Molbo - Rettferdighetens Ridder /​/​ Kerozine - Living In A Nightmare

Two no­table, more or less dun­geon punk-ad­ja­cent re­leas­es have land­ed this week. First off, there's the de­but cas­sette of Oslo group Mol­bo who, on the sur­face, pri­mar­i­ly seem to draw in­flu­ences from that genre com­plex of eight­ies goth, death rock and post punk that's been so en vogue once again for the last decade or so. What sets them apart in that par­tic­u­lar niche though is a cer­tain whim­si­cal egg­punk aes­thet­ic, a sense of joy and fun not of­ten found in an oth­er­wise of­ten overky self-se­ri­ous genre, though ad­mit­ted­ly this can at times have an un­in­ten­tion­al­ly com­i­cal ef­fect as well.

Ip­swich, UK duo Kerozine then ap­proach a vague­ly dun­geon-es­que aes­thet­ic from a more straight­for­ward yet de­light­ful­ly noisy synth-/elec­tro punk an­gle that's every bit as dri­ving and hard-hit­ting as it's catchy, the best rea­son­ably re­cent com­par­isons i can come up with right now be­ing the likes of Spy­roids, O-D-EX, Drýsild­jö­full, Chan­nel 83, C57BL/​6, Ex­pose and Beef.

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Padkarosda - S​ö​t​é​t V​é​gek

On their newest, heav­i­ly pan­dem­ic-de­layed LP, Budapest's Pad­karos­da don't tweak their ex­ist­ing for­mu­la too much which is just fine - no need to fix what isn't bro­ken and that one thing they do, they still ex­cell at: craft­ing moody old­school post punk sound­scapes with that raw, pitch black all-con­sum­ing death rock vibe.

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Skeleton Glove - Skeleton Glove

Berlin group Skele­ton Glove have al­ready put out a bunch of demos, all of which suf­fered to a vary­ing ex­tent from their Lo-Fi pro­duc­tion val­ues, so it's nice to fi­nal­ly hear them in a sound that does their sheer son­ic force jus­tice. The re­sult is every bit as good as i could've hoped for, their ul­tra-pri­mal brand of post- and hard­core punk with flour­ish­es of death rock and garage nev­er fail­ing to hit where it hurts the most.

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Plataforma - La Equitativa

Once again Barcelona's scene is killing it! Platafor­ma man­age to do just that thanks to a beau­ti­ful­ly rough, DIY-as-fuck sound in the realm of dark-/post punk with a healthy dose of goth/​death rock doom & gloom. Cri­sis come to mind as well as the ear­ly 2010's Kopen­hagen scene - think Low­er and ear­ly Iceage - and some more re­cent stuff like britain's Dis­joy.

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