Lost Packages - Model Distortion Business Casual

Though large­ly re­flect­ing on cur­rent themes of our so­ci­ety be­ing over­whelmed with the tribu­la­tions and chal­lenges our ever chang­ing hi-tech world keeps throw­ing at us, the sounds on this NYC artist's most re­cent cas­sette feels more like a flash­back to the abra­sive, con­fronta­tion­al ear­ly days of late '70s /​ ear­ly '80s synth- and elec­tro punk, noise and pow­er elec­tron­ics ex­per­i­men­ta­tion in the vein of shit á la Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der, Scream­ers, Units or Min­i­mal Man - a noisy bas­tard more con­cerned with over­whelm­ing the sens­es than with nu­ance or fi­nesse while still com­ing across sur­pris­ing­ly catchy and hyp­not­ic most of the time.

Al­bum-Stream →

Youth Regiment - Youth Regiment

An­oth­er Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease, an­oth­er short and sweet burst of noisy, old­school-ish hard­core punk ap­proach­ing the genre from charm­ing­ly odd an­gles.

Al­bum-Stream →

Girls In Synthesis - Now Here's An Echo From Your Future

Af­ter re­leas­ing a true shit­load of EPs over the past few years and their sound show­ing a steady in­crease in ma­tu­ri­ty, it's re­al­ly no sur­prise that their de­but al­bum comes across as the most ac­com­plished batch of songs by this Lon­don group yet, their very own for­mu­la made up of post punk, noise rock and post­core el­e­ments fine-tuned and en­gi­neered in­to a smooth­ly run­ning, high pre­ci­sion ma­chine while still oc­ca­sion­aly ex­pand­ing their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary - like some Wire-meet-Big Black-isms in Set Up To Fail for ex­am­ple or the bleak doom­scapes á la ear­ly Uni­form in Hu­man Frailty.

Al­bum-Stream →

Rancher - Choke

An­oth­er tasty EP by this Riv­er Falls, Wis­con­sin elec­tro punk/-noise duo, on which they once again sound a bit like Big Black go­ing full elec­tro, then join­ing forces with Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors, armed with pow­er tools in­stead of gui­tars.

Al­bum-Stream →

Rancher - Pummeler

What we got here is twelve min­utes worth of min­i­mal­is­tic, un­com­pro­mis­ing DIY in­dus­tri­al noise/-punk shit by some duo from Riv­er Falls, Wis­con­sin. Be­ing more of a clue­less id­iot tourist in this par­tic­u­lar field, i'd de­scribe this as what a ful­ly elec­tron­ic vari­ant of Big Black might have sound­ed like. Or maybe draw par­al­lels to the more re­cent but com­pa­ra­bly min­i­mal­is­tic noise by Black Pus.

Al­bum-Stream →