Mobile - Demo

A new re­lease on Deluxe Bias, the glob­al leader in glo­ri­ous­ly shit-sound­ing cas­settes of usu­al­ly neg­li­gi­ble run­ning time. And here we have yet an­oth­er per­fect ex­am­ple of three max­i­mal­ly blown-out fuzz-laden hard­core punk tracks record­ed with just about the min­i­mum amount of fi­deli­ty to make the as­sess­ment that this shit fuckin' rips. Plus, i think that shit couldn't sound any more per­fect than this!

Crabs - Small Plates

Down From Lon­don re­leas­es June 21st.

Cowgirl - Fading Lights

Cut Offs re­leas­es Au­gust 9th via Safe Sub­ur­ban Home Records.

Rearranged Face - Far Green Arcade

Fol­low­ing a cou­ple of ex­cep­tion­al­ly en­joy­able EPs, this Los An­ge­les group stays a de­light­ful­ly quirky enig­ma on their first full length record, whose of­ten min­i­mal­ist yet al­ways play­ful and elab­o­rate­ly con­struct­ed bursts of chaos con­sis­tent­ly find new ways of wig­gling their way out of es­tab­lished genre tropes and con­ven­tions and as such, re­mind me of a whole bunch of dif­fer­ent things at dif­fer­ent points. What i can say though is that this shit cer­tain­ly shares a com­mon spir­it and tons of that same un­shack­led cre­ativ­i­ty with oth­er hy­per­ac­tive agents of dis­trac­tion like Re­al­i­ty Group, Pat­ti, Skull Cult, R.M.F.C., Big Bop­per, ear­ly Ura­ni­um Club, Print Head, Sub­tle Turn­hips, Shark Toys, Pres­sure Pin and Meal.

Al­bum-Stream →

Shrudd - For Budding Astrophysicists And Backyard Astronomers

Loui­seville, Ken­tucky group Shrudd has been around for a cou­ple years al­ready but on­ly re­al­ly start­ed to strike cre­ative gold with last year's Bizarro and Mi­cro­bio­me EP's, the for­mer deal­ing with more hard­core-ad­ja­cent sounds while the lat­ter dab­bled in a kin­da fa­mil­iar garage-/synth punk ter­ri­to­ry, an aes­thet­ic that al­so dom­i­nates their newest EP on which they con­sid­er­ably el­e­vate the weird­ness fac­tor, veer­ing in­to more of a pro­nounced egg­punk di­rec­tion evok­ing the likes of Prison Af­fair, Vic­tor, Set-Top Box or Paulo Vi­cious in equal mea­sure to con­tem­po­rary synth-/elec­tro punk acts á la Iso­tope Soap, Freak Genes, Spy­roids and Pow­er­plant.

Al­bum-Stream →

Shop Regulars - Shop Regulars

I had a bit of a hard time warm­ing up to more re­cent en­tries in that in­creasin­ly scrap­py and loose sound­ing line of tapes of this Port­land group front­ed by Matt Ra­do­se­vich of Hon­ey Buck­et fame. Now on their first acu­tal LP though, they mean busi­ness it ap­pears and in­deed they come across as fo­cused as they haven't sound­ed for quite some time. Less is more seems to be the max­im here with what ba­si­cal­ly amounts to five pro­longed, equal­ly mo­not­o­nous and play­ful one-chord won­ders (well, al­most), in which tex­ture and rhythm do most of the heavy lift­ing in­stead. Re­al­ly, this is the kind of min­i­mal­ism that makes ear­ly The Fall sound like pro­gres­sive rock in com­par­i­son. Para­dox­i­cal­ly, for a record mak­ing so few con­ces­sion to pre­con­ceived no­tions of what a "song" goes like, the whole thing is ra­di­at­ing in­fec­tious­ly up­beat vibes through­out in what is prob­a­bly gonna be the most joy­ous piece of ab­stract art punk you'll hear this sum­mer.

Al­bum-Stream →

Snooper /​ Prison Affair - Split

A fuck­ing dream team of the cur­rent egg­punk wave joins forces on this new split EP in the form of two very unique and dis­tinct groups, which have both al­ready left quite a mark on the scene in just a cou­ple years. Heck, you ac­tu­al­ly and rea­son­ably might con­sid­er both groups' sounds as hav­ing kick­start­ed their own lit­tle egg-sub­gen­res. Al­to­geth­er, this is a killer col­lec­tion of hits, as you al­ready might have sus­pect­ed!

Al­bum-Stream →

Kids - Repetitiom Variatiom

Here's yet an­oth­er qual­i­ty ar­ti­fact of a smar­ty­pants garage-/post punk hy­brid that does noth­ing too new or ground­break­ing yet de­lights with plen­ty of well-con­struct­ed odd­i­tiy, just the right amount of ran­dom­ness cou­pled with an abun­dance of su­per-catchy hooks. All of that puts them rough­ly in the neigh­bor­hood of, say, a slowed-down Ura­ni­um Club, Vin­tage Crop, Dumb, Abort­ed Tor­toise, Lithics or Pinch Points.

Al­bum-Stream →

Die Verlierer - Notausgang

No­taus­gang re­leas­es June 14th via Man­gel Records.