Rider/​Horse - Select Trials

Not too long af­ter the re­cent Dur­ing 7" on Chun­klet In­dus­tries (a full length of that group should be ex­pect­ed drop soon) we al­ready get to hear an­oth­er group fea­tur­ing Spray Paint vo­cal­ist and gui­tar play­er Cory Plump. As Rider/​Horse he's team­ing up with a dude named Chris who has in some un­spec­i­fied ca­pac­i­ty worked with the likes of Les Savy Fav and Trans Am. To­geth­er they're cre­at­ing a sound that's tak­ing the more elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven vibe of the most re­cent Spray Paint re­leas­es in­to a dark and hazy, heav­i­ly in­dus­tri­al-lean­ing psy­che­del­ic night­mare kind of realm some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Ex­haus­tion, Haunt­ed Hors­es or Danyl Je­su, as well as the dub-in­fused sound­scapes of Ex­ek, with whom they al­so share that cer­tain taste of Swell Maps.

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Mess - Traidores

Guadala­jara, Mex­i­co group Mess re­cent­ly put out yet an­oth­er EP whose to­tal­ly unashamed oi!-ness is, to be per­fect­ly hon­est, a bit too much for me to bear. This more post punk-lean­ing two-track dig­i­tal sin­gle they re­leased just a week ear­li­er is pure gold though.

Dead Finks - The Death and Resurrection of Johnathan Cowboy

Hav­ing re­leased a some­what hit-and-miss de­but tape last year, the Berlin group's newest LP shows off a con­sid­er­ably ma­tured, heav­i­ly roots- and folk-in­flu­enced fla­vor of post punk whose over­all vibe echoes the amer­i­cana-/cow­punk of Angst while al­so evok­ing with a bit of post-Mi­a­mi Gun Club and so­lo Rikk Ag­new. Among their con­tem­po­raries, you might com­pare them to groups such as Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters and Low Life. Oth­er times, like in Re­an­i­ma­tion, Piss­ing and Look Of Dis­gust you can sense a cer­tain british in­va­sion-style melan­cho­lia with hints of The Res­onars or The Be­vis Frond. So in a nut­shell, this ain't quite your av­er­age se­lec­tion of in­gre­di­ents for a punk al­bum… which kin­da makes this a per­fect fit for Er­ste Theke Ton­träger who, as i just learned, are gonna be han­dling the eu­ro­pean vinyl re­lease of this beau­ty.

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Algara - Absortos En El Tedio Eterno

Barcelona group Al­gara ini­tial­ly burst on­to the scene last year with a four track de­mo as an elec­tro punk duo, which then quick­ly grew in­to a four-piece group and prompt­ly re­leased an­oth­er tape con­sist­ing of a re-record­ing of the first EP's songs as well as some tracks meant for their first long­play­er, which we fi­nal­ly get to wit­ness in its full glo­ry now. In the mean­time their sound has evolved in­to a com­pact and ef­fort­less­ly flow­ing fu­sion of post-, garage- and elec­tro punk that might be de­scribed as a mix of ISS, Straw Man Army, Rank/​Xerox and UZS, on­ly bro­ken up right in the mid­dle by the strong syn­th­wave flour­ish­es of He­do­nistas.

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Big Bopper - New Mutations

Doesn't look like these tex­ans are gonna run out of tunes any­time soon, hav­ing just cranked out their sec­ond al­bum over the course of just a few months. Thank­ful­ly the mix is a bit less tin­ni­tus-in­duc­ing this time while the new songs seam­less­ly con­tin­ue the won­der­ful chaos Big Bop­per es­tab­lished eari­er this year, made up of post- and garage punk, noise- and math rock el­e­ments rough­ly in the vein of Pat­ti, Rolex, Cutie, Mys­tic Inane or Brandy, plus some traces of ear­ly Min­ute­men.

