Brain Bagz & Blood Bags - Split LP

Thor­oug­ly en­joy­able shit, this split LP on Big Neck Records.
Blood Bags from Auck­land, New Zee­land sure know how to trig­ger a de­li­cious­ly blown out garage-/fuzz-/s­ton­er punk ri­ot evok­ing com­par­isons to The Cow­boy and ear­ly The Men, com­plet­ing the fun with some raw stooges pow­er, strong Fun­house-es­que propul­sion.
Salt Lake City's Brain Bagz then pro­duce a Sound that feels close­ly re­lat­ed in spir­it and in its pri­mal en­er­gy, but casts a much wider net in its choice of in­flu­ences - start­ing off with a kin­da Cramps-meet-Scratch Acid vibe and sub­se­quent­ly tak­ing many cues from the 80s pro­to noise rock com­plex in­clud­ing the likes of No Trend, Flip­per, Live Skull.

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Tower 7 - Entrance To A Living Organism

From the same bou­tique New York noise man­u­fac­ture that has brought us, among oth­er things, the vig­or­ous and smart hard-/post­core of Kalei­do­scope, we're giv­en an­oth­er force of na­ture to deal with. The de­but al­bum by Tow­er 7 sure bears some re­sem­blance to the afore­men­tioned Kalei­do­scope but, by al­so tak­ing more than just a few cues from an­cient UK crust tra­di­tion, man­ages to de­liv­er a bunch of blows even more re­lent­less. Their tools of choice are ob­vi­ous­ly a bit more blunt, though equal­ly ef­fec­tive.

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Glen Schenau - Jhumble​/​​Jearnest 7"

Glen Schenau, oth­er­wise prob­a­bly best known as the Front­man of Bris­bane group Kitchen's Floor, has so far re­leased two EPs of bor­der­line-avant garde art rock, con­vinc­ing by virtue of its sheer weird­ness, marked by dis­so­nant, hy­per­ac­tive gui­tar strum­ming - kin­da like an out-of-tune funky al­ter­nate re­al­i­ty ver­sion of The Wed­ding Present - com­ple­ment­ed by crude pots-and-pans style per­cus­sion. On his newest 7", the lat­ter gives way to an ac­tu­al drum kit as well as a full band sound and as a whole this takes on a slight­ly less ex­per­i­men­tal, way more tan­gi­ble form on the fringes of post punk, noise rock and 90s in­die rock while re­tain­ing the quirky, in­ven­tive qual­i­ties of its pre­de­ces­sors. Melk­bel­ly-meets-Live Skull? Nah, not quite… but not too far off ei­ther.

DeStructos - Blast!

A flaw­less de­but EP by a Philadel­phia Duo, de­liv­er­ing four pre­ci­sion blows of a quite smart and ver­sa­tile mix­ture lo­cat­ed some­where in the con­tem­po­rary post­core-/noise rock-/post punk neigh­bor­hood and rem­i­nis­cent of such di­verse acts as Dash­er, Cutie, Donors, Lit­tle Ug­ly Girls, Hit Bar­gain, Street Eaters, Xe­tas.

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Qlowski - Ikea Youth /​ Grinding Halt

Some­what un­ex­pect­ed­ly on this Lon­don band's new 7", their sound takes a strong turn to­wards ear­ly 2010's scan­di­na­vian post punk, pret­ty much in be­tween the un­com­pro­mis­ing ear­ly Copen­hagen school (Low­er, Iceage, Echo Peo­ple…) and way more ac­ces­si­ble Acts like Holo­grams, RA. Al­so, Australia's Low Life might be a vi­able com­par­i­son. Then, on the B-Side they in­ject Cure's Grind­ing Halt with a slight hint of New Or­der, which al­so works quite ad­mirably.

