Verspannungskassette #78 (C-90)

Spodee Boy Moon­shine Canyon
Twist­ed Teens The Val­ley Spir­it Nev­er Dies
Tem­po­rary Curse Fron­tier Days
Is­mat­ic Gu­ru How Do They Know?
Elec­tric Prawns 2 G Spot
Five Bucks Su­per Stanzy Roks
Amor, Muerte Y Leono­ra Es El Fi­nal
Pet Cop Para$ite
Sea­gate Dun­geon Crawl
Stfubran Porky
Shament Laserkrieg
Big Bop­per Piss-Ant
As­sis­tert Sjøl­mord Tox­i­c­i­ty

En Love Wak­ing World
Ar­mor Free­dom
Dope Sweater Para­noiathon
Sub­dued Who Dies if Eng­land Lives
Hellscape Cu­jo
Ejac­u­la­tors Dead­ly Ro­mance
Pack Rat Heart Beat
The Sad Burn
Zikin Lo­hi­ja
Ozo Bo­zo Tantrum
Show­room Dum­mies Foam Min­er
De­liv­ery Dig­ging The Hole
Crim­i­nal My Mad­ball

The Drin Elude the Torch
Pablo X Broad­cast­ing Ser­vices Hunt­ed
Neg­a­tive Gears At­ten­tion To De­tail
Fes­ta del Per­dono Sen­tiero
Pal­mar de Troya Big Black
Pyrex Al­ley Katz
Rider/​Horse Headache Pow­der
Screen­saver Per­ma­nence
Kalte Hand Kessel

Sil­i­con Rap­ture Par­ty
The Het­ero­sex­u­als Call 422-424
Kla­vo Berlin Blitz
Jug Gates of Steel
Erik Ner­vous R'G'M
Mon­da Sirens Al­lure
.cum I'm Cum­ming For You
Ten­sion Pets Man of Opin­ion
Teens Va­cant Lot

Verspannungskassette #77 (C-60)

D.A.R.Y.L. Fucked City
Mon­da Less Fea­tures, High­er Price
D.I.M Helas­tic
Me­dia Puz­zle Garage Sale
Fun­gas Skaff
Au­to­bahns Tele­phone Freakos
Kitchen Peo­ple Maus Trap
Bore­dom Boys Stu­pid brain
Fan Club Ex­ploit Me
Roni High­way Ex­press
Pust La faute de la boîte
Gay Cum Dad­dies Rib­bon­ing Boul­der Hands Over Da­ta
Spit Beat Up Face
Sweep­ers Street Sweep­er
Foil I Hate The Mu­sic That Plays At The Store
One Trick Pony Mr Blis­ter
Jëg Hüsker Inte Mer Hem
Killer Kin Point Blank

Vir­tu­al Com­bat Buzz Kill
Mock-Up Progress Trap
Cor­pus Earth­ling Cor­pus Earth­ling Meets The Counter Cul­ture
Elec­tric Prawns 2 I Wan­na B UR Simp
¡Mi­au! ¡Es nat­ur­al!
Steak Blake Un­der Knives
Ex­cess Blood Ros­es Bloom
Exe­do Col­lide
Up­right Forms Heav­en Knows
Knifven Jag Måste Gå
Mr. Pesca­do Cheap Gui­tars
Jrdn Alexan­der Hive
Char-Man The Thing
Erik Ner­vous R'G'M
Bil­liam Maid Dress

Verspannungskassette #76 (C-74)

Pol­e­vaulter Cursed
Plat­inum Crack! Con­trol
Psy­chic Grave­yard Stuffed With Se­crets
In­de­nadfin Vi­da Cor­ta
Tem­po­rary Curse TV DVD
Bran­don Mon­key Fin­gers B.M.F.
Pyrex Bo­zo

Lost Le­gion The An­i­mals We Used To Be
Die Ver­lier­er At­ten­tat
Re­arranged Face A Flock Of Seag­ulls
Mar­cel Wave Great British High St.
Kids Vicin­i­ty
Dis­ci­plina Lim­i­tar Glamur in­te­ri­or

Pow­er Pants Ali­enize
Shop Reg­u­lars I'm Go­ing To Greece
Golomb Take My Life
Mé­nage Détroit Would You Say (I'm In Love)
Eye Ball L.I.S.T.E.N.
Split Sys­tem Force Field
MK Ul­tras Tar­get Killer
Night­man Scab
Pust La faute de la boîte
Mo­bile Out­sider
X2000 El Lina­je

