Two note­wor­thy ger­man-lan­guage post punk re­leas­es here. Kalte Hand hail from Augs­burg though they sound a lot more like stuff from the cur­rent Berlin Scene, their dystopi­an post punk drenched in pitch-black sar­casm call­ing to mind groups like Pi­geon, Glaas, ear­ly Diät and Pret­ty Hurts as well as oth­er ger­man lan­guage groups á la Die Wärme Hyäne, Maske, Die Ver­lier­er, L'appel Du Vide… al­so a hint of Puff and Pisse.
The lat­ter two groups' ten­den­cies then take cen­ter stage on the de­but EP of Ham­burg duo Dun­kle Strassen - a straight­for­ward post- and garage punk sound with a dis­tinct noise rock edge thrown in­to the mix which might aswell some sim­i­lar­i­ty to a bunch of in­ter­na­tion­al acts such as Ar­se, As­cot Stab­ber or Cri­sis Man.