Verspannungskassette #76 (C-74)

Pol­e­vaulter Cursed
Plat­inum Crack! Con­trol
Psy­chic Grave­yard Stuffed With Se­crets
In­de­nadfin Vi­da Cor­ta
Tem­po­rary Curse TV DVD
Bran­don Mon­key Fin­gers B.M.F.
Pyrex Bo­zo

Lost Le­gion The An­i­mals We Used To Be
Die Ver­lier­er At­ten­tat
Re­arranged Face A Flock Of Seag­ulls
Mar­cel Wave Great British High St.
Kids Vicin­i­ty
Dis­ci­plina Lim­i­tar Glamur in­te­ri­or

Pow­er Pants Ali­enize
Shop Reg­u­lars I'm Go­ing To Greece
Golomb Take My Life
Mé­nage Détroit Would You Say (I'm In Love)
Eye Ball L.I.S.T.E.N.
Split Sys­tem Force Field
MK Ul­tras Tar­get Killer
Night­man Scab
Pust La faute de la boîte
Mo­bile Out­sider
X2000 El Lina­je

Use­less In­fo Song 5
Memo PST Un­der Your Chains
Roni Tik­tok Rot
Necron 9 Un­known Ti­tle
Shrudd Au­to­naut
Prison Af­fair Al­go Huele Mal
Ge­o­duck Diodes Ud­ders
Vergüen­za Vis­cer­al
Five Bucks H82w8
Sex Mex Fuck­ing It Up

Corpus Earthling - The Glove

Hav­ing put out a pair of al­ready quite im­pres­sive LPs in '22/'23, the third long­play­er of this Hamil­ton, On­tario act re­al­ly nails it this time. Fol­low­ing a brief iron­ic met­al-ish in­tro, right out of the gate The Glove ra­di­ates a vibe of MX-80, Chrome and Met­al Ur­bain plus just the slight­est touch of The Cramps. This is some first rate fuzz-/garage-/space punk shit right here, weird enogh to keep you on your toes yet al­so so­phis­ti­cat­ed enough to keep you en­gaged, with just the right amount of ear can­dy sprin­kled in like in Cor­pus Earth­ling Meets The Counter Cul­ture, where a well-worn catchy stan­dard punk riff gets the over-the top fuzz-ex­cess treat­ment. Oth­er times and es­pe­cial­ly in the first cou­ple of tracks, there's some weird Hawk­wind-goes-hair/glam met­al en­er­gy go­ing on. Just as well though, you might find sim­i­lar son­ic tex­ture in a dif­fuse clus­ter of cur­rent acts such as Zoids, Thee Hears­es, Monobur­ro, Ma­teo Man­ic, Mononeg­a­tives or Sil­i­con Heart­beat.

Al­bum-Stream →

Marcel Wave - Something Looming

Okay, what have we got here… a Lon­don group made up of mem­bers of 2010s garage punk main­stays Sauna Youth and Cold Pumas, car­ry­ing the seal of qual­i­ty of the ever-re­li­able pow­er­house la­bels Feel It Records and Up­set The Rhythm… What could pos­si­bly go right? Every­thing, dum­my! Sound­ing un­like any of the afore­men­tioned groups, their de­but LP con­tains some of the most el­e­gant and well-round­ed post punk you're gonna hear this year with some echoes of Py­lon and Delta 5, oc­ca­sion­al flash­es of Tele­vi­sion and the ear­ly works of Soft Boys and XTC. Equal­ly though, you could at times com­pare them to more re­cent groups like Sweep­ing Promis­es, Spread Joy or Bode­ga. Through­out, this has a new wave-ish qual­i­ty with­out ever be­com­ing too sac­cha­rine or smoothed-out - to the con­trary, there's quite a bit of edge and con­tour to these tracks, coun­ter­bal­anced by a lot of warmth and melody to their songs and arrange­ments, best ex­em­pli­fied by a bunch of catchy qua­si-bal­lads like Peg or Elsie.

Al­bum-Stream →

Geoduck Diodes - Must Fry All Planets!

Now that's some wild shit from Tübin­gen, Ger­many. Break­neck speeds meet ex­treme­ly catchy hooks and melodies, com­ing to­geth­er in a buz­z­saw au­dio aes­thet­ic that sits un­com­fort­ably wedged right inb­wte­ween the son­ic worlds of equal­ly melod­ic and ec­cen­tric hard­core acts such as Hip­py­fuck­ers, Every­one Is Alone Some­times, Pink Gui­tars and the more garage-/egg-lean­ing high-speed punk at­tacks of The Gobs, Exwhite, Spewed Brain, Witch Piss or 3D & The Holo­grams.

