This al­ready marks the sec­ond time these two bands from In­di­anapo­lis are pool­ing their, um… re­sources for a split re­lease - this time it's a 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records. Not on­ly is the record­ing qual­i­ty a lit­tle bit less rough than last time; both bands have al­so sig­nif­i­cant­ly di­ver­si­fied their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary.
The Re­source Net­work al­ter­nate be­tween smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Ura­ni­um Club & Yam­mer­er va­ri­ety, a post punk/-core thingy you could imag­ine as a weird mix of Rites Of Spring and ear­ly Sloven­ly, and fi­nal­ly a straight punk rock­er ra­di­at­ing a Launch­er-style KBD Vibe.
Quite a bit of the lat­ter you can al­so find on Big Hog's side and there's less of a hard­core edge to their new songs - in­stead you'll find a wild post punk ride you might de­scribe as Pat­ti-meet-ear­ly-Min­ute­men, sur­round­ed by two blasts of noise punk re­sem­bling what Lumpy & The Dumpers could have sound­ed like on some sort of sludge/​doom trip.