Lost Packages - Model Distortion Business Casual

Though large­ly re­flect­ing on cur­rent themes of our so­ci­ety be­ing over­whelmed with the tribu­la­tions and chal­lenges our ever chang­ing hi-tech world keeps throw­ing at us, the sounds on this NYC artist's most re­cent cas­sette feels more like a flash­back to the abra­sive, con­fronta­tion­al ear­ly days of late '70s /​ ear­ly '80s synth- and elec­tro punk, noise and pow­er elec­tron­ics ex­per­i­men­ta­tion in the vein of shit á la Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der, Scream­ers, Units or Min­i­mal Man - a noisy bas­tard more con­cerned with over­whelm­ing the sens­es than with nu­ance or fi­nesse while still com­ing across sur­pris­ing­ly catchy and hyp­not­ic most of the time.

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Busted Head Racket - Junk Food

A strong pack­age of catchy weirdo synth punk tunes by that group from New­cas­tle, Aus­tralia who made a great im­pres­sion al­ready with their songs on a split EP with Cologne's Teo Wise. Its two songs are fea­tured here aswell, in sig­nif­i­cant­ly more crunchy record­ings - a de­light­ful mid-fi aes­thet­ic some­what rem­i­nis­cent of, say, ear­ly Nots, Slimex, Toe Ring, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings.

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The LA group's sec­ond EP via Pop­u­lar Af­flic­tion Records con­sid­er­ably ups their game with a strong bun­dle of new tunes while stay­ing large­ly true to their pre­vi­ous sound, ap­ply­ing a cu­ri­ous syn­th­punk spin to a rough style of garage punk not dis­sim­i­lar to the likes of Frea­kees, Launch­er, Li­po­suc­tion and Liq­uid As­sets.

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Klint - Adrenaline

Late­ly it ap­pears as if bare­ly ever a cou­ple of weeks go by with­out a new re­lease by synth punk sen­sa­tion Klint from Schleswig, Ger­many. No in­tro­duc­tions nec­es­sary at this point i guess! Fol­low­ing the pret­ty rough split EP with Re­pul­sion Switch, here we get an­oth­er strong batch of tunes pre­dom­i­nant­ly on the rather catchy, of­ten vi­cious­ly dance­able end of the spec­trum.

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Clarko - Welcome To Clarko

It took a cou­ple years to ma­te­ri­al­ize but here it fi­nal­ly is, the first LP by some dude of un­clear where­abouts who pre­vi­ous­ly sparked our cu­rios­i­ty with a kick­ass 7" al­so on Iron Lung Records in 2019. The full length de­but is every­thing you could have hoped for in a new batch of kin­da De­vo-fied, whim­si­cal, de­li­cious­ly in­sane garage-/synth-/eg­g­punk mal­func­tions, spic­ing things up with a slight touch of Tele­vi­sion gui­tar leads and so­los added to an over­all mix­ture whose rough pa­ra­me­ters al­so kin­da re­flect a bunch of more re­cent phe­nom­e­na vague­ly in the Snoop­er, Use­less Eaters, Alien Nose­job, Set-Top Box, Mononeg­a­tives or R.M.F.C. ball­park.

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Shrinkwrap Killers - Feed The Clones

Oakland's Shrinkwrap Killers, whose pri­or out­put al­ways struck me as a bit one-note and hit-and-miss, eas­i­ly de­liv­er their strongest and most ver­sa­tile set of new tunes so far on their sec­ond LP on Iron Lung Records. This is an eeri­ly fa­mil­iar mix of sounds and in­flu­ences which i might de­scribe as sim­ple and ac­cu­rate as a hor­ror/s­ci-fi/dystopia themed mashup of Lost Sounds, Spits and Stal­ins of Sound. Well… for me, it works just fine!

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Nag & Astio - Split

A neat split re­lease via Berlin's order05records. The open­ing track by At­lanta post punk in­sti­tu­tion Nag sur­pris­es with some synth-equipped psy­che­del­ic vibes á la Mononeg­a­tives or some lat­er stuff by Use­less Eaters, while det­o­nat­ing an­oth­er charge of their rough and abra­sive sound we've come to know and love in the oth­er song. On the flip­side then, Italy's As­tio com­ple­ment the son­ic as­sault with a slight­ly more con­ven­tion­al but no less classy, ma­ture make of mod­er­ate­ly melod­ic old­school post punk en­er­gy, the kind we've heard be­fore from the likes of Crim­i­nal Code, Sieve­head or, more re­cent­ly, Pyrex, Body Main­te­nance or Sched­ule 1.

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Repulsion Switch & Klint - Split

An­oth­er beau­ty from ital­ian pow­er­house la­bel Good­bye Boozy Records. You might re­mem­ber Buenos Aires group re­pul­sion switch from their 2019 de­mo and a bunch of EPs they put out since then. Here, we've got eas­i­ly their strongest batch of tracks so far of their re­fresh­ing­ly sim­ple yet equal­ly ex­plo­sive, garage-fla­vored old­school hard­core sound. An­oth­er known quan­ti­ty here at 12XU head­quar­ters is synth punk gu­ru Klint from Schleswig, Ger­many who takes charge of side b here with his usu­al work­man­like pre­ci­sion, cu­ri­ous ex­pe­r­i­man­ta­tion and a new cou­ple of tunes most­ly on the rougher edge of the spec­trum, per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ing the RS tracks.

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Channel 83 - Artificial Unintelligence

Fun­ny what a few years of egg­punk-re­lat­ed in­san­i­ty do to your brain. When Chan­nel 83's pre­vi­ous EP dropped in 2019, i con­sid­ered this shit to be pret­ty far out there and to­tal­ly bonkers while in '23, i can't help but think they fit right in with the cur­rent wave of quirky syn­th­punk acts. I don't con­sid­er that a bad thing at all though. These new songs rip!

Mononegatives - Crossing Visual Field

A whole bar­rage of dig­i­tal sin­gles in re­cent weeks al­ready ap­peared to fore­shad­ow a new record by the Lon­don, On­tario group and in­deed here it is, their sec­ond LP in all its glo­ry, car­ry­ing an ex­cel­lent new batch of their quite dis­tinct, catchy as hell, al­ways slight­ly off-kil­ter and quirky genre mix­ture con­tain­ing el­e­ments of garage-, post- and synth punk, space- and psy­che­del­ic rock. You might com­pare some bits and pieces here to such groups as Pow!, Use­less Eaters and of course the re­cent col­lab­o­ra­tion Telegenic Plea­sures which al­so fea­tures some of the band mem­bers at work here - at this point though, i'd say they're pret­ty much carved out their own, in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able lit­tle niche.

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