Adhesive - October 2023

Hav­ing done an al­ready pret­ty fuckin' neat first EP ear­li­er this year, this duo (i think…) from Hol­ly­wood, Flori­da fol­lows up on that with an even more weird, ec­c­cen­tric and eclec­tic new cas­sette, once again op­er­at­ing on the fringes of post-, garage-, egg- and art punk. Right out of the gate i'm re­mind­ed of the first Peace de Re­sistánce EP's crude pro­to-meets-post punk sketch­es, com­bined with the re­laxed acid-/space rock lean­ings of the lat­est Scoot­er Jay tape. Dig­ging my Grave sur­pris­es and de­lights with its odd­ball cow­punk feel while the over­all vibe and any­thing-goes ap­proach most of all makes me think of acts á la Print Head, Elec­tric Prawns 2. The brand new Any­time Cow­boy record wouldn't make the worst com­par­i­son ei­ther in some places while oth­er bits and pieces then have a dis­tinct smell of ear­ly Snoop­er, Met­dog, Check­point, Sil­i­cone Prairie… even a tiny smidge of ear­ly Woolen Men!

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Power Pants - PP4

Hard to be­lieve Win­ches­ter, Vir­ginia group Pow­er Pants have on­ly been around for less than a year as of now, but in­deed their three im­pres­sive LPs so far have all been churned out over the course of 2023 and their newest EP still shows no signs of their über-pro­duc­tive song ma­chine slow­ing down any­time soon! This is yet an­oth­er ridicu­lous­ly charm­ing treat of catchy-as-hell, kin­da egg-ish garage- and synth punk push­ing all the right but­tons to fur­ther en­chant con­noiseurs of shit rough­ly in the vein of Aus­muteants, Set-Top Box, Gee Tee, Erik Ner­vous, Sex Mex or Daugh­ter Bat And The Lip Stings.

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Rifle - Under Two Flags

Last year's de­mo by this Lon­don group has been a thor­ough­ly pleas­ant oc­curence al­ready and their newest EP even packs con­sid­er­ably more of that same kind of punch, their mix of noise-heavy post­core and garage-lean­ing fuzz punk at times com­ing across like a vari­ant of Hot Snakes or Obits with more of a melan­cholic un­der­cur­rent which al­so kin­da re­minds me a lot of Wymyns Prysyn, with fur­ther cred­i­ble com­par­isons to be made to acts such as As­cot Stab­ber, Cri­sis Man, Ze­ro Bars, Beast Fiend and Mys­tic Inane.

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Institute - Ragdoll Dance

On their fourth al­bum, the Texas post punk over­lords In­sti­tute present them­selves as strong as ever with plen­ty of tricks left up their sleeve for keep­ing lis­ten­ers on their toes, nev­er know­ing what they're gonna do next. Over­all, the pre­vi­ous LP's trend to­wards a more melod­ic and re­laxed sound is con­tin­ued here, creep­ing a lot clos­er to the aes­thet­ics of singer Mose Brown's NY based project Peace de Ré­sis­tance, tak­ing cues most­ly from the first wave of art- and post punk groups. There's a strong vibe á la Tele­vi­sion, Mod­ern Lovers or ear­ly Soft Boys goin' on in songs like City and Won­der. Dead Zone then feels a bit like Wipers-meet-Saints while All The Time echoes the likes of Met­al Ur­bain, MX-80, Sui­cide and Chrome. Dopamine for my Ba­by weird­ly has a strong touch of con­tem­po­rary NY group Straw Man Army to it. All of it then cul­mi­nates in the epic, slight­ly Wire-es­que clos­ing track War­mon­ger.

