Molbo - Rettferdighetens Ridder /​/​ Kerozine - Living In A Nightmare

Two no­table, more or less dun­geon punk-ad­ja­cent re­leas­es have land­ed this week. First off, there's the de­but cas­sette of Oslo group Mol­bo who, on the sur­face, pri­mar­i­ly seem to draw in­flu­ences from that genre com­plex of eight­ies goth, death rock and post punk that's been so en vogue once again for the last decade or so. What sets them apart in that par­tic­u­lar niche though is a cer­tain whim­si­cal egg­punk aes­thet­ic, a sense of joy and fun not of­ten found in an oth­er­wise of­ten overky self-se­ri­ous genre, though ad­mit­ted­ly this can at times have an un­in­ten­tion­al­ly com­i­cal ef­fect as well.

Ip­swich, UK duo Kerozine then ap­proach a vague­ly dun­geon-es­que aes­thet­ic from a more straight­for­ward yet de­light­ful­ly noisy synth-/elec­tro punk an­gle that's every bit as dri­ving and hard-hit­ting as it's catchy, the best rea­son­ably re­cent com­par­isons i can come up with right now be­ing the likes of Spy­roids, O-D-EX, Drýsild­jö­full, Chan­nel 83, C57BL/​6, Ex­pose and Beef.

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Leaking Head - Leaking Head

An­oth­er bomb has just dropped via Tetry­on Tapes. The pre­vi­ous EP Bet­ter Homes & Gar­dens by the Rochester, NY group was a per­fect­ly fun oc­ca­sion al­ready, al­beit one still kin­da strug­gling to seam­less­ly in­te­grate their old­school '70s/'80s met­al el­e­ments in­to their over­all aes­thet­ic. This new cas­sette rec­ti­fies this in part by way of a rough-as-fuck Lo-Fi sound that sim­ply fits them a lot bet­ter while their pow­ers of song con­struc­tion have un­doubt­ed­ly made plen­ty of progress as well, re­sult­ing in an un­for­giv­ing force that skill­ful­ly im­bues some of the most fu­ri­ous in­stances old­school hard­core grime and filth with a dis­tinct dun­geon punk note.

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Jëg Hüsker - Demo!

Ex­cel­lent new shit by a group from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many fea­tur­ing, as far as i can tell, the two mem­bers of Thee Khai Aehm. There are par­al­lels to be drawn to that group, es­pe­cial­ly con­cern­ing the heavy dun­geon-es­que vibe of which much is re­tained here as well, but over­all i'd say this group's garage- and fuzz punk sound is a dif­fer­ent kind of beast al­to­geth­er, in­volv­ing way high­er ve­loc­i­ties and more styl­is­tic va­ri­ety. The open­er has some pri­mal pro­to punk en­er­gy to it while the melod­i­cism of As Loud As Me re­minds me of ear­ly No Age or Wavves. Give Me Beat ven­tures deep in­to hard­core ter­ri­tor­ry and clos­ing track Fo­mo Boy is a force­ful blast of clas­sic dun­geon punk ex­cess. Well… if the word "clas­sic" even has any mean­ing for a genre this young. What­ev­er, there's no use ar­gu­ing with this kind of fury.

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Sun Children Sun - Bizarre Feverre

The lat­est LP by this Tokyo group, orig­i­nal­ly re­leased last year in Japan and now be­ing reis­sued by Bal­ti­more, Mary­land la­bel SPHC Records, kicks things off with not just one, but two max­i­mal­ly corny faux-or­ches­tral in­tros seagu­ing in­to a cheesy faux-met­al pas­tiche as if hell­bent on one-up­ping any of the re­cent dun­geon punk de­vel­op­ments. Then, the ac­tu­al fun starts in the form of equal­ly ba­sic but all the same un­pre­dictable and in­ven­tive hard­core punk bursts, the afore­men­tioned tongue-in-cheek dungeon/​metal flour­ish­es be­ing coun­ter­bal­anced by a free­wheel­ing cre­ative spir­it rem­i­nis­cent of, among oth­er things, ear­ly Crass! There's no use ar­gu­ing with this kind of in­san­i­ty, just em­brace the weird and en­joy the wild ride.

