Mo egg on ya face (Paulo Vicious /​ Dårskap /​ Gurk)

In re­cent years, i high­ly doubt there's ever been such a thing as a bad week for egg­punk but this one has been es­pe­cial­ly fruit­ful with three no­table, way above av­er­age re­leas­es. Paulo Vi­cious of Tel Aviv you might al­ready be fa­mil­iar with from last winter's kick­ass de­but EP and on this one, they seem­less­ly con­tin­ue the de­praved fun with strong echos of Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nubot555 and, at times, an added sheen of 8-bit chip­tunes. Oslo, Nor­way act Dårskap then ap­proach egg-re­lat­ed nois­es with a bit of a dun­geon un­der­tone and some ever-so-slight traces of old­school death rock, beg­ging the ques­tion if there's some over­lap with an­oth­er Oslo group, Mol­bo, who've al­so been fea­tured on here just a week ago. To round things out with what is prob­a­bly the most straight­for­ward and clas­sic (hah!) sound­ing ex­am­ple of the bunch, Stock­holm, Sweden's very own Gurk de­liv­er four new at­tacks of ul­tra-catchy egg-in­duced joy on their newest EP that might just be their strongest ef­fort to date.

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Molbo - Rettferdighetens Ridder /​/​ Kerozine - Living In A Nightmare

Two no­table, more or less dun­geon punk-ad­ja­cent re­leas­es have land­ed this week. First off, there's the de­but cas­sette of Oslo group Mol­bo who, on the sur­face, pri­mar­i­ly seem to draw in­flu­ences from that genre com­plex of eight­ies goth, death rock and post punk that's been so en vogue once again for the last decade or so. What sets them apart in that par­tic­u­lar niche though is a cer­tain whim­si­cal egg­punk aes­thet­ic, a sense of joy and fun not of­ten found in an oth­er­wise of­ten overky self-se­ri­ous genre, though ad­mit­ted­ly this can at times have an un­in­ten­tion­al­ly com­i­cal ef­fect as well.

Ip­swich, UK duo Kerozine then ap­proach a vague­ly dun­geon-es­que aes­thet­ic from a more straight­for­ward yet de­light­ful­ly noisy synth-/elec­tro punk an­gle that's every bit as dri­ving and hard-hit­ting as it's catchy, the best rea­son­ably re­cent com­par­isons i can come up with right now be­ing the likes of Spy­roids, O-D-EX, Drýsild­jö­full, Chan­nel 83, C57BL/​6, Ex­pose and Beef.

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Electric Prawns 2 - Hot Wheels /​ I'm Hooked /​ I Love Rock & Roll (I Love It)

Com­ing off their un­wieldy two-hour Lo-Fi garage-/post-/eg­g­punk mono­lith Prawn Sta­t­ic For Porn Ad­dicts from last year, the Mof­fat Beach, Aus­tralia based group re­turns with a cou­ple of com­par­a­tive­ly Mid-to-Hi­Fi sound­ing sin­gles and EPs. All three of them re­in­force my as­sess­ment that was al­ready ev­i­dent on their pre­de­ces­sor, name­ly that these folks just write kick­ass tunes, plain and sim­ple, which don't re­al­ly need to hide be­hind a wall of low fi­deli­ty gunk and grime and can be made to work in pret­ty much any shape and form. I like my things sound­ing kin­da scruffy and crum­my though and thank­ful­ly, here they pret­ty much hit the sweet spot con­cern­ing that.

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Awful - 4 Songs

Speak­ing of Deluxe Bias… here's the newest cas­sette of minis­cule run­time from that Wyoming la­bel spe­cial­iz­ing in ex­act­ly that one kind of thing. An­oth­er com­plete­ly blown-out as­sault on the sens­es walk­ing a thin line be­tween ul­tra-rough LoFi fuzz-, garage- and egg­punk re­sult­ing in some ex­quis­ite may­hem which may plau­si­bly get de­scribed as a cu­ri­ous blend of the likes of Print Head, Warm Bod­ies, Snoop­er and Fugi­tive Bub­ble.

