At­lanta post punk group Nag nev­er ceased to be an un­com­pro­mis­ing, abra­sive force with no signs of slow­ing down any­time soon, maybe with the mi­nor caveat of their newest cas­sette al­most sound­ing some­what friend­ly and ap­proach­able in di­rect com­par­i­son to their ex­tra-grim pre­vi­ous LP Hu­man Cow­ard Coy­ote, as every song on here has some kind of catchy hook at its core, their song con­structs hold­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween their trade­mark spiky, rigid old­school min­i­mal­ism and just the right amount of straight­for­ward, sat­is­fy­ing ear can­dy.