Mock-Up - Starved Plate

Ex­cel­lent de­but EP from this San An­to­nio, Texas group set­ting off sev­en blasts of pitch-black yet very much re­fined post punk. While the open­ing Track Progress Trap sounds to me as if the garage/​noise rock/​post punk hy­brids of Flat Worms and The Cow­boy were be­ing fused to a bit of The Spits or Lost Sounds, the record sub­se­quent­ly set­tles in­to an ever slight­ly shift­ing aes­thet­ic re­mind­ing me of nu­mer­ous greats of con­tem­po­rary post punk like Nag, Preda­tor, VR Sex, Tube Al­loys, Rank/​Xerox, Pub­lic In­ter­est and the ear­ly works of In­sti­tute, Diät und Mar­bled Eye. While this sure­ly ain't the apex of orig­i­nal­i­ty at this point in time, the group knows how to keep things mov­ing and in­ter­est­ing through­out and most of the time these songs are every bit as good as any of the afore­men­tioned acts.

Al­bum-Stream →

Virtual Combat - Death Machine

This Syd­ney group al­ready stirred up some waves not too long ago with a pair of strong EPs and this newest one is their finest one yet, op­er­at­ing in a gold­en zone be­tween garage-/synth-/post- and psych punk that kin­da bridges the gap be­tween the garage-/post punk melan­cho­lia of weird out­liers like Die TV and DBR, the garage prim­i­tivism of shit á la Buck Biloxi, Gior­gio Mur­der­er and the spaced-out psy­che­del­ic ex­panse of Zoids, Mononeg­a­tives, Ma­teo Man­ic, Sil­i­con Heart­beat, Pow!, Cthtr or even some stretch­es of Elec­tric Prawns 2's mon­u­men­tal '23 al­bum Prawn Sta­t­ic For Porn Ad­dicts.

Al­bum-Stream →

Poison Ruïn - Confrere

Con­frere re­leas­es Au­gust 2nd via Re­lapse Records.

Isotope Soap - From The Trees

The Rise of the Cen­taur re­leas­es some­time in 2025 via Push My But­tons.

Rider/​Horse - Combing The Horse

Mat­ted re­leas­es Ju­ly 5th via Ever/​Never Records.

Total Hell - Killed By Evil

Killed By Evil re­leas­es Au­gust 16th via To­tal Punk Records.

Cars Get Crushed - Deluxe

Drag Ex­plo­sive re­leas­es Ju­ly 12th via Nu­mero Group.

Straight Arrows - Don't Shoot Me

Sur­face World re­leas­es Au­gust 9th via Rice Is Nice Records.

Palmar De Troya - Cold Snakes

II re­leas­es Ju­ly 5th via Rep­til­ian Records.

Kitchen People - Maus Trap