Rank-O - Rebirth

Mon­u­ment Move­ment re­leas­es March 29th via An­oth­er Record.

Serpette - Whip!

Ser­pette re­leas­es March 1st.

Power Pants - Out Of Tune

Meat Draw - Gibbous Moon

Split System - Vol. 2

The sec­ond LP by this Mel­bourne garage punk su­per­group brings fur­ther grad­ual re­fine­ment to their dis­tinct for­mu­la car­ry­ing all the right bag­gage from many decades of par­tic­u­lar­ly aus­tralian punk his­to­ry both an­cient and re­cent, pre­sent­ed with heart­felt ur­gency and a per­sis­tent sense of melan­choly that's quite unique to them, a knack for catchy hooks, el­e­gant, sim­ple and ef­fec­tive song­writ­ing which has had the group run­ning cir­cles around the bulk of the genre pret­ty much from day one, all the while leav­ing im­pact craters with the un­re­lent­ing fury of their per­for­mance. Noth­ing short of spec­tac­u­lar, this record!

Al­bum-Stream →

Vaguess - Thanks /​/​ No Thanks

A main­stay of re­cent years in garage punk is back with a some­what more high-pro­file LP via Er­ste Theke Ton­träger fol­low­ing a re­cent string of more un­der­stat­ed cas­sette and dig­i­tal re­leas­es. This thing is as eclec­tic as any of these but at the same time, a lot more fo­cused, de­ter­mined and con­sis­tent than some of those more scrap­py re­cent of­fer­ings. Span­ning a spec­trum from the propul­sive post punk of the open­ing sal­vo (When It's Gone, A.P.A.C.), melan­choly in­die rock bal­lads (Texas Cloud), comp­fy synth pop tunes (Let U Know) to straight­for­ward garage-/fuzz punk ex­plo­sions (Can't Take It, 2 Car Garage), there's plen­ty of meat to dig your teeth in­to, all held to­geth­er by Vin­ny Earley's al­ways con­fi­dent, of­ten plain­ly bril­liant song­writ­ing pow­ers. Last but not least, Week­end Shad­ows and Car­ry­on are fur­ther ex­am­ples of ex­act­ly that kind of supreme pow­er-/fuzz pop hymn the dude has al­ways ex­celled at.

Al­bum-Stream →

Jean Mignon - Unsending An Apology

Dirty Mean Fast re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 26th.

Gob Psychic - (All Week) Rent Payer

Rent Pay­er re­leas­es March 1st via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Choncy - Dead Meat

20X Mul­ti­pli­er re­leas­es March 8th via Feel It Records.

The Follies - I Idled

Per­ma­nent Present Tense re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 23rd via Feel It Records.