Not long af­ter the kick­ass Sched­ule 1 EP we get to hear yet an­oth­er group re­viv­ing the spir­it of late 2000's /​ ear­ly 2010's melod­ic post punk, once again brought to us by the punk pow­er­house that is Dirt Cult Records. This time the folks re­spon­si­ble are from, lemme see… Biele­feld, Ger­many?!? Are you fuckin' kid­ding me? No, no, no this can't be right. Mu­si­cal­ly this is your fa­mil­iar, some­what old­school Wipers-in­flu­enced, song-dri­ven ap­proach and the song­writ­ing chops on dis­play here are more than able to pull that shit off. This is a hell of a treat for fans of stuff á la The Es­tranged, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Day­light Rob­bery, Xe­tas, Red Dons or, more re­cent­ly DDR and the afore­men­tioned Sched­ule 1.