Deck In The Pit - In A Lane

Some weird-ass shit, this archival re­lease con­tain­ing the com­plete record­ings, made in or around 2016, of a short-lived Bris­bane group… and of course it doesn't take a fuck­ing ge­nius to fig­ure out this is yet an­oth­er project re­volv­ing around ec­cen­tric avant-garde gui­tar tor­tur­er Glen Schenau of Kitchen's floor, plus two oth­er dudes who played in Syd­ney 2000 and Piss Pain re­spec­tive­ly. It might be their in­volve­ment ren­der­ing this stuff al­most ap­proach­able for a Schenau-re­lat­ed ar­ti­fact, al­though by ap­proach­able i mean: No more ap­proach­able than, say, ear­ly The Fall or Mem­branes records are ap­proach­able. If that sounds ap­proach­able to you, then this will too!

Al­bum-Stream →