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TGRX - Turbo23

That's the dude from The Uglies bark­ing here, right? These aus­tralians' new EP ain't en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to the lat­ter group's out­put, push­ing the whole thing in­to a more quirky, ad­ven­tur­ous di­rec­tion though, fre­quent­ly hav­ing some Use­less Eaters or Know­so feel to it in ad­di­tion to quite a bit of musty dun­geon-es­que vibes through­out the whole thing.

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Dr​ý​sildj​ö​full - Verri en vondur

Just weeks af­ter their re­cent tape on Iron Lung Records here's a new one al­ready by this, pre­sum­ably, ice­landic group, this time again com­ing to us cour­tesy of dun­geon-/black­ened-/ex­per­i­men­tal spe­cial­ist la­bel Grime Stone Records and it's their strongest, most ful­ly re­al­ized one so far if you ask me. Take the rough specs and traits of black met­al, noisy synth-, hard­core- and elec­tro punk, com­ple­ment that un­re­lent­ing force with a slight­ly egg­punk-y aes­thet­ic that just seems a lit­tle too cute and quirky in face of all that grim­ness and you just might end up with some­thing sim­i­lar to what these folks are go­ing for.

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Ninja Sword - The Art Of Bone Smashing

On this Oslo group's de­but EP, an at­ti­tude and aes­thet­ic in­be­tween the worlds of egg- and dun­geon punk is giv­en a dis­tinct­ly far east­ern theme. In the con­text of a genre clus­ter that makes a point of mak­ing no fuck­ing sense, this makes about per­fect fuck­ing sense i'd say! Am i mak­ing any sense? Who cares, this shit is fun!

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Slogutis - Slogutis

An in­cred­i­bly self-as­sured de­but tape by a group from Vic­to­ria, Cana­da burst­ing on­to the scene ful­ly formed and ma­ture, bring­ing to life in­ven­tive, haunt­ing and elab­o­rate­ly con­struct­ed epics com­pact­ed in­to short, dense hard­core tracks in which they let on­ly the murki­est ten­den­cies of noisy hard-/post­core groups á la Acrylics, Vidro, ear­ly Bad Breed­ing col­lide with an over­all aes­thet­ic branch­ing out deep in­to the sup­pressed sub­con­scious, un­can­ny realms of death rock-/dun­geon re­lat­ed or oth­er­wise "black­ened" or met­al in­fused noise.

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Thee Khai Aehm - Bevvitched or Bevvildered

More weird-ass shit, as per­vert­ed and love­able as ever, by that garage dun­geon blues duo from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many who so far have made a dent or two with a cou­ple of EPs ap­proach­ing that whole "dun­geon" aes­thet­ic with a pro­nounced acid rock bent. Kin­da like old­school Oh Sees jam­mi­ness be­ing spiked with a gen­er­ous dose of ear­ly Strange At­trac­tor de­prav­i­ty in what ul­ti­mate­ly amounts to pret­ty much their own type of sur­re­al fever dream.

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Poison Ruïn - Härvest

In a some­what un­ex­pect­ed but, all things con­sid­ered, per­fect­ly sen­si­ble move, the Philadel­phia group on the cut­ting edge of the still kin­da vague­ly de­fined and de­vel­op­ing dun­geon punk genre re­lease their first full length ef­fort on the well es­tab­lished, rather met­al-lean­ing la­bel Re­lapse Records. Thank­ful­ly this has pre­cious lit­tle in­flu­ence on their sound, aes­thet­ics and pro­duc­tion val­ues, with their newest batch of songs even pre­sent­ing the group at their grit­ti­est and most Lo-Fi so far, their still ab­solute­ly sin­gu­lar, elab­o­rate son­ic con­structs made up of post- and garage punk, noise rock, post­core, a very slight hint of Oi! and on­ly the most an­cient in­gre­di­ents of pro­to- and old-old­school met­al re­main­ing ob­scured by in a thick lay­er of tape hiss all the time. Yeah, the whole thing sounds glo­ri­ous i got­ta say!

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