O-D-EX - Breaker

Fol­low­ing their per­fect­ly ap­pe­tiz­ing (and as far as i can make out, com­plete­ly van­ished off the face of the in­ter­net by now) Black Box EP in 2022, we get this group's de­but full-length cour­te­sey of Dirt­nap Records and this time around, there's ac­tu­al­ly some tan­gi­ble back­ground in­fo avail­able. No won­der these folks sound­ed fa­mil­iar the first time around, since we're deal­ing with a duo con­sist­ing of US garage punk roy­al­ty Mark Ryan (most no­tably of Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Mind Spi­ders and Marked Men) and Mic­ah Why, whose pre­vi­ous bands i don't think i've ever come across. Their min­i­mal­ist synth punk cer­tain­ly has re­tained some of that Mind Spi­ders vibe al­though this shit is a lot dark­er, more stripped-down and abra­sive, hav­ing a cer­tain old­school vibe to it wich echoes of Min­i­mal Man, Ner­vous Gen­der, Scream­ers, Units or Vis­i­tors but you might just as well com­pare them to more re­cent phe­nom­e­na like Pow­er­plant, Pow!, Spy­roids or a some­what less spikey ver­sion of Lost Pack­ages cross­bred with the dig­i­tal in­san­i­ty of Nubot555, the more min­i­mal­ist mo­ments of Dig­i­tal Leather.

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Billiam - Jump To 3D

Al­righty, so here's a new Bil­liam record do­ing all the awe­some tricks a new Bil­liam record's sup­posed to do and by now i'm sure you've long since made up your mind about the dude and whether you love or hate his schtick - kin­da the mu­si­cal equiv­a­lent to a Wes An­der­son flick i guess. I'm firm­ly in the "love" camp con­cern­ing both Bil­liam and Wes An­der­son though and even if they'd both just con­tin­ue to re-make that ex­act same kind of film/​record for the rest of their lives, i can al­ways take one more of that!

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Metdog - Questions and Answers Regarding Computers and Screens

It's shap­ing up to be a pret­ty awe­some week for egg­punk al­ready, helped fur­ther along by an­oth­er genre fix­ture of the last cou­ple years, Melbourne's Met­dog, hav­ing just re­leased their full length de­but af­ter an im­pec­ca­ble string of EPs and sin­gles. They promised shit about com­put­ers and oh boy do we get shit about com­put­ers here, leav­ing more ques­tions than an­swers though, most of which be­gin with "What the fuck…?". Per­fect­ly un­der­scor­ing the sub­ject mat­ter we get to wit­ness the group at their most elec­tron­i­cal­ly in­clined so far, their over­all vibe here be­ing rem­i­nis­cent of a bizarre 8-bit mashup of vin­tage Aus­muteants with the dis­tinct added flour­ish of Win­dows 3.11 mi­di files.

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Rude Television - I Want To Believe

Hav­ing first come to my at­ten­tion via a split tape with AJ Cortes and The Bur­glars, this group from West Palm Beach, Flori­da has on­ly got­ten stronger with every new re­lease and this one is no ex­cep­tion, de­liv­er­ing a new round of catchy, com­pact blasts in the some­what eggy realms of pow­er pop, synth- and garage punk evok­ing thor­ough­ly fa­vor­able com­par­isons to the likes of Gee Tee, Erik Ner­vous, Vaguess and Sa­tan­ic To­gas.

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Cthtr - Cthtr

Al­ready hav­ing a cou­ple EPs un­der his belt, this Whit­ti­er, Cal­i­for­nia dude's first full length cas­sette, al­so his first re­lease fol­low­ing over five years of ra­dio si­lence, im­me­di­at­ley clicks with me. That shit is right up my al­ley with its en­dear­ing­ly crude, mod­er­ate­ly psy­che­del­ic mix of garage-, post- and synth punk car­ry­ing the traits of so many house­hold names, among them the likes of Mononeg­a­tives, Use­less Eaters, Die TV, Elec­tric Prawns 2, Beef, ear­ly Pow­er­plant, Pow!, Freak Genes and Lost Pack­ages.

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Klint - Stark EP & Should Be Honey /​ Sherbet (Golden Twenties) 7"

Al­ways an oc­ca­sion of pure, un­mit­i­gat­ed joy, new songs by Schleswig, Ger­many so­lo viking synth punk war­rior Klint. The self-re­leased new Stark EP de­liv­ers six-and-a-half ex­cel­lent new blows of the equal­ly rough and noisy, weird and catchy as fuck synth punk ac­tion we all know and love. His Should be Hon­ey /​ Sher­bet 7" re­leased si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly via ital­ian garage punk in­sti­tu­tion Good­bye Boozy then goes on a thrilling ex­per­i­men­tal side quest in­volv­ing heavy use of an­cient brass and vo­cal sam­ples pulled from 1920s swing records. This is some­thing… kin­da ran­dom, baf­fling and un­ex­pect­ed for sure. Sick shit!

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Shrudd - Microbiome /​ Bizarro

Two new EPs by some Louisville, Ken­tucky group who've ap­par­ent­ly re­leased a ton of shit al­ready but are cer­tain­ly new to me. The Mi­cro­bio­me EP de­lights with quirky and en­er­getic garage-/synth punk in the vein of Bil­liam, Spodee Boy, Gholies, ear­ly Erik Ner­vous, Spits, Why Both­er? as well as clas­sic Reatard-re­lat­ed ar­ti­facts. A nice com­pan­ion piece then is the more hard­core-mind­ed Bizarro EP dab­bling in a way rougher aes­thet­ic of fuzzed-out old­school may­hem.

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Achterlicht - Demo II

De­mo num­ber two of this Haar­lem, Nether­lands group seam­less­ly car­ries on with the fun and ex­cite­ment of its pre­de­ces­sor in the form of no-frills catchy, sim­ple and ef­fec­tive garage- and synth punk smash­ers sure to please friends pri­mar­i­ly of oth­er eu­ro acts á la Dadar, Shit­ty Life and Mi­traille.

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Busted Head Racket & Billiam - Genetic Southern Hemisphere Christmas

Two cur­rent pow­er­hous­es of weirdo garage- and synth punk join forces for this neat new lit­tle EP and guess what: It sounds ex­act­ly like you'd ex­pect and all i can fur­ther say is what the fuck is not to like about that propo­si­tion? The shit rules!

Beta Máximo - Creo que E​.​T. es Melvin

Span­ish noise pop over­lords Be­ta Max­i­mo re­turn with a strong new batch of tunes. Hard to be­lieve their pro­lif­ic out­put be­gan just some­time last sum­mer… Start­ing out with what i'd con­sid­er more of an egg­punk-aes­thet­ic, they've con­stant­ly kept chang­ing things up, grad­u­al­ly evolv­ing in­to a some­what slow­er, dreamy and slight­ly shoegaze-y di­rec­tion and these new songs strike me as the most re­al­ized and well-round­ed stuff we've heard from them re­cent­ly.

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