Erik Nervous - Immaturity

An­oth­er con­stant pres­ence of the garage scene who's been around pret­ty much since the be­gin­ning of this blog has a new LP out and it's such a thing of beau­ty! As ver­sa­tile and in­ven­tive as ever, these new songs more or less con­tin­ue the dude's very own quirky, slight­ly De­vo-fied vi­sion of garage punk that first ful­ly took form on that Be­ta Block­ers LP in 2019 - in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able yet al­ways a cou­ple steps ahead of the lis­ten­er, al­ways good for a sur­prise or two. Tracks like Hemgeeh und Pro­jec­tor come with kind of a spaced out, psy­che­del­ic Mononeg­a­tives en­er­gy. Al­so, we get a bunch of com­pact and catchy-as-fuck synth-dri­ven smash­ers in the sec­ond half as well as a neat They Might Be Gi­ants cov­er and Al­li­ga­tor Fac­ing East is such an epic fuck­ing hymn for the ages! Fur­ther plau­si­ble ref­er­ence points for the over­all sound of this record would be the likes of Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Freak Genes, Iso­tope Soap and New Vogue.

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Power Pants - PP4

Hard to be­lieve Win­ches­ter, Vir­ginia group Pow­er Pants have on­ly been around for less than a year as of now, but in­deed their three im­pres­sive LPs so far have all been churned out over the course of 2023 and their newest EP still shows no signs of their über-pro­duc­tive song ma­chine slow­ing down any­time soon! This is yet an­oth­er ridicu­lous­ly charm­ing treat of catchy-as-hell, kin­da egg-ish garage- and synth punk push­ing all the right but­tons to fur­ther en­chant con­noiseurs of shit rough­ly in the vein of Aus­muteants, Set-Top Box, Gee Tee, Erik Ner­vous, Sex Mex or Daugh­ter Bat And The Lip Stings.

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Checkpoint - D R I F T

An­oth­er in­sane qual­i­ty re­lease cour­tesy of Er­ste Theke Ton­träger by a Mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of such house­hold names like Pinch Points, Dr. Sure's Un­usu­al Prac­tice, Gonzo and Drag­net. Right out of the gate we're greet­ed with an ad­ven­tur­ous sound some­where in­be­tween garage-, synth- and art punk call­ing to mind acts like Ghoulies, Set-Top Box, Iso­tope Soap and a bit of Erik Ner­vous. Sec­ond track Friends con­tin­ues in that di­rec­tion, then takes a sharp turn in­to psy­che­del­ic post punk ter­ri­to­ry some­what rem­i­nis­cent of groups like Mar­bled Eye, Yam­mer­er, Waste Man or Pub­lic Eye. Break sur­pris­es with a re­laxed psy­che­del­ic garage- and fuzz pop groove, fol­lowed by Ice Sum­mit, a com­pact, eco­nom­i­cal garage rock­er echo­ing the likes of Par­quet Courts, Tyvek and Shark Toys. Then, shit gets tru­ly weird with Drift - a sprawl­ing garage-and-egg­punk-goes-pro­gres­sive-rock kind of ex­er­cise un­afraid to go re­al cheesy in the ex­pan­sive mid­dle part. Side B then comes across more ho­moge­nous, less am­bi­tious but by no means less en­joy­able, these straight­for­ward bangers re­flect­ing the likes of Cher­ry Cheeks, Smirk, Met­dog, Pow­er­plant and Freak Genes, among a ton of oth­er shit.

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Satanic Togas - Your Choice

Did i ever men­tion i've been a chris­t­ian once? Yeah i know. True sto­ry and i hope y'all had a good laugh. Nowa­days i'm on­ly wor­ship­ping Sa­tan though. Huge fan! The music's a lot bet­ter too. The Devil's aus­tralian, as every­one knows and so are his to­gas, who have as of yet ut­ter­ly failed to ever shred a sin­gle tune that doesn't fuck­ing rip. Their newest ex­tend­ed play has more of their sig­na­ture blend of garage-/synth-/eg­g­punk and pow­er pop good­ness burn­ing fast and bright­ly with ob­vi­ous sim­i­lar­i­ties to oth­er re­cent shit á la Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Ghoulies, Gee Tee, Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings, Alien Nosjob, Buck Biloxi, Set-Top Box and Er­ic Ner­vous.

