Smooth Brain - Pissed Off Forever

De­mot­ed re­leas­es Ju­ly 13th via Just Be­cause Records.

Kerosene Kream - Mindkiller

Buy­ing Time re­leas­es Au­gust 30th via PNKSLM Record­ings.

Fungas - Skaff

Jrdn Alexander - Hive

Autobahns - First LP!

The Leipzig post-/garage punk scene nev­er ceas­es to amaze, as Au­to­bahns al­ready did on oc­ca­sion of their split EP with the al­so bril­liant S.G.A.T.V.. Now here's their full-length de­but co-re­leased by three usu­al-sus­pect la­bels from around the globe and this one's a treat, folks! Right from the start there's some strong Bil­liam-es­que en­er­gy to these songs, mod­er­ate­ly egg-ish garage punk smash­ers that al­so call to mind stuff like Tom­my Cos­sack, Set-Top Box and fur­ther ec­cen­tric­i­ties of the Snoop­er, Beer or Prison Af­fair kind or maybe Germany's very own Egg Id­iot. Tellin' Ya trans­ports some of the best traits of re­cent Vaguess records in­to a more dis­tinct egg­punk con­text. All the while, Au­to­bahns op­er­ate as a su­per-tight unit here, ex­pert­ly kick­ing up a hell of a storm while nev­er los­ing their iron­clad grip on their melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties… this is some catchy shit all the way through, reach­ing its peak in the undi­lut­ed noise pop ec­sta­sy of Loss Of The Rights.

Al­bum-Stream →

Char-Man - Down On Ready

Now this group has been a com­plete blind spot for me so far and as such, an un­ex­pect­ed and thor­ough­ly en­joy­able rab­bit hole to dig in­to. Ac­cord­ing­ly, for a group that has been around for over two decades al­ready, this whole thing is a pleas­ant­ly old-fash­ioned af­fair show­cas­ing a group that doesn't have to take shit from any­one. Mu­si­cal­ly, this most­ly car­ries the torch of pre­dom­i­nant­ly aus­tralian punk roy­al­ty with the likes of Saints, Bird­man, New Christs, God and Sci­en­tists loom­ing large above these tunes. There's al­so some amount of Cheap Trick-like pow­er pop melodies to be found here as well though, plus oc­ca­sion­al fla­vors of Wipers, Dead Moon, New York Dolls or 13th Floor El­e­va­tors. I'm pret­ty sure fans of Split Sys­tem are gonna get a kick out of this shit as well, just as will those who miss such last-decade groups like Brim­stone Howl and Apache Dropout.

Al­bum-Stream →

Electric Prawns 2 - I Wanna Be UR Simp /​ TV Screen & Prawn Party

One of the best kept se­crets of the con­tem­po­rary aus­tralian garage punk un­der­ground demon­strates its god­like po­ten­cy once more in the form of two new dig­i­tal sin­gles amount­ing to three tracks in to­tal, each one of those hav­ing its very own dis­tinct vibe. I Wan­na Be UR Simp sports a strong psy­che­del­ic flour­ish not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to the likes of Mononeg­a­tives, Zoids, Cor­pus Earth­ling and lat­er Use­less Eaters, com­bined with the catchy garage pop of, say, Set-Top Box, Gee Tee and the likes. Prawn Par­ty then plun­ders its way through an en­tire­ly dif­fer­ent place and era, most in line with the cur­rent wave of pre-'77 New York re­vival­ism as ex­em­pli­fied by Peace de Ré­sis­tance, Jean Mignon and the most re­cent In­sti­tute LP but you might just as well find traces of The Drin's kraut rock vibes and the catchy garage rock­ers of cer­tain Alien Nose­job in­car­na­tions in there. TV Screen once again shapeshifts in­to the guise of both ear­ly New Zee­land Fly­ing Nun-style jan­g­ly pow­er pop á la The Clean and The Stones on one hand, and british DIY (post-)punk pi­o­neers like The Mekons and Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties on the oth­er.