Al­bum-Stream →

Brandon Monkey Fingers - Brandon Monkey Fingers

Bran­don Mon­key Fin­gers of St. John's, Cana­da feel kin­da out of place in this day and age and y'all know i'm a suck­er for that kind of shit. Their de­but al­bum cov­ers a son­ic range some­where in­be­tween old­school fuzz punk, '80s and '90s (pro­to-) grunge and in­die rock sea­soned with just a hint of sludge-y Am­phet­a­mine Rep­tile-style noise rock flour­ish­es. Among the old guard, you might con­sid­er U-Men and ear­ly Mud­honey among their spir­i­tu­al an­ces­tors or the rougher ends of the Se­badoh son­ic spec­trum. Of more re­cent ocur­rences, i'd name Dog Date and Hell­co as pos­si­ble ref­er­ences as well as ear­ly Pale An­gels or a less melod­ic Cal­i­for­nia X. Darth Vader's Bon­er car­ries a sim­i­lar vibe of garage-in­fused noise rock to The Cow­boy and Flat Worms. H.M.P. sounds a bit as if con­tem­po­rary noise rock­ers like Metz, John (timest­wo), Greys or Van­gas got im­bued with heavy over­tones of Angst-es­que psych folk while Nor­bit has quite some Di­nosaur Jr. and Cloud Noth­ings en­er­gy un­der the hood on its way to a '90s Weez­er-es­que melod­ic con­clu­sion.

Al­bum-Stream →

RONi - Fast! Loud!

Yeah, it's yet an­oth­er record by that omi­nous fig­ure which i'm just gonna call "that In­di­ana dude" from here on 'cos he al­so goes by a ton of oth­er pseu­do­nyms which i'm not gonna bore you with this time. You know what to ex­pect and he de­liv­ers once again - that means more of these min­i­mal­ist but pre­cise and dead­ly blows on a slid­ing scale be­tween hard­core- and garage punk. If anything's chang­ing with this dude's mu­sic, it's that his records just keep get­ting bet­ter!

Al­bum-Stream →

Disciplina Limitar - Yo tambi​é​n yo no

This group based in Al­i­cante and Va­len­cia, Spain (pre­vi­ous­ly al­so known as Dis­li on their first EP) cer­tain­ly has upped their game on their newest EP via Flex­i­dis­cos, on which com­par­a­tive­ly sim­plis­tic bursts of hard- and post­core al­ter­nate with more elab­o­rate post punk con­struc­tions - you nev­er know what's gonna hap­pen just one song lat­er. All the while, songs like the über-hymn Glamur In­te­ri­or skill­ful­ly coun­ter­bal­ance that trait with plen­ty of catchy melod­ic un­der­cur­rent and there's even a touch of Wire-es­que psy­che­delia on the clos­ing track Calam­bre Ex­quis­i­to. The open­ing track, on the oth­er hand, has a bit of a Sauna Youth vibe to it while over­all, you might catch some echoes of bands like Pyrex, Waste Man, Sieve­head, Tube Al­loys, Cork­er, Rank/​Xerox or Crim­i­nal Code.

Al­bum-Stream →

Indenadfin - Sin miedo al éxito

This chilean group or so­lo project just put out a kick­ass EP mande up of sim­ple and ef­fec­tive shit-fi garage punk rip­pers that kin­da ap­pear pre­des­tined for a re­lease on Good­bye Boozy (not say­ing that's gonna hap­pen, on­ly that it should) where it would fit com­fort­ably in­be­tween the col­lect­ed in­san­i­ties by the likes of 208, Zoids and Sil­i­con Heart­beat.

Al­bum-Stream →

Ménage Détroit - Ménage Détroit

Painters Tapes has nev­er dis­ap­point­ed and nei­ther does their newest re­lease, the de­but Cass­in­gle of this duo de­liv­er­ing two of the most ex­plo­sive lo-fi rip­pers of clas­sic old­school De­troit-style garage punk i've heard in a while. Noth­ing more, noth­ing less.

Five Bucks - Go Skate /​ H82W8

This Varese, Italy group fol­lows up a fun de­mo from two years ago with an even stronger dig­i­tal two-track sin­gle. Go Skate evokes the pound­ing elec­tro punk aes­thet­ics of, say, Spy­roids, Freak Genes, O-D-EX or the most re­cent Shrudd EP. H82W8 then has more of a fluffy garage pop vibe much in the vein of groups such as Slimex, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Ghoulies, Gee Tee and Bust­ed Head Rack­et, among many oth­ers.