B.E.E.F. 39X - Man-Simulator 5

At first lis­ten, i can't help but think of the tex­an (neo) no wave/​chaotic noise rock con­nec­tion around bands like Flesh Narc, Gay Cum Dad­dies and a few oth­er projects shar­ing much of the same per­son­nel. How­ev­er, this band is from Philadel­phia, mak­ing any as­so­ci­a­tion with those rather un­like­ly. Al­so, on clos­er in­spec­tion, their sound and songs come across a lot more struc­tured, com­pared with the kin­da se­mi-im­pro­vised feel of the Den­ton scene's out­put. Sound­wise, this is some­what less in the no wave camp, lean­ing more in­to the noise rock side of things and now that i'm think­ing of it… I al­so see quite some sim­i­lar­i­ties to their ge­o­graph­i­cal­ly much clos­er New York con­tem­po­raries Spray Paint and Big Neck Po­lice, as well as a hint of cana­di­an noise punks Sop­cans.

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Warm Exit - Demo

On their de­mo, Brus­sels out­fit Warm Ex­it come up with a flaw­less lit­tle dose of synth-en­hanced garage punk, al­ter­nate­ly re­mind­ing me of con­tem­po­rary genre pow­er­hous­es like Aus­muteants, Dumb, Erik Ner­vous or Pow­er­plant.

Krul - EP

The aus­tralian Scene al­ways finds new ways to sur­prise, some­times out­right baf­fle me. This time it's done by a mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of, among oth­ers, Kids Of Zoo, pro­found­ly un­set­tling my sense of ge­og­ra­phy by way of hav­ing their lyrics sung in japan­ese. Sound-wise, i'm re­mind­ed of more-or-less gloomy post punk stuff by acts like In­sti­tute, Diät, Crim­i­nal Code, Pret­ty Hurts or Acrylics - com­bined with some noisy and rough DIY punk in the vein of Lumpy & The Dumpers, Launch­er or Beast Fiend, as well as a faint echo of Hot Snakes.

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Super X - Super X

This tape by Mel­bourne group Su­per-X isn't ex­act­ly new stuff, but that shit is way to strong not to be men­tioned here. Wit­ness a son­ic spec­ta­cle un­fold, fus­ing the old garage-/pro­to punk fuzz of Fun House-era Stooges with spaced out vibes not un­like De­struc­tion Unit or ear­ly Tele­scopes, all the while drag­ging along with it some traces of con­tem­po­rary post punk.

Nag - Red Panda

It's busi­ness as usu­al for Atlanta's Nag on their newest EP, on which they're stay­ing clear of new ex­per­i­ments and bright ideas. I'm per­fect­ly fine with that. In­stead, their sound made from frag­ments of post-, fuzz- and noise punk once again man­ages to con­vince me, craft­ed in­to three rock sol­id songs that aren't even try­ing to look smarter than they ac­tu­al­ly are - and that's ex­act­ly why they work so well.

Acid & Eltern - Demo

In re­cent years, Cologne has de­vel­oped quite an im­pres­sive track record of folks putting on DIY garage shows, thus i al­ways won­dered why i didn't get to hear much in terms of lo­cal bands, even less in terms of record­ed ma­te­r­i­al. How­ev­er… Acid & El­tern are in­deed a band from Cologne and their first de­mo makes for a thor­ough­ly pleas­ing lis­ten. Record­ed in raw and fuzzy mono, I'd lo­cate their sound - among oth­ers - rough­ly in the realm of Ex-Cult, Use­less Eaters and the mud­dy LoFi-Aes­thet­ics of ear­ly Erik Ner­vous.

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Discovery - Demo

California's Dis­cov­ery de­liv­er an­oth­er two short but po­tent blasts of this par­tic­u­lar fu­sion be­tween blown out fuzzy hard­core & garage stuff that, in re­cent years, seems to be crop­ping up from every crack in the as­phalt, a fact i couldn't be more hap­py about.

Rancher - Pummeler

What we got here is twelve min­utes worth of min­i­mal­is­tic, un­com­pro­mis­ing DIY in­dus­tri­al noise/-punk shit by some duo from Riv­er Falls, Wis­con­sin. Be­ing more of a clue­less id­iot tourist in this par­tic­u­lar field, i'd de­scribe this as what a ful­ly elec­tron­ic vari­ant of Big Black might have sound­ed like. Or maybe draw par­al­lels to the more re­cent but com­pa­ra­bly min­i­mal­is­tic noise by Black Pus.

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Pink Guitars - We Are Made Of The Sun

Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, the sec­ond EP by this band from Buf­fa­lo, NY turns out to be an­oth­er high­ly con­cen­trat­ed dose of un­con­ven­tion­al, in­ven­tive and at times strik­ing­ly melod­ic hard­core fun, al­so ex­pand­ing its styl­is­tic ten­ta­cles in­to places of garage-, fuzz- and KBD style punk.

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Isolation - Isolation

Ba­si­cal­ly, this Fal­mouth, UK band's line up con­sists of lo­cal punks In­ter­nal Cred­it mi­nus one dude. Com­pared to the latter's rather straight­for­ward garage punk, Iso­la­tion roll out a some­what more rigid sound on their de­but EP, ex­pand­ing their sol­id garage foun­da­tion by a cer­tain post­core edge, bring­ing to mind Hot Snakes or Youth Avoiders, as well as melod­ic post punk acts like Red Dons, Day­light Rob­bery, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Ner­vosas and maybe some tiny traces of Wipers. What's not to like about that?

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