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Checkpoint - D R I F T

An­oth­er in­sane qual­i­ty re­lease cour­tesy of Er­ste Theke Ton­träger by a Mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of such house­hold names like Pinch Points, Dr. Sure's Un­usu­al Prac­tice, Gonzo and Drag­net. Right out of the gate we're greet­ed with an ad­ven­tur­ous sound some­where in­be­tween garage-, synth- and art punk call­ing to mind acts like Ghoulies, Set-Top Box, Iso­tope Soap and a bit of Erik Ner­vous. Sec­ond track Friends con­tin­ues in that di­rec­tion, then takes a sharp turn in­to psy­che­del­ic post punk ter­ri­to­ry some­what rem­i­nis­cent of groups like Mar­bled Eye, Yam­mer­er, Waste Man or Pub­lic Eye. Break sur­pris­es with a re­laxed psy­che­del­ic garage- and fuzz pop groove, fol­lowed by Ice Sum­mit, a com­pact, eco­nom­i­cal garage rock­er echo­ing the likes of Par­quet Courts, Tyvek and Shark Toys. Then, shit gets tru­ly weird with Drift - a sprawl­ing garage-and-egg­punk-goes-pro­gres­sive-rock kind of ex­er­cise un­afraid to go re­al cheesy in the ex­pan­sive mid­dle part. Side B then comes across more ho­moge­nous, less am­bi­tious but by no means less en­joy­able, these straight­for­ward bangers re­flect­ing the likes of Cher­ry Cheeks, Smirk, Met­dog, Pow­er­plant and Freak Genes, among a ton of oth­er shit.

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Onyon - Last Days On Earth

Once again, Leipzig group Ony­on con­vince me by virtue of their adapt­abil­i­ty and sol­id Crafts­man­ship rather than nov­el­ty, re­pro­duc­ing a num­ber of tried and test­ed for­mu­las that firm­ly click in­to spec on their sec­ond LP. Post punk that ain't try­ing any­thing fun­ny, you could say. This time we get just a smidge of egg­punk weird­ness added to the mix. Songs like Dog­man then have more of a garage punk edge to them. There's a touch of Wire in Egg Ma­chine, old­school goth-/deathrock vibes in In­vis­i­ble Spook and bits and pieces of Gun Club are sprin­kled through­out the whole of it. Need­less to say, echoes of oth­er more or less re­cent ar­ti­facts of the Leipzig scene like Am­bu­lanz, Lassie and Laff Box are to be found in there aswell.

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Chain Whip - Call of The Knife

This LP by Vancouver's Chain Whip, now avail­able via Drunk­en Sailor and Neon Taste, is hard­core punk done right, sim­ple as that - a huge buck­et burst­ing at the seams full of catchy sep­tic old­school fun, spiked with a sub­tle touch of '77 spir­it in no-frills smash­ers á la Hate Wave. If you dis­like groups of the Im­ploders, Head­cheese, Il­lit­er­ates, Fried E/​m or Ce­ment Shoes type, you're sure gonna hate this one too!

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Satanic Togas - Your Choice

Did i ever men­tion i've been a chris­t­ian once? Yeah i know. True sto­ry and i hope y'all had a good laugh. Nowa­days i'm on­ly wor­ship­ping Sa­tan though. Huge fan! The music's a lot bet­ter too. The Devil's aus­tralian, as every­one knows and so are his to­gas, who have as of yet ut­ter­ly failed to ever shred a sin­gle tune that doesn't fuck­ing rip. Their newest ex­tend­ed play has more of their sig­na­ture blend of garage-/synth-/eg­g­punk and pow­er pop good­ness burn­ing fast and bright­ly with ob­vi­ous sim­i­lar­i­ties to oth­er re­cent shit á la Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Ghoulies, Gee Tee, Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings, Alien Nosjob, Buck Biloxi, Set-Top Box and Er­ic Ner­vous.

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Dr​ý​sildj​ö​full - Verri en vondur

Just weeks af­ter their re­cent tape on Iron Lung Records here's a new one al­ready by this, pre­sum­ably, ice­landic group, this time again com­ing to us cour­tesy of dun­geon-/black­ened-/ex­per­i­men­tal spe­cial­ist la­bel Grime Stone Records and it's their strongest, most ful­ly re­al­ized one so far if you ask me. Take the rough specs and traits of black met­al, noisy synth-, hard­core- and elec­tro punk, com­ple­ment that un­re­lent­ing force with a slight­ly egg­punk-y aes­thet­ic that just seems a lit­tle too cute and quirky in face of all that grim­ness and you just might end up with some­thing sim­i­lar to what these folks are go­ing for.

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Wimps - City Lights

These folks have been around for a good bit longer than this blog and al­so have been a con­stant part of my life's back­ground hum all the way, al­though things have gone a bit qui­et around them in re­cent years. Their first new LP in five years once again presents the Seat­tle group in peak form though. Their se­cret weapons have al­ways been their sim­plic­i­ty, tons of quirky charm and a unique knack for churn­ing out catchy-as-fuck lit­tle slack­er hymns that just grow on you, pre­sent­ed in an un­pre­ten­tious, straight­for­ward garage punk and fuzz pop sound.

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