Mock Tudors - Hair Of The Dog

Good Drinkin' Times re­leas­es Ju­ly 30th.

Bed Maker - Ballad of Tokitae

Bed Mak­er re­leas­es May 31st via Dischord Records.

Dead Finks - Eve Of Ascension

On their third LP, com­ing to our shores via Syd­ney la­bel Urge Records, the Berlin post punk duo con­sist­ing of Erin Vi­o­let and for­mer Trust Punks vo­cal­ist Joseph Thomas sees them di­al­ing down the folk-ish lean­ings a bit in fa­vor of a slight­ly dark­er, heav­ier sound while re­tain­ing all of that over­bear­ing sense of melan­choly and the song-fo­cused qual­i­ties that al­ready had the pre­vi­ous records tow­er­ing way above the bulk of the genre, prompt­ing ex­clu­sive­ly flat­ter­ing com­par­isons to acts such as Pub­lic In­ter­est, Mar­bled Eye, Waste Man, Tube Al­loys, Cork­er, Glit­ter­ing in­sects, Pub­lic Eye, Kitchen's Floor, VR Sex and Moth­ers Milk.

Al­bum-Stream →

Gee Tee - Prehistoric Chrome

The Syd­ney garage-/eg­g­punk powerhouse's newest record is ac­tu­al­ly more of a col­lec­tion of scraps, demos, odds and ends left on the cut­ting room floor over the years but… damn! If this shit here rep­re­sents Gee Tee's b-ma­te­r­i­al, i'm glad­ly gonna eat up what­ev­er c-list shit they've got lin­ger­ing in the archives too. This is a bril­liant record from start to fin­ish and manda­to­ry lis­ten­ing for any dis­cern­ing con­nois­seur of catchy good­ness in the realms of garage punk, fuzz- and pow­er pop, all killer no filler!

Al­bum-Stream →

Nag - Fear

At­lanta post punk group Nag nev­er ceased to be an un­com­pro­mis­ing, abra­sive force with no signs of slow­ing down any­time soon, maybe with the mi­nor caveat of their newest cas­sette al­most sound­ing some­what friend­ly and ap­proach­able in di­rect com­par­i­son to their ex­tra-grim pre­vi­ous LP Hu­man Cow­ard Coy­ote, as every song on here has some kind of catchy hook at its core, their song con­structs hold­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween their trade­mark spiky, rigid old­school min­i­mal­ism and just the right amount of straight­for­ward, sat­is­fy­ing ear can­dy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Vacation - Rare Earth

Cincin­nati group Va­ca­tion re­main a rare zeit­geist-de­fy­ing gem, once again de­liv­er­ing a bril­liant new batch of bangers equal­ly catchy and propul­sive, to be lo­cat­ed in the rough ball­park of Pow­er Pop, Garage Punk, Noise Pop and old­school melod­ic In­die Rock, brim­ming with a per­va­sive sense of joy and eu­pho­ria in the face of rough times ahead while nev­er miss­ing the mark thanks to their re­mark­able skill in craft­ing sim­ple but ef­fec­tive, per­fect­ly bal­anced and to-the-point lit­tle tunes they then like to blow up to larg­er-than-life cin­e­mas­cope pro­por­tions.

Al­bum-Stream →

Fen Fen - National Threat

This De­troit group made quite a bit of a splash al­ready with a strong EP in 2022 and now they're throw­ing an even bet­ter LP at us, once again com­bin­ing a bit of lo­cal (pro­to-) punk his­to­ry with flavours of garage punk, hard- and post­core, call­ing to mind a bit of Ner­vosas in Amer­i­can Lies and Doll­house in Kill Your Par­ents, while oth­er­wise play­ing out a bit like a good cross-sec­tion of a bunch of garage/hard­core-hy­brid groups like the some­what more garage-lean­ing, KBD-in­flu­enced stylings of Launch­er, Frea­kees, Liq­uid As­sets and Mys­tic Inane as well as the more hard­core-heavy side with groups such as Im­ploders, Head­cheese, Hood Rats, Alf and Ce­ment Shoes.

Al­bum-Stream →

Tommy Cossack & The Degenerators - Agitator

Oh look, Lon­don garage-/synth punk so­lo cru­sad­er Tom­my Cos­sack has ex­pand­ed op­er­a­tions in­to a full band line-up and the re­sult sounds ab­solute­ly bril­liant and so much big­ger, shed­ding some of its Lo-Fi egg­punk quirks in fa­vor of a more po­tent, dense and fo­cused at­tack while nev­er lack­ing in terms of thrilling hooks, of which these songs are stuffed to the brim with, mak­ing for a com­pact and in­cred­i­bly en­ter­tain­ing half hour of breath­less en­er­gy and ex­ite­ment that may right­ful­ly be com­pared to the likes of Set-Top Box, Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants and Sa­tan­ic To­gas.

Al­bum-Stream →

Girls In Synthesis - Sublimation

I was ac­tu­al­ly ex­pect­ing that, at this point, i'd be through with these vet­er­ans of the cur­rent UK post punk scene as i thought their kin­da ster­ile, syn­thet­ic (hah!) and over­pro­duced sound­ing 2022 al­bum and oth­er bits and pieces re­leased since then car­ried all the hall­marks of a group im­mi­nent­ly to be swal­lowed whole by their own am­bi­tions, like so many oth­er UK groups who've at some point start­ed bit­ing off way more than they could chew. As it turns out though, Girls In Syn­the­sis have plen­ty of chew­ing pow­er to spare and their newest LP is a fuck­ing ex­cel­lent piece of dark, at­mos­pher­ic, smart and epic post punk equi­lib­ri­um. From the very first note of the Wire-es­que al­bum open­er Lights Out to the mo­not­o­ne clos­ing track A Damn­ing Les­son, these songs are boil­ing down this group's unique qual­i­ties to their very essence like nev­er be­fore while com­ing up with a good deal of va­ri­ety and neat ideas along the way to keep things en­gag­ing and thrilling all the way through.

Al­bum-Stream →