I was ac­tu­al­ly ex­pect­ing that, at this point, i'd be through with these vet­er­ans of the cur­rent UK post punk scene as i thought their kin­da ster­ile, syn­thet­ic (hah!) and over­pro­duced sound­ing 2022 al­bum and oth­er bits and pieces re­leased since then car­ried all the hall­marks of a group im­mi­nent­ly to be swal­lowed whole by their own am­bi­tions, like so many oth­er UK groups who've at some point start­ed bit­ing off way more than they could chew. As it turns out though, Girls In Syn­the­sis have plen­ty of chew­ing pow­er to spare and their newest LP is a fuck­ing ex­cel­lent piece of dark, at­mos­pher­ic, smart and epic post punk equi­lib­ri­um. From the very first note of the Wire-es­que al­bum open­er Lights Out to the mo­not­o­ne clos­ing track A Damn­ing Les­son, these songs are boil­ing down this group's unique qual­i­ties to their very essence like nev­er be­fore while com­ing up with a good deal of va­ri­ety and neat ideas along the way to keep things en­gag­ing and thrilling all the way through.