Oh look, Lon­don garage-/synth punk so­lo cru­sad­er Tom­my Cos­sack has ex­pand­ed op­er­a­tions in­to a full band line-up and the re­sult sounds ab­solute­ly bril­liant and so much big­ger, shed­ding some of its Lo-Fi egg­punk quirks in fa­vor of a more po­tent, dense and fo­cused at­tack while nev­er lack­ing in terms of thrilling hooks, of which these songs are stuffed to the brim with, mak­ing for a com­pact and in­cred­i­bly en­ter­tain­ing half hour of breath­less en­er­gy and ex­ite­ment that may right­ful­ly be com­pared to the likes of Set-Top Box, Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants and Sa­tan­ic To­gas.