Use­less In­fo Song 5
Memo PST Un­der Your Chains
Roni Tik­tok Rot
Necron 9 Un­known Ti­tle
Shrudd Au­to­naut
Prison Af­fair Al­go Huele Mal
Ge­o­duck Diodes Ud­ders
Vergüen­za Vis­cer­al
Five Bucks H82w8
Sex Mex Fuck­ing It Up

Verspannungskassette #75 (C-90)

Pow­er Pants I Got­ta Get In Shape
Bil­liam Cog Stuck
NTSC>PAL Sug­ges­tive Rex
Die Elec­tric Anus Splig­gi­ty Splat (My Feet Are On Fire)
D. Sablu Stuck in a Rut
Dirt Suck­er Ba­nana Peel Brief­case
Ham­mer and the Tools T-1000
South­ern Crus­tacean Dead CEOs
The Gobs I Hate This Place
Prim­i­tive Fuck­ing Ballers Nu­clear At­ro­phy
To­tal Sham Keep It Rollin'
In­ver­te­brates Bat­ed Breath
Bootlick­er Red Serge
Pol­lute Nite
Ma­lig­nant Or­der Dis­guise

Chem­i­cal Threat Pres­sure
Bad Im­age Re­al World
Gripe Duen­des
Hood Rats In­ter­ven­tion
Di­rect Threat For­ev­er Fight­ing
Judy And The Jerks Good Time
Snoop­er I Think I’m Falling In Luv Again
Eye Ball Vi­o­lins
Shit­ty Life Just A Guy
Bounce House Pop Rox
Bermu­da Squares Don't Wan­na Go Out­side
Gus Bald­win Re­lief
Vir­tu­al Com­bat Ex­cess Ac­cess
Cool Guy Club Shit Feel­ings
Au­to­bahns Loss Of The Rights

Shel­lac I Don't Fear Hell
Lux­u­ry Apart­ments Lux­u­ry Apart­ments
Or­chid Club Life Takes Time
Work Stress Res­ur­rect­ed
An­cient Lights But what about the chil­dren?
Cut­ters Frail In The Mind
Plexi Stad Siren Dance
Man­taRochen Re­flec­tion
Eye­lash Ap­par­ent

Pyrex Sleep Ther­a­py (De­mo)
Roll­treppe Schüsse
Tip­ping Points Op­er­ate Ac­cel­er­ate
Cray­on Cats Labrador
Par­don­er In­stru­ment of Peace
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Spir­it of the Age
Neu­trals Wish You Were Here
Neon Lies Teen

Verspannungskassette #74 (2x C-60)

Too much cool new shit, that's my fa­vorite lux­u­ry prob­lem and it's what the past few weeks had in store, so a C-90 won't suf­fice this time. That, and al­so i to­tal­ly had to add a ten-minute tune to the track­list be­cause why the fuck not? Di­al A for fuzzed-out de­prav­i­ty and gen­er­al may­hem. B for egg-ish de­men­tia, quirky and for­bid­den fun and games for the whole fam­i­ly. C for dark­ness, death and de­spair. D for some beeps & bloops, fol­lowed by hits, hooks and melodies.

Favoured State That's Life
Home­less Ca­dav­er Ca­daviar
208 Tantrum
Ful­mine Randa­gio
Fen Fen Dumb
Baghed LKWO
Grand Fi­nal Boom­town
Yobs Shit­ty Eye
Googon Elec­trodil­don­ics
The Cut-Ups Chenan­go Coun­ty Fair
Sol­vent No Re­course
Norms Struk­túra Kultúra
Rouge Paint It Red
To­tal Sham Keep It Rollin'
Coy­ote An­noy­ing Dick­head
Pur­ga­to­rio Una Bro­ma
Per­son­al Dam­age Cull the Herd
Fu­ture of De­spair Rem­nants

Jim­sob­bins Tv So­ci­ety
Tiffany Junk­food
So Cow Sum­mer Is Icu­men In Again
Cindy7 Wall
The Dogs We Are The Dogs
Bil­liam I Was A Teenage RNG Freak
Shaw­nis and The Shim­mers Queer Plan­et
Gob­lin Day­care Liar, Liar
D.I.M La con­duite
Egg Id­iot Barf Life
Kapow! KAPOW!
Mu­sic For Mi­crowaves Pira­cy
Tom­my Cos­sack & The De­gen­er­a­tors Bed Sores
Trash­dog neU­tron danS ShoT-gun wee
Ner­vous Tick and The Zip­per Lips Re­align my Mind
Vide­oflip Pas de mon monde