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Gremlin - 1-800-GREMLIN

Lux­u­ry new fod­der for garage- and egg­punk afic­i­na­dos by this Cin­ci­nati, Ohio group. Soft Vi­o­lence and Why Fight res­onate the quirky mad­ness of groups like Prison Af­fair, Nuts, Beer, Cher­ry Cheeks and Pringue but ex­tend that aes­thet­ic with a dis­tinct psy­che­del­ic feel trans­port­ed main­ly through the poly­phon­ic vo­cals here. The lat­ter ten­den­cies are al­so leav­ing their mark on Null Fu­ture, which ex­pert­ly treads in old­school garage punk ter­ri­to­ry re­sult­ing in a vibe á la Mononeg­a­tives with a more purist fuzz punk edge. Clos­ing track It Goes On, then, close­ly re­sem­bles the kraut-y psy­ched-out post punk vibes of fel­low Cincin­nati groups The Drin and The Serfs, sug­gest­ing some of the same folks might be at work here.

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Beta Máximo - Creo que E​.​T. es Melvin

Span­ish noise pop over­lords Be­ta Max­i­mo re­turn with a strong new batch of tunes. Hard to be­lieve their pro­lif­ic out­put be­gan just some­time last sum­mer… Start­ing out with what i'd con­sid­er more of an egg­punk-aes­thet­ic, they've con­stant­ly kept chang­ing things up, grad­u­al­ly evolv­ing in­to a some­what slow­er, dreamy and slight­ly shoegaze-y di­rec­tion and these new songs strike me as the most re­al­ized and well-round­ed stuff we've heard from them re­cent­ly.

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Ismatic Guru - III

Buf­fa­lo, NY group Is­mat­ic Guru's two pre­vi­ous EPs were a promis­ing and en­joy­able af­fair al­ready but it's on their newest cas­sette that their sound fi­nal­ly clicks in­to place, their vi­sion ma­tured and tight­ened-up sig­nif­i­cant­ly. I'd say their mix rough­ly lo­cat­ed in the fuzzy realms of garage-, synth- and egg­punk has carved out their own lit­tle niche for them by en­hanc­ing their quirky aes­thet­ics with plen­ty of funky ac­tion end even some slight touch of kraut-y and psy­che­del­ic vibes, most no­tably in the open­ing and clos­ing tracks.

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Ninja Sword - The Art Of Bone Smashing

On this Oslo group's de­but EP, an at­ti­tude and aes­thet­ic in­be­tween the worlds of egg- and dun­geon punk is giv­en a dis­tinct­ly far east­ern theme. In the con­text of a genre clus­ter that makes a point of mak­ing no fuck­ing sense, this makes about per­fect fuck­ing sense i'd say! Am i mak­ing any sense? Who cares, this shit is fun!

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Завірюга - 18000

The on­ly ukran­ian egg­punk group that i know of so far had al­ready piqued my in­ter­est with a batch of su­per sol­id ex­tend­ed plays in re­cent weeks and with their newest one, they're fuck­ing killing it if you ask me. Manda­to­ry new lis­ten­ing for fans of shit á la Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Beer and Nuts!

Aborted Tortoise & Ghoulies - EuroTour Split

This is in­deed a tour i'm pret­ty psy­ched about al­ready! This new split 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records presents the two Perth groups at their finest as Abort­ed Tor­toise make your legs shake with their patent­ed con­structs of smar­ty­pants garage punk á la Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Dumb, Vin­tage Crop and the like. Ghoulies then fol­low up with two strong and catchy garage-/egg-/synth punk tunes rough­ly in the Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp, Cher­ry Cheeks, Set-Top Box, Alien Nose­job or Sa­tan­ic To­gas fash­ion.

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