An­oth­er in­sane qual­i­ty re­lease cour­tesy of Er­ste Theke Ton­träger by a Mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of such house­hold names like Pinch Points, Dr. Sure's Un­usu­al Prac­tice, Gonzo and Drag­net. Right out of the gate we're greet­ed with an ad­ven­tur­ous sound some­where in­be­tween garage-, synth- and art punk call­ing to mind acts like Ghoulies, Set-Top Box, Iso­tope Soap and a bit of Erik Ner­vous. Sec­ond track Friends con­tin­ues in that di­rec­tion, then takes a sharp turn in­to psy­che­del­ic post punk ter­ri­to­ry some­what rem­i­nis­cent of groups like Mar­bled Eye, Yam­mer­er, Waste Man or Pub­lic Eye. Break sur­pris­es with a re­laxed psy­che­del­ic garage- and fuzz pop groove, fol­lowed by Ice Sum­mit, a com­pact, eco­nom­i­cal garage rock­er echo­ing the likes of Par­quet Courts, Tyvek and Shark Toys. Then, shit gets tru­ly weird with Drift - a sprawl­ing garage-and-egg­punk-goes-pro­gres­sive-rock kind of ex­er­cise un­afraid to go re­al cheesy in the ex­pan­sive mid­dle part. Side B then comes across more ho­moge­nous, less am­bi­tious but by no means less en­joy­able, these straight­for­ward bangers re­flect­ing the likes of Cher­ry Cheeks, Smirk, Met­dog, Pow­er­plant and Freak Genes, among a ton of oth­er shit.