Mo egg on ya face (Paulo Vicious /​ Dårskap /​ Gurk)

In re­cent years, i high­ly doubt there's ever been such a thing as a bad week for egg­punk but this one has been es­pe­cial­ly fruit­ful with three no­table, way above av­er­age re­leas­es. Paulo Vi­cious of Tel Aviv you might al­ready be fa­mil­iar with from last winter's kick­ass de­but EP and on this one, they seem­less­ly con­tin­ue the de­praved fun with strong echos of Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nubot555 and, at times, an added sheen of 8-bit chip­tunes. Oslo, Nor­way act Dårskap then ap­proach egg-re­lat­ed nois­es with a bit of a dun­geon un­der­tone and some ever-so-slight traces of old­school death rock, beg­ging the ques­tion if there's some over­lap with an­oth­er Oslo group, Mol­bo, who've al­so been fea­tured on here just a week ago. To round things out with what is prob­a­bly the most straight­for­ward and clas­sic (hah!) sound­ing ex­am­ple of the bunch, Stock­holm, Sweden's very own Gurk de­liv­er four new at­tacks of ul­tra-catchy egg-in­duced joy on their newest EP that might just be their strongest ef­fort to date.

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Vaguess - Thanks /​/​ No Thanks

A main­stay of re­cent years in garage punk is back with a some­what more high-pro­file LP via Er­ste Theke Ton­träger fol­low­ing a re­cent string of more un­der­stat­ed cas­sette and dig­i­tal re­leas­es. This thing is as eclec­tic as any of these but at the same time, a lot more fo­cused, de­ter­mined and con­sis­tent than some of those more scrap­py re­cent of­fer­ings. Span­ning a spec­trum from the propul­sive post punk of the open­ing sal­vo (When It's Gone, A.P.A.C.), melan­choly in­die rock bal­lads (Texas Cloud), comp­fy synth pop tunes (Let U Know) to straight­for­ward garage-/fuzz punk ex­plo­sions (Can't Take It, 2 Car Garage), there's plen­ty of meat to dig your teeth in­to, all held to­geth­er by Vin­ny Earley's al­ways con­fi­dent, of­ten plain­ly bril­liant song­writ­ing pow­ers. Last but not least, Week­end Shad­ows and Car­ry­on are fur­ther ex­am­ples of ex­act­ly that kind of supreme pow­er-/fuzz pop hymn the dude has al­ways ex­celled at.

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Beta Máximo - Creo que E​.​T. es Melvin

Span­ish noise pop over­lords Be­ta Max­i­mo re­turn with a strong new batch of tunes. Hard to be­lieve their pro­lif­ic out­put be­gan just some­time last sum­mer… Start­ing out with what i'd con­sid­er more of an egg­punk-aes­thet­ic, they've con­stant­ly kept chang­ing things up, grad­u­al­ly evolv­ing in­to a some­what slow­er, dreamy and slight­ly shoegaze-y di­rec­tion and these new songs strike me as the most re­al­ized and well-round­ed stuff we've heard from them re­cent­ly.

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The Wind Ups - Happy Like This

The sec­ond LP of this Chico, Cal­i­for­nia based group led by Jake Sprech­er (of Smoke­screens, Bee­hive and Ter­ry Malts fame) picks the strands right up where they were left off on their amaz­ing 2021 de­but al­bum Try Not To Think, which is to say: More of their ir­re­sistibly catchy blend of noise- and pow­er pop, garage- and fuzz punk mak­ing for yet an­oth­er high-oc­tane bub­blegum pop spec­ta­cle whose im­pec­ca­ble song­writ­ing prowess nev­er floun­ders even for a sec­ond!

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Wimps - City Lights

These folks have been around for a good bit longer than this blog and al­so have been a con­stant part of my life's back­ground hum all the way, al­though things have gone a bit qui­et around them in re­cent years. Their first new LP in five years once again presents the Seat­tle group in peak form though. Their se­cret weapons have al­ways been their sim­plic­i­ty, tons of quirky charm and a unique knack for churn­ing out catchy-as-fuck lit­tle slack­er hymns that just grow on you, pre­sent­ed in an un­pre­ten­tious, straight­for­ward garage punk and fuzz pop sound.

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Datenight - Clueless and Hangless

At first glance i wasn't quite sure if this Nashville group's newest LP isn't gonna be just a bit too mel­low for my taste but even­tu­al­ly, the sheer strength of their Lo-Fi in­die rock songcraft wins me over once again, the whole thing hav­ing the feel of a scrap­py odds-and-ends col­lec­tion which might just be the case. This as­sess­ment is on­ly be­ing re­in­forced by the fact that the songs ap­pear in al­pha­bet­i­cal or­der here - the tunes them­selves are pure A-grade stuff though.

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M.O.T.O. - The Wall of Phlegm

What a god­damn beau­ty! Paul Ca­por­i­no of cult garage punk /​ pow­er pop vet­er­an project M.O.T.O. at long last has com­piled a new set of beau­ti­ful­ly fuzzy record­ings in the well-worn 4-track so­lo fash­ion, kick­ing things off with a fuckin' Motör­head cov­er of all things and sub­se­quent­ly pulling off what must be his most high-val­ue, hook-laden set of tunes in a long time, noth­ing short of a new lo-fi pop mas­ter­piece if you ask me. Many songs have al­ready ap­peard on one oc­ca­sion or an­oth­er but hon­est­ly, who cares re­al­ly as this thing kin­da plays out like an all-killer-no-filler best of from his re­cent decade-plus of cre­ative out­put, pre­sent­ed in uniqe, un­heard record­ings.

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Beer - Beer I

For our week­ly dose of egg-re­lat­ed brain­fuck, some dude or group from Charleston, South Car­oli­na is vol­un­teer­ing and they've brought beer with them, nice! Though not ex­act­ly rein­vent­ing the wheel here, this is an­oth­er rock sol­id new pack­age of quirky funky lo-fi garage pop good­ness that fans of shit á la Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nuts, Eu­gh or Pringue are guar­an­teed to have a mas­sive ball with.

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Die TV - Uno Affo

Com­ing off a se­ries of neat EPs last year, Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey garage group or, prob­a­bly, so­lo artist Die TV re­turns with a new al­bum pre­sent­ing their tunes in an even more stripped-down, low-key man­ner at first glance, yet un­der­neath the unas­sum­ing sur­face un­folds a spec­tac­u­lar fire­works of DIY cre­ativ­i­ty. While at some points you may still find the oc­ca­sion­al speck of Spits or Stal­ins of Sound in there, Die TV's strum­my, jan­g­ly blend of garage- and post punk with sprin­kles of psy­che­delia comes in­to even sharp­er fo­cus here, the min­i­mal­ist pro­duc­tion pro­vid­ing plen­ty of breath­ing room for the melan­choly, sparkling gui­tar arrange­ments with more than a lit­tle hint of Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles in some places, Pow­er Plant or Freak Genes in oth­ers, even a touch of Dig­i­tal Leather in the mut­ed pop vibes of Goner. Don't let first im­pres­sions fool you, this is quite po­tent and awe­some shit from start to fin­ish!

Al­bum-Stream →

Gee Tee - Goodnight Neanderthal

New stuff from Gee Tee or Vee or what­ev­er, this dude's shit is all good! On this LP, he's hold­ing a nice bal­ance be­tween the pow­er pop ten­den­cies of his re­cent Tee Vee Re­pair­man records and the some­what more garage-lean­ing projects of his á la Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. and Set-Top Box, mak­ing for an­oth­er fine batch of fuzzed-out garage pop tunes, among them some of his most in­fec­tious ones so far, that's for sure.

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