Heav­i­ly retro-lean­ing post punk, made in Berlin and sound­ing ex­act­ly like you'd come to ex­pect by that fact. You might rec­og­nize a fa­mil­iar voice grum­bling about here, the dude hav­ing done a sim­i­lar thing with his oth­er band Maske, al­though the over­all vibe here is even a notch more grit­ty, some­times hav­ing a slight­ly Wipers-es­que qual­i­ty and, at oth­er points, a touch of S.Y.P.H. as well as more re­cent phe­nom­e­na like Aus, Hyäne, Die Wärme or Pe­ter Muf­fin und die Heil­sarmee. In oth­er words: This might have come out some­time around '81 just as well. There's a cou­ple of un­der­whelm­ing filler tracks on here - for­giv­able and to­tal­ly made up for by the un­de­ni­able high­lights of this al­bum. Just don’t try an­oth­er at­tempt at funk next time, okay?