Flat Worms have been among the most re­li­ably awe­some groups of the past decade or so - you rough­ly know what to ex­pect, know it's gonna be good and will have just enough fresh ideas and flour­ish­es to keep things in­ter­est­ing. Need­less to say, their newest LP won't dis­s­a­point ei­ther, their sig­na­ture sound in­be­tween the worlds of garage punk, noise rock and post punk com­ing across as tight and en­er­getic as ever and, just maybe, even a bit more var­ied and play­ful than on pre­vi­ous ef­forts. In SSRT the dis­tinct grooves of Wire and Tele­vi­sion com­bine in­to an ever-so-slight­ly kraut-in­fused ex­er­cise. Time Warp In Ex­ile feels like a fu­sion of The Cow­boy and Spray Paint - the same then kin­da ap­plies to the al­bum clos­ing ti­tle track, which ad­di­tion­al­ly seems to bor­row a thing or two from The Ruts' clas­sic It Was Cold.

Sor­ry folks, there's no em­bed­d­a­ble full al­bum stream avail­able but you can lis­ten to the whole thing over at their Sound­cloud.