Subdued - Abattoir

Fu­ri­ous an­ar­cho punk from Lon­don that re­fus­es to be neat­ly filed away in a sin­gle genre crate, which is al­ways the most thrilling kind of punk shit any­way. Record­ed at New York's D4MT Labs, this does in­deed share some of the hall­marks of that par­tic­u­lar place's most well known ex­port Kalei­do­scope and, to a less­er ex­tent, Straw Man Army, while al­so ex­pos­ing some over­tones of the wider left-field am­bi­tious hard­core spec­trum with the likes of ear­ly Bad Breed­ing, Acrylics and Day­dream be­ing some of the names com­ing to mind at first glance.

Al­bum-Stream →

Unknown Liberty - Chain Of Madness

Cu­ri­ous mix­ture of hard­core-, an­ar­cho- and post punk on this Kingston, NY group’s de­but tape, as­sem­bling a dis­tinct style out of grit­ty KBD-drenched vibes à la Launch­er, a hint of UK82 en­er­gy, plen­ty of Rudi­men­ta­ry Peni and the oc­ca­sion­al bit of Crass.

Al­bum-Stream →