Lothario - BBBF

Hogtied re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 6th via Un­der The Gun Records and Low Am­bi­tion Records.

Big Bopper - Piss-Ant

Gay Cum Daddies - Parrots Realm

Even in the face of pret­ty much any­thing that loose col­lec­tive of mu­si­cians gath­ered around the New York la­bel De­co­her­ence Records has done so far, Gay Cum Dad­dies still stuck out as one of its most baf­fling agents of chaos and mis­chief. In a way, their newest LP is al­most what you'd ex­pect of this group at this point, an un­wieldy bas­tard made of aton­al and chaot­ic, no-wave-ish noise that, de­spite all the clut­ter and ca­coph­o­ny, nev­er seems ran­dom. More than ever be­fore, i get a sense of this group be­ing to­tal­ly in con­trol of their craft at all times, their nerve-rack­ing jams nev­er leav­ing a trace of doubt that these dudes do in­deed have a mas­ter plan. A weird, con­vo­lut­ed and dis­joint­ed one for sure, but a plan nonethe­less. Once you've re-wired your brain to al­most make sense of it, it feels like the most trans­gres­sive and shock­ing thing ever when Rib­bon­ing Boul­der Hands Over Da­ta ac­tu­al­ly has a dis­cernible 4/​4 beat play­ing for, like, a whole 30 sec­onds.

Al­bum-Stream →

Jëg Hüsker - My Dawn Promo

The sec­ond EP by this Karl­sruhe, Ger­many group is al­so the first taste we're get­ting of an up­com­ing al­bum and just like their ex­cel­lent de­mo tape at the end of last year, this thing com­bines the grimy dun­geon-es­que garage vibes the group ob­vi­ous­ly in­her­it­ed from Thee Khai Aehm, whose mem­bers com­prise half of this group's line­up, with a dis­tinct flour­ish of pro­to punk prim­i­tivism, plen­ty of spaced-out psy­che­del­ic ex­cess á la late De­struc­tion Unit, some hard­core en­er­gy in Tear It Up and even some melod­ic flour­ish­es in My Dawn, while the clos­ing track Inte Mer Hem is noth­ing short of raw and sim­ple dun­geon punk per­fec­tion.

Al­bum-Stream →

D.A.R.Y.L. - Rock n Roll High School

The de­but al­bum of this Austin, Texas dude has ten ex­quis­ite bursts worth of pure sim­plis­tic garage punk spec­ta­cle in store for us - same old shit ba­si­cal­ly, but al­so re­al­ly, re­al­ly fuck­ing good, like, com­bin­ing the traits of Buck Biloxi, Gior­gio Mur­der­er, Bart and the Brats, The Achtungs, The Dirts and ear­li­er Sick Thoughts, these songs nev­er miss their mark and ad­mir­ers of the groups men­tioned should just be on their knees al­ready, beg­ging this dude to take their mon­ey.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mr. Pescado - Dusty Perils

The sec­ond tape by this New York group, brought to us by lo­cal NY spe­cial­ist la­bel Fuzzy War­bles Cas­settes, is an in­sane­ly sat­is­fy­ing mix­ture os­cil­lat­ing be­tween the pa­ra­me­ters of re­laxed garage punk and equal­ly slacked-off in­die rock, a bit like a more in­die rock-lean­ing Vaguess mixed with some ear­ly Woolen Men, Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, re­cent Datenight or maybe a less cramped ver­sion of that lat­est Mon­da LP.

Al­bum-Stream →

Old City - Illusion Of Peace

The Last Thing Left to Har­vest re­leas­es Ju­ly 20th.

Billiam - Maid Dress

An­i­ma­tion Cell re­leas­es Au­gust 9th via Er­ste Theke Ton­träger.