Verspannungskassette #70 (C-90)

Liq­uid Im­ages French Ho­tel
Los Blobs Com­er­cial
Thee Ret­cons Shake!
Va­ri­ety Plover
I.L.L.O. The Un­known
Abricht­en Denkmal
Ul­tra Lover 14
Scud Don't Honk At Me
Itch­es Dri­vers Li­cense
Gus Bald­win Bur­glar For You
Taba­co Guil­loti­na
Dee Ob­scen­i­ty I Hate My Fam­i­ly
Palán­ta A Dög

Amer­i­can Mus­cle Don’t Tus­sle With The Mus­cle
GPS Sin King
Blood­stains Nu­clear Age
Viet*Viet Bad Cop Big Fat Pig
The Prob­lem With Kids To­day Leather Jack­et Blues
Hue­vo To­dos Quieren Bailar Con­mi­go
Roni Choic­es
Hot Pur­suit Lap Dog
Bloody Keep Im­bibe
Gold Cup The Num­bers
Meat Draw Gib­bous Moon
Zu­lo Maten­me por fa­vor

O-D-EX Spring Break
Bite Marx Dystopia Now!
Freak Ac­tiv­i­ty Lots of Things
Bug Ask A Punk 4 The Ad­dy
Plat­inum Crack! Out Of Time
Dr. Dence Dot Spam Sec­ond Opin­ion
Alien Nose­job The Ex­e­cu­tion­er
Sil­i­con Heart­beat 555
Zon­dar The Chain
Bil­liam Red Hot Iron
Rude Tele­vi­sion Con­ve­nience Store
Seg­gs Tape Ravi­o­li
Mu­sic for Mi­crowaves Flat Share Kitchen

Bruise Con­trol No More
En­e­mic In­te­ri­or Pi­lars De La Decadèn­cia
Chueko Stu­pid Peo­ple
Fast Five
Nas­ti No Teeth
Crawl Space Not There
Vi­o­lin Grim Depths
Junk Guts Take Your Med­i­cine
Hol­low Point Test My Pa­tience
Split Sys­tem End Of The Night
The Chis­el Cry Your Eyes Out
Finno­guns Wake Blue Skies
Vaguess Car­ry­on

The Gobs - The Gobs

New shit by these Olympia, Wash­ing­ton Lo-Fi punks and you kin­da know what's gonna hit you: More of that de­li­cious­ly blown out and catchy-as-fuck garage-/elec­tro/­fuzz punk de­men­tia for the mod­er­ate­ly de­sen­si­tized mind, hell­bent on dam­ag­ing your speak­ers, cor­rupt­ing your soul, spilling your booze and puk­ing on your car­pet. Very neg­a­tive in­flu­ence these kids, stay away!

Al­bum-Stream →

Alien Nosejob - Cold Bare Facts

Jake Robertson's Alien Nose­job usu­al­ly finds some way to sub­vert our ex­pec­ta­tions and their newest 7", com­ing to us as usu­al via An­ti Fade Records, ain't no ex­cep­tion in that re­gard! The Ex­e­cu­tion­er sur­pris­es with what might eas­i­ly be the most post punk the group has ever sound­ed as cold and raw elec­tric beats get weld­ed to an equal­ly rigid con­struct of repet­i­tive gui­tar riffs, com­bin­ing in­to a slight­ly in­dus­tri­al-ish over­all vibe. West Side Sto­ry then is clos­er to the fa­mil­iar and beloved stan­dard Alien Nose­job for­mu­la, a straight­for­ward yet el­e­gant garage punk smash­er based on a sin­gle ex­quis­ite riff that could just go on for­ev­er but con­ve­nient­ly gets fad­ed out in time be­fore it can cause any last­ing (hear­ing-) dam­age.

Spewed Brain - Spewed Brain

Fol­low­ing up on their much rougher, hard­core-lean­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Heart­throb EP of last year, Indiana's Spewed Brain take their sound in­to a catch­i­er, slight­ly egg-ish di­rec­tion on their new LP while stay­ing de­light­ful­ly fucked-up and un­pre­dictable, at dif­fer­ent times re­mind­ing me of groups as di­verse as, say, Trau­ma Har­ness, Print Head, Exwhite, The Gobs, Snoop­er, Rolex, Witch Piss or Slimex.

Al­bum-Stream →

RONi - Demo

Oh look, it's that mys­te­ri­ous dude again who al­so goes by such names as Zhoop, Djinn, Night­man, Feed, Brun­dle and even more dis­guis­es i can't re­call right now. As usu­al he does ex­act­ly one thing on here and he gets it right every sin­gle time - five ex­cel­lent no-frills min­i­mal­ist det­o­na­tions on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage-, hard­core- and fuzz punk.

Al­bum-Stream →

Dollhouse - Be Nice To Me (Part II)

I Hate You Don't Leave Me re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 28th via Tox­ic State Records.

Tommy Cossack & The Degenerators - TV Song

Ag­i­ta­tor re­leas­es May 3rd via Swish Swash Records.

Tribal Noise - Tenebre Veloci Su Bologna

Tene­bre Ve­loci Su Bologna re­leas­es March 30th via Im­proved Se­quence.

Nervous Tick and the Zipper Lips - My Dilapidated Mind

The Mono­chro­mat­ic Mind Of… re­leas­es March 8th via Big Neck Records.

Yobs - Fortune Teller

Yobs re­leas­es May 3rd via Fuzz Club Records.