Liiek - Deep Pore

An­oth­er rock sol­id batch of rhyth­mic post punk gym­nas­tics by some usu­al sus­pects of the Berlin scene. Sound-wise it won't get more Berlin-es­que than this and you al­so might call Li­iek a bit of a one-trick pony, how­ev­er, that par­tic­u­lar trick still works ad­mirably on me and has nev­er been done with such pre­ci­sion en­gi­neer­ing by this group be­fore. Think of a mix be­tween Pi­geon, Diät, Neg­a­tive Space, In­sti­tute and Nag, boiled down to their raw es­sen­tials. Blah blah "con­cise vi­sion" or some­thing, i guess…

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Onan Servo - Visit Funnytown

A cu­ri­ous lit­tle beast, this cas­sette by some NY dude brought to us via Portland's Spared Flesh Records. Dis­joint­ed and frag­men­tary at times, yet rarely de­void of a catchy melody. There's cer­tain­ly a bit of a no wave in­flu­ence in there but most of the time i'd say there's a weird and chaot­ic transcon­ti­nen­tal mashup at play here with clear echoes of ear­ly british post punk, specif­i­cal­ly of Wire, Swell Maps, The Fall, Ear­ly Mekons… col­lid­ing with de­cid­ed­ly amer­i­can folk and roots el­e­ments as well of ran­dom anom­alies straight out of the 1980s cas­sette cul­ture both sides of the pond. I guess ad­mir­ers of Australia's Wire­heads will al­so get a kick out of this and it ap­pears the man in charge here has al­so had a hand in Hobo­cop, which makes per­fect sense to me as well.

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Hungry Man - Permanent Crisis

Damn, that's some top-notch qual­i­ty old­school post­core shit here, the kind ca­pa­ble of trans­port­ing mid­dle-aged fucks like me in­to high­er spheres, elab­o­rate yet un­pre­ten­tious and with a melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty that evokes the glo­ry days of Vol­cano Suns, Mov­ing Tar­gets and Mis­sion of Bur­ma. The mon­u­men­tal open­ing suite, on the oth­er hand, kin­da re­minds me of Dra­goon, the open­ing be­he­moth of Bitch Magnet's fi­nal al­bum Ben Hur. Oth­er­wise, 90s Dischord in­flu­ences rule supreme here with ubiq­ui­tous echoes of the likes of Au­to­clave, Bluetip, Hoover, Crown­hate Ru­in, Kerosene 454, ear­ly Jaw­box… you name it! And yeah, of course there's al­so a bit of Fugazi go­ing on but i'd say they're far from a pri­ma­ry in­flu­ence here. Hun­gry Man are able to pull off all that with­out com­ing across like a dull ripoff and rather like a band who val­ues its in­flu­ences, yet per­fect­ly stands on its own two feet, speak­ing in­to the present day with their own voice.

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Pleaser - Demo

A spec­tac­u­lar first im­pres­sion of a Copen­hagen group play­ing a rather un­con­ven­tion­al mix of post punk, hard- and post­core in­cor­po­rat­ing a rare sense of melody and a strong psy­che­del­ic, al­most shoegaze-y un­der­cur­rent. Al­so, think­ing of the Copen­hagen scene, you can't help but reg­is­ter a faint echo of ear­ly Iceage and Low­er.

Disli - Disciplina Limitar

Garage punk from Spain that hits all the right spots dead-on and con­veys ex­act­ly that kind of ex­plo­sive mo­men­tum of a band hun­gry to play - the kind of vibe that's been a bit scarce re­cent­ly, ow­ing to ob­vi­ous cir­cum­stances. To me, their sound calls to mind bits and pieces of Dadar, Sauna Youth, Ex-Cult, Con­stant Mon­grel, Jack­son Reid Brig­gs or Pedi­gree while al­so re­veal­ing a strong post punk vibe at times, kin­da like Berlin groups such as Pi­geon, Diät, Pret­ty Hurts cross­bred with the melan­cholic moods of Red Dons, Telecult or Night­watch­ers.

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Print Head - Boringboring /​ IDKWTFimdoing

Yay! New shit by that per­son or group who might or might not be based in Hicksville, NY and whose 2020 garage-/post-/eg­g­punk bor­der­line-mas­ter­piece Hap­py­hap­py made me ex­act­ly that. So now we get a new short play­ing Hi-Fi ex­pe­ri­ence as well as some oth­er, slight­ly less short and ever-so-slight­ly less Hi-Fi thing. Bor­ing this cer­tain­ly ain't and as for that oth­er thing… i think i have some ba­sic idea what they don't think they know the fuck they're do­ing and they're do­ing it just fine and it's fuck­ing glo­ri­ous and i love every fuck­ing sec­ond of it!

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Silicone Values - Streaming TV /​ Nothing Wrong With Me

Yet an­oth­er EP by Bristol's lead­ing powerpop/​postpunk man­u­fac­ture holds yet an­oth­er pair of ir­re­sistibly melan­cholic ear­worms. Does it still make sense to name­drop Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties here or might this shit al­ready qual­i­fy as down­right, dare i say it… beat­lesque?

Refedex - The Top Of Off

The de­but EP by Brisbane's Refedex is a heavy steam­roller of dark noise rock, sludge and post punk that's of­ten rather slow and at­mos­pher­ic with­out ever get­ting te­dious or los­ing its ir­re­sistible groove. Al­though their over­all vibe sounds ul­tra-clas­sic to me, i'm hav­ing trou­ble pin­point­ing ex­act­ly where i've heard this kind of thing be­fore as their sound kin­da tran­scends the usu­al genre bound­aries, among oth­er things in­cor­po­rat­ing the kind of dark amer­i­cana blues & coun­try vibes you might ex­pect from an 80's Sci­en­tists record or more re­cent­ly from US post punk group Bam­bara, while on the more clas­sic noise rock side of things, you might draw com­par­isons to con­tem­po­rary Bands like Al­pha Strat­e­gy, Lug­gage, Heads or Trop­i­cal Trash. You might al­so find a bit of Cows, U-men or Scratch Acid in there, each of them spun on half-speed. What­ev­er you wan­na call it, this is first rate shit!

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The Cowboy - Riddles From The Universe

Cleve­land punks The Cow­boy have yet to re­lease a record that doesn't to­tal­ly rip and their third LP won't dis­s­a­point ei­ther with their sound feel­ing per­fect­ly worn in and at this point, i'd say they've es­tab­lished their very own, in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able mi­cro-niche on the in­ter­sec­tion of propul­sive garage punk and abra­sive noise rock while still break­ing things up enough to keep shit in­ter­est­ing.

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John (timestwo) - Nocturnal Manoeuvres

The Lon­don postcore/​noise rock duo once again con­vinces by way of sheer force cou­pled with un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, every sin­gle det­o­na­tion on their sec­ond LP us­ing a rather min­i­mal­is­tic recipe in the most fo­cused way pos­si­ble to achieve max­i­mum dam­age. Don't miss this spec­ta­cle if groups like Tu­nic, Death Ped­als, USA Nails or Metz are your thing.

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