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Smirk - Smirk

In an act of crim­i­nal neg­li­gence i some­how failed to post any of the pre­vi­ous EPs by Smirk, the so­lo Project of Nick Vic­ario whose oth­er groups Pub­lic Eye, Cri­sis Man and Ce­men­to might ring a bell with reg­u­lar vis­i­tors of this blog. Af­ter both EPs were com­piled in­to an LP by Drunk­en Sailor Records ear­li­er this year, we al­ready get to en­joy his newest ex­tend­ed play via To­tal Punk /​ Iron Lung Records on which his ul­tra laid-back though nev­er sleepy take on sam­ple-backed garage punk sounds the most ma­ture yet, more to the point and catch­i­er than ever be­fore.

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Deck In The Pit - In A Lane

Some weird-ass shit, this archival re­lease con­tain­ing the com­plete record­ings, made in or around 2016, of a short-lived Bris­bane group… and of course it doesn't take a fuck­ing ge­nius to fig­ure out this is yet an­oth­er project re­volv­ing around ec­cen­tric avant-garde gui­tar tor­tur­er Glen Schenau of Kitchen's floor, plus two oth­er dudes who played in Syd­ney 2000 and Piss Pain re­spec­tive­ly. It might be their in­volve­ment ren­der­ing this stuff al­most ap­proach­able for a Schenau-re­lat­ed ar­ti­fact, al­though by ap­proach­able i mean: No more ap­proach­able than, say, ear­ly The Fall or Mem­branes records are ap­proach­able. If that sounds ap­proach­able to you, then this will too!

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Fashion Pimps & The Glamazons - Fashion Pimps & The Glamazons

A Cleve­land, Ohio group presents a rough and dis­so­nant mix of noise rock and post punk with a sharp garage edge on their first EP which, in the cur­rent mu­sic land­scape, po­si­tions them rough­ly in­be­tween such Groups as The Cow­boy, Spray Paint, Flat Worms and Plax, at times sup­ple­ment­ed with a cer­tain Flip­per vibe.

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Heavy Metal - V: Live At The Gas Station Fighting The Devil

I don't think i ever gave Berlin's mys­tery act Heavy Met­al the full spot­light on here and in ret­ro­spect i can't re­al­ly tell if that was be­cause Heavy Met­al weren't quite ready for me or 'cos i wasn't quite ready for Heavy Met­al. All i can say is i've been mon­i­tor­ing their cu­ri­ous and pro­lif­ic tra­jec­to­ry over the past few years and with every re­lease their garage-/elec­tro-/to­tal­fuck­ingnuts-punk bas­tard con­coc­tions res­onat­ed a bit bet­ter with my bro­ken brain un­til fi­nal­ly they hit a pre­fect sweet spot with their fifth (duh…) long­play­er on which they come off kin­da like a more out-there ver­sion of a cer­tain North Car­oli­na group that's been ru­mored to not be punk enough for heavy met­al or some­thing… thrown in a blender with a healthy dose of Swell Maps or Mé­tal Urbain/​Dr. Mix & The Remix. Nev­er be­fore have they sound­ed this neb­u­lous and just wrong in all the right ways, ex­cept maybe for the idea of fight­ing the dev­il… that sim­ply doesn't strike me as the most heavy met­al thing to do. It might please the chris­t­ian rock crowd, though.

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DDR - The Morning Grey

A kin­da un­ex­pect­ed and ex­cel­lent mu­sic sub­mis­sion came in here by a group from Za­greb, Croa­t­ia play­ing a va­ri­ety of dark old­school post punk with a very slight goth edge, re­mind­ing my at dif­fer­ent points of con­tem­po­rary groups like Day­light Rob­bery, The Es­tranged, Prim­i­tive Teeth, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Crim­i­nal Code or Xe­tas while of the old guard, there's cer­tain­ly some Wipers-es­que gui­tar work in there and maybe some mid-80s Naked Ray­gun? In the sec­ond half of the al­bum, things get in­creas­ing­ly more melod­ic, gain­ing some kind of melan­cholic Leather­face-, HDQ- or mid-to-late 80s Gov­ern­ment Is­sue vibe.

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