Rider/​Horse - Matted

What start­ed out as a duo front­ed by Corey Plumb of Spray Paint fame has now grown in­to a ful­ly fledged band line­up and ac­cord­ing­ly, this new LP marks a fur­ther step to­wards a more airy and or­gan­ic sound aes­thet­ic for the group, which at this point al­so sounds the most rem­i­nis­cent so far of his pre­vi­ous Spray Paint work, es­pe­cial­ly of their lat­er, heav­i­ly elec­tron­ic-lean­ing phase. That said, this is far from be­ing a lazy re­tread of times past, as his trade­mark dis­so­nant gui­tar work on here blends in a unique­ly nat­ur­al way with a pletho­ra of pul­sat­ing sound both or­gan­ic and elec­tron­ic, which on one hand have a dis­tinct­ly in­dus­tri­al feel to them while quite para­dox­i­cal­ly re­tain­ing a sur­pris­ing­ly play­ful and warm qual­i­ty through­out.

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Rider/​Horse - Feed 'Em Salt

The sec­ond LP by that Duo fea­tur­ing none oth­er than Spray Paint's Cory Plump as well as some mys­te­ri­ous Chris, who has in some ca­pac­i­ty worked with Les Savy Fav, Trans Am and Scene Cream­ers in the past, de­liv­ers more of their ad­dic­tive melange of post punk and noise rock with that cer­tain in­dus­tri­al feel, as ex­per­i­men­tal as it's hyp­not­ic and catchy all the same. Maybe it's just due to the mix and mas­ter­ing, but the son­ic spec­trum ap­pears some­what de­clut­tered here com­pared to the pre­de­ces­sor with an at times less claus­tro­pho­bic, more nat­ur­al feel and plen­ty of room to breathe. Still tons of Swell Maps or, al­ter­nate­ly, Ex­ek vibes to go around though and there's even a hint of Pro­tomar­tyr in Rot­ting Prof­its, some echoes of Wire in Flori­da Gaso­line.

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Rider/​Horse - Select Trials

Not too long af­ter the re­cent Dur­ing 7" on Chun­klet In­dus­tries (a full length of that group should be ex­pect­ed drop soon) we al­ready get to hear an­oth­er group fea­tur­ing Spray Paint vo­cal­ist and gui­tar play­er Cory Plump. As Rider/​Horse he's team­ing up with a dude named Chris who has in some un­spec­i­fied ca­pac­i­ty worked with the likes of Les Savy Fav and Trans Am. To­geth­er they're cre­at­ing a sound that's tak­ing the more elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven vibe of the most re­cent Spray Paint re­leas­es in­to a dark and hazy, heav­i­ly in­dus­tri­al-lean­ing psy­che­del­ic night­mare kind of realm some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Ex­haus­tion, Haunt­ed Hors­es or Danyl Je­su, as well as the dub-in­fused sound­scapes of Ex­ek, with whom they al­so share that cer­tain taste of Swell Maps.

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Wax Chattels - Clot

Two years af­ter their promis­ing, though at times some­what un­der­cooked de­but LP, we get to hear a way more con­sis­tent sopho­more ef­fort by this Auck­land, New Zee­land trio. Their rather ab­stract yet al­ways catchy com­po­si­tions some­where on the fringes of Post Punk and Noise Rock - plus a hint of In­dus­tri­al - at sev­er­al points re­mind me of Acts like Girls In Syn­the­sis, Haunt­ed Hors­es, Ice Bal­loons or Tu­nic - with a small dose of Light­ning Bolt sprin­kled in for good mea­sure.

Al­bum-Stream →

Rancher - Pummeler

What we got here is twelve min­utes worth of min­i­mal­is­tic, un­com­pro­mis­ing DIY in­dus­tri­al noise/-punk shit by some duo from Riv­er Falls, Wis­con­sin. Be­ing more of a clue­less id­iot tourist in this par­tic­u­lar field, i'd de­scribe this as what a ful­ly elec­tron­ic vari­ant of Big Black might have sound­ed like. Or maybe draw par­al­lels to the more re­cent but com­pa­ra­bly min­i­mal­is­tic noise by Black Pus.

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