Elek­trokohle I Wan­na Cry
Nag In­sert A Thought
Mon­da Hot Tag
Sín­te­sis Va­ca­ciones en Tel Aviv
Whip­house Lie Cheat Steal Re­peat
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pick­ing Things Out Of The Air
DBR Faulty
Dead Finks Ba­ton
S:Bahn You Could Be Mine
Machi­avel­lian Art Fear of The Out­side World /​ Cri­sis

Paulo Vi­cious Eu Fi­co Eu Mor­ro
Thy­roids Fake Es­tate
Nick Nor­mal Mixed Let­tuces 1&2
Hy­per­dog Hole
Power­band Death Ma­chine
Cher­ry Cheeks Cru­el Bore
Va­ca­tion Psy­chic Gaso­line
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Stuck on Re­peat
Ul­tra Lights Nos­tal­gia
Bluff City Vice Big City Livin
Night Court 1000000th Song
The Dump­ies Bi­sex­u­al Hedge­fund Man­ag­er
The Wes­leys Make It My Way

Verspannungskassette #73 (C-60)

Fac­toids As­so­ci­a­tion
Wes­ley & The Boys Beep Bop Beep Boop Bop
Paulo Vi­cious Acor­da Be­bê 2
Gurk Me And My Friend
Bust­ed Head Rack­et Buried Alive
Klint Some­body Cut Out My Brain
The Death Sen­tence The Death Sen­tence
Obe­di­ent About to Snap
Wood­stock 99 Hot­ter than a Half-Fucked Fox in a For­est Fire
Brain Squeeze Hu­man Par­a­sites
Top Dol­lar Free
Cru­ci­form Not My Own
Glue­man Vi­sions Of Death
To­tal Sham An­ti Every­thing
Chum Lord R.M.F.C.
Liq­uid Lunch Dan's in Trou­ble (Mistle­toe Blues)
Bil­liam Where Is Jack­son Reid Brig­gs?

Leaves The Lad­der
Con­tin­u­als Care­ful & For­giv­ing
Stuck Deep Tun­nel
Hevrat Ha'Hashmal Mer­cury In Ret­ro­grade
Puss Anger Pro­to­col
Dårskap Gegroom Beg
Os­bo Se­cu­ri­ty
Dog Date F Bomb
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads Bar­rel Through The Con­struc­tion Zone
Trag­ic Car­pet Scared To Death
Hood Rats Let's Break the Law
Cuir La ville aux 5 ports
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. Tra­ga al­mas
Teen Line Pick A Lane
Faulty Cog­ni­tions Sad Sack

Verspannungskassette #72 (C-60)

Vi­su­al Learn­er Bul­let­proof
The Dogs Khazi
Lysol Padded Cell
Delta 8 Stay Down
The Celebri­ties Crackin Un­der Pres­sure
Dadgad Rok De­mo 2
Gob­lin Day­care Boss Man
Aw­ful Com­pos­ite
Shrudd Skin
El­mos Fish Bowl
Groind Ce­cil­ia

Bo­zone Burn­er Killer
No Brains Tox­ic Boogers
Fen Fen Kill Your Par­ents
Head­clean­er Maybe It's Ra­bies
D.Sablu Scan­dalous
Z-Pak Bench­warmer
Ci­ca­da Self Pu­rifi­ca­tion
Gloat Raise The Liv­ing
Youth In Asia Slave Fam­i­ly
Ru­ined Virtue Cater­pil­lar
Val­taty­hjiö Vi­il­to Ker­ral­laan

Why Both­er? Nev­er the Ma­chine
Elec­tric Prawns 2 I'm Hooked
Smirk Bad Be­hav­ior
A Place To Bury Strangers Chas­ing Col­ors
Kerozine Liv­ing In A Night­mare
VR Sex Re­al Doll Time

Mar­bled Eye All The Pieces
Mol­bo Gull­gåsa
X-Nip­ples Dis­ap­pear
Chaos OK Flow­er­ing
The Scaners R.O.B.O.T.
Uni­corn Fart Sug­ar Noo­dles

Verspannungskassette #71 (C-90)

Die TV Blow
Phil & The Tiles Not To­day
No Heal­er New York
Ura­ni­um Club 2-600-LULLABY
Con­spire The Spar­row
Gob Psy­chic Con­tent Mod­er­a­tor
Jack­et Burn­er Last Nite
Bart And The Brats Can't Think Straight
Elvis 2 On The Mo­tor­way
Jean Mignon Un­send­ing An Apol­o­gy
To­tal Sham The Night
In­nu­en­do Nev­er Go­ing Back
Que Lin­do Mynt I Lom­ma

