On their third LP, com­ing to our shores via Syd­ney la­bel Urge Records, the Berlin post punk duo con­sist­ing of Erin Vi­o­let and for­mer Trust Punks vo­cal­ist Joseph Thomas sees them di­al­ing down the folk-ish lean­ings a bit in fa­vor of a slight­ly dark­er, heav­ier sound while re­tain­ing all of that over­bear­ing sense of melan­choly and the song-fo­cused qual­i­ties that al­ready had the pre­vi­ous records tow­er­ing way above the bulk of the genre, prompt­ing ex­clu­sive­ly flat­ter­ing com­par­isons to acts such as Pub­lic In­ter­est, Mar­bled Eye, Waste Man, Tube Al­loys, Cork­er, Glit­ter­ing in­sects, Pub­lic Eye, Kitchen's Floor, VR Sex and Moth­ers Milk.