Bootlicker - How To Love Life 7"

An­oth­er ex­tend­ed play by these Van­cou­ver punks. You know what to ex­pect, they know how to de­liv­er. Six flaw­less erup­tions of old­school-ish, garage-doped no-frills hard­core punk.

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Girls In Synthesis - Now Here's An Echo From Your Future

Af­ter re­leas­ing a true shit­load of EPs over the past few years and their sound show­ing a steady in­crease in ma­tu­ri­ty, it's re­al­ly no sur­prise that their de­but al­bum comes across as the most ac­com­plished batch of songs by this Lon­don group yet, their very own for­mu­la made up of post punk, noise rock and post­core el­e­ments fine-tuned and en­gi­neered in­to a smooth­ly run­ning, high pre­ci­sion ma­chine while still oc­ca­sion­aly ex­pand­ing their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary - like some Wire-meet-Big Black-isms in Set Up To Fail for ex­am­ple or the bleak doom­scapes á la ear­ly Uni­form in Hu­man Frailty.

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Rancher - Choke

An­oth­er tasty EP by this Riv­er Falls, Wis­con­sin elec­tro punk/-noise duo, on which they once again sound a bit like Big Black go­ing full elec­tro, then join­ing forces with Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors, armed with pow­er tools in­stead of gui­tars.

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I Am The Fly - I Am The Fly 7"

Well… i like to dis­cour­age folks from mail­ing me phys­i­cal copies of stuff for good rea­son, since in most cas­es all this amounts to is a tremen­dous waste of mon­ey and nat­ur­al re­sources while dig­i­tal files are way eas­i­er to dis­pose of. How­ev­er, these sev­en inch­es of black PVC ar­riv­ing at my doorstep from a duo based not that far away from… said doorstep, has quite a bit of un­ex­pect­ed class - propul­sive synth punk in a man­ner you might cur­rent­ly as­so­ciate with the likes of Le Prince Har­ry, Clarko, Pow­er­plant or R. Clown, while those eng­lish lyrics straight from the Klaus Meine bar­gain bin just add to its kin­da cute & campy DIY charme.

Cells - They Drew First Blood

A new EP by Mae­stro Voltaire's sec­ond most pro­lif­ic project Cells. Need i say more? Sev­en more gems of glo­ri­ous­ly fucked up, blown out hard­core punk joy.

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Clock Of Time - Pestilent Planet

An­oth­er Berlin group whose mem­bers al­ready made some waves else­where in the 12XUniverse, name­ly in Bands like Diät, Aus­muteants or Vexx, al­though Diät cer­tain­ly are the clos­est match here in terms of sound - with a some­what more pro­nounced 80s death rock vibe, maybe. Al­so there's some sim­i­lar­i­ty to a slowed down in­car­na­tion of Pret­ty Hurts, Crim­i­nal Code or aus­tri­an col­leagues Red Gaze.

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Help - 2053

Their de­but EP a year ago al­ready was an ex­cel­lent rack­et, but what this group from Port­land (i think) pulls off on their new full length is just plain awe­some, a punchy as fuck piece of noise rock/​postcore bliss of the high­est cal­iber. Re­gard­ing their sound, they're cer­tain­ly root­ed in the present day, re­mind­ing me of acts like Tu­nic, Death Pan­els, John (timest­wo), USA Nails, Girls In Syn­the­sis. Athough this record doesn't ex­act­ly break new ground, as a genre piece - helped by every song hav­ing an elab­o­rate and ro­bust com­po­si­tion at its core - it suc­ceeds at every step along the way. A per­fect mael­strom of propul­sive rhythms, wicked bass grooves, in­fer­nal noise erup­tions and - as they al­ready show­cased ear­ly on their EP - a wise­ly mea­sured and thus ex­tra ef­fec­tive sense of melody, well ca­pa­ble of el­e­vat­ing all that dra­ma to the next lev­el.

Al­bum-Stream →

Keith Ival - Keith Ival

A beau­ti­ful so­lo EP of well-craft­ed, ul­tra-clas­sic old­school in­die rock that's just as much a throw­back to late 80's, ear­ly 90's strum­ming - rough­ly in the neigh­bor­hood of Se­badoh, ear­ly Eric's Trip and some echoes of the C86 gen­er­a­tion - as it is rem­i­nis­cent of more con­tem­po­rary stuff like Rat Columns, The Molds, Omi Palone or Ovlov.

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Vintage Crop - Serve To Serve Again

Con­sid­er­ing the Mel­bourne group's pre­vi­ous track record, i didn't ex­pect their third full length to be any­thing less than su­perb… and sur­prise: This is yet an­oth­er very strong record oc­cu­py­ing a spot of their own in this par­tic­u­lar niche at the junc­tion of play­ful smar­ty­pants garage-, post- and art punk. Wor­thy new pre­mi­um fod­der for ad­mir­ers of Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Re­al­i­ty Group… you might al­so find a bit of Sauna Youth or Pat­ti in there.

Al­bum-Stream →

Silicone Values - I Hate Fascist Rock And Roll /​​ Dumb Luck

Two de­li­cious treats of end­less­ly charm­ing high­est qual­i­ty DIY Punk by a group from Leeds, not too far off from oth­er Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties-in­flu­enced bands of re­cent times like Neu­trals, Sub­ur­ban Homes, Freak Genes.