Vision 3D - Hypnose

Pret­ty fuck­ing amaz­ing shit, the sec­ond long play­er of this group from Tour­nai, Bel­gium. Right out of the gate i'm re­mind­ed of so much good stuff both an­cient and con­tem­po­rary on the in­ter­sec­tion of art-, post- and garage punk, round­ed out by a dis­tinct­ly dis­so­nant no wave-ish, noise rock-y edge. Some­times they sound a bit like as if the amer­i­cana-in­fused post punk of Angst were to col­lide with the sim­plis­tic beat of Man Sized Ac­tion and a good mea­sure of ear­ly The Fall strum­mi­ness. Oth­er mo­ments, i imag­ine to hear echos of Mem­branes, Gor­dons or Swell Maps, while you might just as well draw com­par­isons to more re­cent acts such as Hon­ey Radar, Toe Ring, Lithics, Germ House, Shark Toys and Sub­tle Turn­hips.

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Rogue - Rogue

Qual­i­ty shit from Phan­tom Records once again. The cul­prits, this time, are yet an­oth­er Berlin group play­ing a breed of post punk (re­al­ly, who'd have guessed.…) which proud­ly wears its ori­gins on its sleeves yet man­ages to put an in­ven­tive and play­ful spin on every sin­gle track. Funky but thank­ful­ly not too pol­ished, there's al­so a promi­nent surf rock vibe at play here ric­o­chet­ing through their arrange­ments like a steel rod will­ful­ly thrown in­to the spokes, al­ways mak­ing for some de­light­ful stunts and ma­neu­vers. Some­times we al­so get a touch of rock­a­bil­ly as put through a Gun Club-meet-The Fall meat­grinder. My per­son­al fave here is a lit­tle banger called Anger­man which per­fect­ly ap­plies the car­rot-and-stick ap­proach in its jux­ta­po­si­tion of dis­so­nant noise and melod­i­cism.

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Neutrals - Bus Stop Nights 7"

Noth­ing short of pure bril­liance is what we get once again from that weird­ly british sound­ing Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia group. Their newest EP might be their least post punk, most pow­er pop sound­ing record so far, bristling with tons of mas­ter­ful­ly craft­ed, end­less­ly charm­ing Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties wor­ship plus a touch of Mekons or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles.

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Viceprez - Juger

Wow, this group from Borée, France is jug­gling a shit­load of dif­fer­ent styles with strik­ing con­fi­dence on their de­but al­bum. The thing starts out with a short, straight­for­ward, sim­ple blast of hard­core punk, then has them cy­cling through a wide ar­ray of styles in­clud­ing force­ful post­core, hard rockin' up­per-mid-tem­po garage rock/-punk, groovy an­gu­lar post punk and even some vague­ly Pix­ies-es­que, surf-in­fused old­school 80s in­die-/al­ter­na­tive rock. All of this they pull off with ease - there's not a sin­gle weak link on this record. Im­pres­sive shit all the way through!

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Unknown Liberty - Chain Of Madness

Cu­ri­ous mix­ture of hard­core-, an­ar­cho- and post punk on this Kingston, NY group’s de­but tape, as­sem­bling a dis­tinct style out of grit­ty KBD-drenched vibes à la Launch­er, a hint of UK82 en­er­gy, plen­ty of Rudi­men­ta­ry Peni and the oc­ca­sion­al bit of Crass.

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Die Verlierer - Die Verlierer

Heav­i­ly retro-lean­ing post punk, made in Berlin and sound­ing ex­act­ly like you'd come to ex­pect by that fact. You might rec­og­nize a fa­mil­iar voice grum­bling about here, the dude hav­ing done a sim­i­lar thing with his oth­er band Maske, al­though the over­all vibe here is even a notch more grit­ty, some­times hav­ing a slight­ly Wipers-es­que qual­i­ty and, at oth­er points, a touch of S.Y.P.H. as well as more re­cent phe­nom­e­na like Aus, Hyäne, Die Wärme or Pe­ter Muf­fin und die Heil­sarmee. In oth­er words: This might have come out some­time around '81 just as well. There's a cou­ple of un­der­whelm­ing filler tracks on here - for­giv­able and to­tal­ly made up for by the un­de­ni­able high­lights of this al­bum. Just don’t try an­oth­er at­tempt at funk next time, okay?

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Onyon - Onyon

Sim­ple and catchy post punk from the ever-busy scene of Leipzig, Ger­many. While it won’t win any awards for in­no­va­tion, their synth-heavy, min­i­mal­is­tic ap­proach to the genre has that vague­ly old­school cold-war-era vibe di­aled in just right while in Shin­ing Riv­er Utah, some folk/​americana vibes akin to Angst or mid-to-late 80s Gun Club creep in. Sub­se­quent­ly they like to mix shit up and keep things in­ter­est­ing all the way; de­spite stay­ing well in­side the genre’s es­tab­lished pa­ra­me­ters ra­di­at­ing an un­ex­pect­ed­ly fun, warm and up­lift­ing vibe much of the time.

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Dead Years - Dead Years

Not long af­ter the kick­ass Sched­ule 1 EP we get to hear yet an­oth­er group re­viv­ing the spir­it of late 2000's /​ ear­ly 2010's melod­ic post punk, once again brought to us by the punk pow­er­house that is Dirt Cult Records. This time the folks re­spon­si­ble are from, lemme see… Biele­feld, Ger­many?!? Are you fuckin' kid­ding me? No, no, no this can't be right. Mu­si­cal­ly this is your fa­mil­iar, some­what old­school Wipers-in­flu­enced, song-dri­ven ap­proach and the song­writ­ing chops on dis­play here are more than able to pull that shit off. This is a hell of a treat for fans of stuff á la The Es­tranged, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Day­light Rob­bery, Xe­tas, Red Dons or, more re­cent­ly DDR and the afore­men­tioned Sched­ule 1.

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Rifle - Holloway Demos

A high­ly ap­pe­tiz­ing first taste that is, the de­but EP of this Lon­don group play­ing a some­what hard to pin down, ad­e­quate­ly rough-edged yet al­so kin­da catchy style that's like 60% garage punk and 40% post­core, over­all re­mind­ing me of a rather di­verse clus­ter of groups among which are the likes of The Aban­dos, Obits, Gold­en Pel­i­cans, Mass Lines, Dumb Punts and As­cot Stab­ber.

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Liquid Face - II

For his sec­ond 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records, Cal Don­ald aka Liq­uid Face in­creas­es both the en­er­gy- and dis­tor­tion lev­els con­sid­er­ably, mak­ing his spe­cial sauce of garage-/synth-/post punk come across kin­da like a weird cross­breed be­tween Pow­er­plant, Mononeg­a­tives and the noise punk of Brandy.

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