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Dr​ý​sildj​ö​full - Verri en vondur

Just weeks af­ter their re­cent tape on Iron Lung Records here's a new one al­ready by this, pre­sum­ably, ice­landic group, this time again com­ing to us cour­tesy of dun­geon-/black­ened-/ex­per­i­men­tal spe­cial­ist la­bel Grime Stone Records and it's their strongest, most ful­ly re­al­ized one so far if you ask me. Take the rough specs and traits of black met­al, noisy synth-, hard­core- and elec­tro punk, com­ple­ment that un­re­lent­ing force with a slight­ly egg­punk-y aes­thet­ic that just seems a lit­tle too cute and quirky in face of all that grim­ness and you just might end up with some­thing sim­i­lar to what these folks are go­ing for.

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Cherry Cheeks - CCLPII

On their sec­ond LP - once again brought to us by the taste­ful folks of To­tal Punk Records - Or­lan­do group Cher­ry Cheeks present them­selves at their straight­est and sim­plest, dumb­est and catchi­est so far mak­ing for yet an­oth­er glo­ri­ous­ly fuzzy lump of joy­ful high-calo­ry pow­er pop, garage- and synth punk fluff with abun­dant echoes of classy shit á la Smirk, Set-Top Box, Prison Af­fair, Gee Tee, Ghoulies and ISS.

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New Vogue - Waiting Daze

Mon­tre­al group New Vogue fol­low-up their ex­cel­lent self-ti­tled 2020 mi­ni LP with an­oth­er batch of kick­ass tunes - way more synth-heavy this time yet every bit as in­fec­tious as be­fore, ra­di­at­ing a con­stant­ly shapeshift­ing kind of vibe call­ing to mind bits and pieces of Freak Genes, Use­less Eaters, Pow­er­plant, Andy Hu­man and The Rep­toids, Lost Sounds, Mononeg­a­tives and Alien Nose­job, to name just a few high-pro­file ref­er­ences.

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Billiam - Corner Tactics

Billiam's first re­leas­es were around the 2020 mark yet it feels to me as if this dude has been around for a lot longer, a sub­lim­i­nal pres­ence al­ways hov­er­ing at the pe­riph­ery of a wider 12XU-rel­e­vant bub­ble. His newest LP should launch him right in­to the spot­light though, this be­ing his strongest and most con­sis­tent batch of new tunes so far in his hard-to-im­i­tate (though plen­ty of folks are try­ing for sure…), vague­ly egg-ish melange of some­times rather bare-bones synth- garage- and post punk - catchy as fuck, sim­ple and dumb yet every sin­gle move hits home!

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Завірюга - 18000

The on­ly ukran­ian egg­punk group that i know of so far had al­ready piqued my in­ter­est with a batch of su­per sol­id ex­tend­ed plays in re­cent weeks and with their newest one, they're fuck­ing killing it if you ask me. Manda­to­ry new lis­ten­ing for fans of shit á la Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Beer and Nuts!


Swedish la­bel Push My But­tons brings us the full length de­but of this swiss group, which al­so presents their strongest set of tunes so far and their son­ic vi­sion at its most re­al­ized. That means: a de­vi­ous­ly catchy dopamine rush of glitzy wave-ish synth- and garage punk smash­ers - ex­quis­ite sug­ary good­ness echo­ing the likes of Wrist­watch, Dig­i­tal Leather, Sex Mex, Tele­drome, Pow­er­plant, The Gobs, Shrinkwrap Killers, Stal­ins Of Sound and Video­drome.

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