Reality Group - Music For Fools Vol. 1

Af­ter hav­ing churned out an ex­cel­lent De­mo and a no less amaz­ing EP in '16/'17, it took a while for Melbourne's Re­al­i­ty Group to come up with their first full length, which makes up for the long wait with a no­tice­ably ma­tured - al­though, thank­ful­ly, in no way or form san­i­tized - set of tunes. This al­bum is every­thing you might have have hoped for from this band; a de­li­cious­ly quirky franken­stein brew made up of garage-, art- and post punk you sim­ply shoudn't miss out on if you have any affin­i­ty for shit in the vein of Pinch Points, Ura­ni­um Club, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Erik Ner­vous, Lithics or even ear­li­er Teenanger.

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Cells - First Second

As you prob­a­bly al­ready know, i'm a to­tal suck­er for pret­ty much any weird chunk of noise Min­neapo­lis dude awe­some Con­nie Voltaire re­leas­es in­to the wild, so while we're still wait­ing for new stuff of his best-known project Neo Neos (or maybe its ac­tu­al flesh-and-bones full-band in­car­na­tion Neo­types), an­oth­er batch of raw and blown-out farts re­leased un­der his hard­core punk al­ter ego Cells does an ad­mirable job at sat­is­fy­ing my ad­dic­tion in the mean­time.

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Psykik Vylence - Psykik Vylence /​/​ Erik Nervous - Bugs!

Af­ter last year's de­but LP with his Be­ta Block­ers pret­ty much blew everyone's socks and pants off, there's some new stuff out by one of con­tem­po­rary garage punk's most blaz­ing fig­ures. First, there's been a tape ear­li­er this year un­der the Psykik Vy­lence moniker, which sees him mess­ing around with a prop­er­ly raw as­sort­ment of hard­core punk sounds - the re­sults of which are just plain gor­geous. And then, there's a new dig­i­tal EP with him go­ing it so­lo again, just as was the case with Psykik Vy­lence. But with or with­out Be­ta Block­ers - he's do­ing what he's best known and loved for: Quirky and in­ven­tive Garage Punk with built-in ear­worm guar­an­tee, this time al­so in­clud­ing a pret­ty ob­scure choice for a cov­er ver­sion (no, i in­deed nev­er heard of Taste Test be­fore…) and an un­fin­ished - though to­tal­ly smash­ing - in­stru­men­tal clos­ing track with the promise of ac­tu­al vo­cals for it in the near fu­ture. Got­ta adore the shit out of this!

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Cement Shoes - A Love Story Of Drugs & Rock & Roll & Drugs 7"

IMHO, at this hour Ce­ment Shoes of Rich­mond, Vir­ginia are the cur­rent kings of the garagecore mi­cro genre, cou­pling a mas­sive amount of bor­der­line-sleazy rock'n'roll with an un­de­ni­ably hard­core kind of en­er­gy you will find in rel­a­tive­ly few oth­er groups - Cü­lo or their qua­si-suc­ces­sors Taran­tüla, Man Eaters come to mind as a some­what more hard­core-lean­ing com­par­i­son… just maybe. Or kin­da like aus­tralian sleaze-garage rock­ers Gold­en Pel­i­cans hav­ing a hard­core epiphany. On their newest 7" via the ever re­li­able british qual­i­ty out­let Drunk­en Sailor Records we get more of just that, while the clos­ing track Go­ing Off The Grid , a rather straight­for­ward, clas­sic garage tune, might or might not in­di­cate a fu­ture move away from hard­core speeds. But what­ev­er they're gonna do next, they're an ex­cit­ing act to keep both eyes on.

Still /​ Form - Still /​ Form

Isn't that the Mar­riage + Can­cer guy groan­ing his vo­cals? Yep, same guy. The mu­sic on this Port­land trio's first EP ain't all that dif­fer­ent ei­ther. Noise Rock of an ul­tra-clas­sic 90s va­ri­ety with a hint of math, pret­ty much in the mid­dle be­tween the more smar­tass Touch & Go and the more sludge- and met­al-affine Am­phet­a­mine Rep­tile uni­vers­es.

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