Zero Bars - Demo 2023

A strong de­mo by this Toron­to group has four de­li­cious no-frills bangers in store for us lo­cat­ed rough­ly on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage punk and post­core, hav­ing some Hot Snakes en­er­gy to them and a sim­i­lar vibe to the ear­ly works of Video and Teenanger in ad­di­tion to straight­for­ward punk acts such as As­cot Stab­ber, Flow­ers Of Evil, Piss Test as well as a more ec­cen­tric breed of garage-meets-hard­core acts á la Launch­er and Mys­tic Inane. Mu­sic to my ears!

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Ninja Sword - The Art Of Bone Smashing

On this Oslo group's de­but EP, an at­ti­tude and aes­thet­ic in­be­tween the worlds of egg- and dun­geon punk is giv­en a dis­tinct­ly far east­ern theme. In the con­text of a genre clus­ter that makes a point of mak­ing no fuck­ing sense, this makes about per­fect fuck­ing sense i'd say! Am i mak­ing any sense? Who cares, this shit is fun!

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Billiam - Corner Tactics

Billiam's first re­leas­es were around the 2020 mark yet it feels to me as if this dude has been around for a lot longer, a sub­lim­i­nal pres­ence al­ways hov­er­ing at the pe­riph­ery of a wider 12XU-rel­e­vant bub­ble. His newest LP should launch him right in­to the spot­light though, this be­ing his strongest and most con­sis­tent batch of new tunes so far in his hard-to-im­i­tate (though plen­ty of folks are try­ing for sure…), vague­ly egg-ish melange of some­times rather bare-bones synth- garage- and post punk - catchy as fuck, sim­ple and dumb yet every sin­gle move hits home!

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Flat Worms - Witness Marks

Flat Worms have been among the most re­li­ably awe­some groups of the past decade or so - you rough­ly know what to ex­pect, know it's gonna be good and will have just enough fresh ideas and flour­ish­es to keep things in­ter­est­ing. Need­less to say, their newest LP won't dis­s­a­point ei­ther, their sig­na­ture sound in­be­tween the worlds of garage punk, noise rock and post punk com­ing across as tight and en­er­getic as ever and, just maybe, even a bit more var­ied and play­ful than on pre­vi­ous ef­forts. In SSRT the dis­tinct grooves of Wire and Tele­vi­sion com­bine in­to an ever-so-slight­ly kraut-in­fused ex­er­cise. Time Warp In Ex­ile feels like a fu­sion of The Cow­boy and Spray Paint - the same then kin­da ap­plies to the al­bum clos­ing ti­tle track, which ad­di­tion­al­ly seems to bor­row a thing or two from The Ruts' clas­sic It Was Cold.

Sor­ry folks, there's no em­bed­d­a­ble full al­bum stream avail­able but you can lis­ten to the whole thing over at their Sound­cloud.

Dizzy Daze - Proto-Being

Ex­cit­ing shit in the realm of noise rock, post­core and garage punk on this Tokyo group's newest EP show­cas­ing quite a bit of styl­is­tic va­ri­ety. Pro­to-Be­ing crash­es right out of the gate like a mix of Mul­ti­c­ult, Tar and Dri­ve like Je­hu. Slug then ex­hibits a more catchy, melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty akin to, say, Bitch Mag­net, Pol­vo or Chavez. Ev­i­dence has some acid-drenched pro­to punk vibe to it like MX-80 col­lid­ing with ear­ly The Men plus a hint of Wipers and last but not least, Dis­con­nect ra­di­ates some dis­tinct Hot Snakes-meeet-Na­tion Of Ulysses kind of en­er­gy.

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Kalte Hand - Kalte Hand /​/​ Dunkle Strassen - Alles Fuckt Mich Ab

Two note­wor­thy ger­man-lan­guage post punk re­leas­es here. Kalte Hand hail from Augs­burg though they sound a lot more like stuff from the cur­rent Berlin Scene, their dystopi­an post punk drenched in pitch-black sar­casm call­ing to mind groups like Pi­geon, Glaas, ear­ly Diät and Pret­ty Hurts as well as oth­er ger­man lan­guage groups á la Die Wärme Hyäne, Maske, Die Ver­lier­er, L'appel Du Vide… al­so a hint of Puff and Pisse.
The lat­ter two groups' ten­den­cies then take cen­ter stage on the de­but EP of Ham­burg duo Dun­kle Strassen - a straight­for­ward post- and garage punk sound with a dis­tinct noise rock edge thrown in­to the mix which might aswell some sim­i­lar­i­ty to a bunch of in­ter­na­tion­al acts such as Ar­se, As­cot Stab­ber or Cri­sis Man.

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Datenight - Clueless and Hangless

At first glance i wasn't quite sure if this Nashville group's newest LP isn't gonna be just a bit too mel­low for my taste but even­tu­al­ly, the sheer strength of their Lo-Fi in­die rock songcraft wins me over once again, the whole thing hav­ing the feel of a scrap­py odds-and-ends col­lec­tion which might just be the case. This as­sess­ment is on­ly be­ing re­in­forced by the fact that the songs ap­pear in al­pha­bet­i­cal or­der here - the tunes them­selves are pure A-grade stuff though.

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Завірюга - 18000

The on­ly ukran­ian egg­punk group that i know of so far had al­ready piqued my in­ter­est with a batch of su­per sol­id ex­tend­ed plays in re­cent weeks and with their newest one, they're fuck­ing killing it if you ask me. Manda­to­ry new lis­ten­ing for fans of shit á la Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Beer and Nuts!

Collate - Generative Systems

Portland's Col­late have nev­er been a group to push the bound­aries of their own genre ex­act­ly, but that doesn't mean there's not plen­ty of fun to be had any­ways with their com­par­a­tive­ly straight­for­ward and sim­plis­tic mix­ture lo­cat­ed some­where in­be­tween the more funky end of the no wave spec­trum and Gang Of Four-es­qie dance-/post punk grooves. It's a record that kin­da sneaks up on you with much of its strongest ma­te­r­i­al hid­den away in the sec­ond half.

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The Bozo Big Shit Garbage Band - It's My Move

A new Trad­ing Wreck­age re­lease, which is al­ways good for some vague­ly no wave-in­formed joy, chaos and de­prav­i­ty. This one's a re­al stun­ner though! In this par­tic­u­lar in­car­na­tion, The Bo­zo Big Shit Garbage Band ap­pears to be a so­lo en­deav­or of Tony Shit al­so known as Reese McLean and what­ev­er oth­er monikers the guy has gone un­der, who has al­so been an in­te­gral part of the likes of Gay Cum Dad­dies, Eat Avery's Bones, Bukkake Moms, Flesh Narc and many oth­ers. While some cos­mic back­ground hum of no wave ex­per­i­men­ta­tion is still tan­gi­ble here, a lack of hu­man chaos and clut­ter dur­ing record­ing ap­pears to have al­so trans­lat­ed in­to an equal­ly less clut­tered al­bum. Al­though still every bit as cre­ative and un­pre­dictable as we came to ex­pect from pre­vi­ous re­leas­es, this newest one does it all in a struc­tured, catchy and propul­sive man­ner pre­vi­ous­ly un­heard from this dude, at times rem­i­nis­cent of groups on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage-, post- and art punk like the UV Race, Soft Shoul­der, Shark Toys and Par­quet Courts, while in oth­er mo­ments, this shit might sounds like some Am­Rep and Touch&Go-esque 90s Noise Rock col­lides with mid-eight­ies The Fall.

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