Leak­ing Head Leak­ing Head
The Goofies Dis­or­der
In­dus­try Lessons In Im­per­ma­nence
Spewed Brain Ba­by is a Hater
Act Step On A Crack
The Gobs The Gobs Com­mit An Armed Rob­bery
Gob­lin Day­care Busi­ness Is Busi­ness
Glu­ta­mate Dance
Pow­er Pants I'm Crav­ing You
Slags We're All Dogs
iPad Ba­by Girl Din­ner
Fac­toids No Time

Dar­ius De­nom­i­na­tor Psy­cho­log­i­cal 1975
Chalk Claw
Cuir Gast
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Ready For Hell
Nor­mans Dead Snakes
Car­toon Steam Room
Ar­se Shame Bomb
Pork Bel­ly Lucky Start
Snoop­er On Line
Jug When

Sex Mex Nerds Who Play Gui­tar
Shop Talk The Will
Doll­house I Hate You Dont Leave Me
Sweet Teeth Move On
Stat­ues Mer­cury
An­ten­na Don't Cry
Dauber No Use For a Pig
María En Dro­gas Cereza
Canal Ir­re­al Whis­pers
Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! In Be­tween

Verspannungskassette #70 (C-90)

Liq­uid Im­ages French Ho­tel
Los Blobs Com­er­cial
Thee Ret­cons Shake!
Va­ri­ety Plover
I.L.L.O. The Un­known
Abricht­en Denkmal
Ul­tra Lover 14
Scud Don't Honk At Me
Itch­es Dri­vers Li­cense
Gus Bald­win Bur­glar For You
Taba­co Guil­loti­na
Dee Ob­scen­i­ty I Hate My Fam­i­ly
Palán­ta A Dög

Amer­i­can Mus­cle Don’t Tus­sle With The Mus­cle
GPS Sin King
Blood­stains Nu­clear Age
Viet*Viet Bad Cop Big Fat Pig
The Prob­lem With Kids To­day Leather Jack­et Blues
Hue­vo To­dos Quieren Bailar Con­mi­go
Roni Choic­es
Hot Pur­suit Lap Dog
Bloody Keep Im­bibe
Gold Cup The Num­bers
Meat Draw Gib­bous Moon
Zu­lo Maten­me por fa­vor

O-D-EX Spring Break
Bite Marx Dystopia Now!
Freak Ac­tiv­i­ty Lots of Things
Bug Ask A Punk 4 The Ad­dy
Plat­inum Crack! Out Of Time
Dr. Dence Dot Spam Sec­ond Opin­ion
Alien Nose­job The Ex­e­cu­tion­er
Sil­i­con Heart­beat 555
Zon­dar The Chain
Bil­liam Red Hot Iron
Rude Tele­vi­sion Con­ve­nience Store
Seg­gs Tape Ravi­o­li
Mu­sic for Mi­crowaves Flat Share Kitchen

Bruise Con­trol No More
En­e­mic In­te­ri­or Pi­lars De La Decadèn­cia
Chueko Stu­pid Peo­ple
Fast Five
Nas­ti No Teeth
Crawl Space Not There
Vi­o­lin Grim Depths
Junk Guts Take Your Med­i­cine
Hol­low Point Test My Pa­tience
Split Sys­tem End Of The Night
The Chis­el Cry Your Eyes Out
Finno­guns Wake Blue Skies
Vaguess Car­ry­on

Verspannungskassette #69 (C-60)

REVV Prism
Hick Tra­cy So­lu­tion
Rat Art Tech
Bil­liam Maximum/​Max Out
Met­dog Surfin Da Web
Barf! Suc­cess­ful Mu­si­cian
Paulo Vi­cious Cocô De Um Dia
Bust­ed Head Rack­et Poor No More

Klint Keep On Rockin
Beer Full Leather Jack­et
Fac­toids Reel Rock
Rude Tele­vi­sion Ar­ti­fi­cial Paint
Hack­er Scam­mer
Hogg No Self
Eti­quette Un­known Ti­tle
Jëg Hüsker Fo­mo Boy

Spodee Boy Pro­ce­dures
Aus Zugvögel
Warm Ex­it Con­crete Fas­ci­na­tion
MKVul­ture Coach
Glas Nost Speak Vi­o­lence
Cork­er Dis­tant Dawn

Pu­ra Manía Las Lo­cas Aven­turas De Ho­ra­cio Gómez
Pleas­ants Karaoke Booth
Big­heads At­ti­ca
Ac­ci­dente Ata­jos
Jen­er­a­tor Jenk­ins Desert Mi­rage
The Slads Pan­ic At­tack