­tion pos­si­ble and the hy­per­fo­cussed mono­cul­ture ones where he dou­bles down on a sin­gle genre - like his hard­core 7"s for ex­am­ple or that synth pop/​eurotrash 12" maxi a while ago. Well, this one's an­oth­er grab bag record and apart from that, it's just the plain old usu­al awe­some­ness we've all come to ex­pect from this dude who seems ut­ter­ly un­able to write a dull tune.

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