In re­cent years, i high­ly doubt there's ever been such a thing as a bad week for egg­punk but this one has been es­pe­cial­ly fruit­ful with three no­table, way above av­er­age re­leas­es. Paulo Vi­cious of Tel Aviv you might al­ready be fa­mil­iar with from last winter's kick­ass de­but EP and on this one, they seem­less­ly con­tin­ue the de­praved fun with strong echos of Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nubot555 and, at times, an added sheen of 8-bit chip­tunes. Oslo, Nor­way act Dårskap then ap­proach egg-re­lat­ed nois­es with a bit of a dun­geon un­der­tone and some ever-so-slight traces of old­school death rock, beg­ging the ques­tion if there's some over­lap with an­oth­er Oslo group, Mol­bo, who've al­so been fea­tured on here just a week ago. To round things out with what is prob­a­bly the most straight­for­ward and clas­sic (hah!) sound­ing ex­am­ple of the bunch, Stock­holm, Sweden's very own Gurk de­liv­er four new at­tacks of ul­tra-catchy egg-in­duced joy on their newest EP that might just be their strongest ef­fort to date.