Future - Demo

Now that's™ some po­tent shit com­ing out of poland, pre­sum­ably. Equal parts hard­core- and garage punk, ef­fi­cient­ly pro­pelled for­ward by an ul­tra-sim­plis­tic drum­ming style giv­ing the whole thing an al­most cow­punk vibe, but al­so leav­ing plen­ty of room for the noise-laden son­ic tex­tures by the string tor­tur­ing di­vi­sion to spread out - kin­da like you might have heard in the past from Bands like Leche, Mur­der­er, Yam­bag, Lux… maybe even a bit of Wymyns Prysyn hid­den in there.

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Permanent Collection - Nothing Good Is Normal

Didn't ex­pect this to hap­pen… A whop­ping sev­en years af­ter his last EP, Oakland's Ja­son Hen­dardy aka Per­ma­nent Col­lec­tion is re­ac­ti­vat­ing his old mu­si­cal en­deav­or and de­liv­ers a bril­liant new al­bum which - in spite of its rather fa­tal­is­tic sound­ing ti­tle - di­als back the son­ic doom and gloom of his pre­vi­ous ef­forts, the dark post punk tone tak­ing the back seat while the melod­ic noise pop & shoegaze as­pects take cen­ter stage - a con­sis­tant­ly fun high en­er­gy ride from start to fin­ish. If you ever wished acts like A Place To Bury Strangers or Cer­e­mo­ny (VA) woud spend less time less time spac­ing out and cut straight to the chase in­stead, this record ist for you.

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The Deadbeat Club - Vital Earnings

An­oth­er love­ly treat from Austin la­bel Dig­i­tal Hot­dogs. The rather quirky kind, rough around the edges and full of sweet­ness in­side, strange and fa­mil­iar at the same time. Just like you've prob­a­bly come to ex­pect of any­thing re­leased by this out­let. There's bare­ly any in­fo on the ac­tu­al band in ques­tion. I found two bands of this name list­ed on band­camp, but i don't think we're deal­ing with ei­ther of those here. What we get in­stead is a sheer wealth of catchy as fuck tunes wrapped in­to dreamy, yet pow­er­ful sound­scapes some­where in the realm of post punk, noise pop, shoegaze and 90s In­die Rock, some­what rem­i­nis­cent of the ear­ly Lo-Fi ad­ven­tures by Eric's Trip, Guid­ed By Voic­es, Fly­ing Saucer At­tack, maybe even a bit of Se­badoh. Or you may choose to draw com­par­isons to more con­tem­po­rary acts in the vein of The Molds, Tree­house, Par­don­er, Rat Columns or Teardrop Fac­to­ry. What­ev­er your view­point on this, you've got im­pec­ca­ble taste, sir. You are made for this record.

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Glen Schenau - Jhumble​/​​Jearnest 7"

Glen Schenau, oth­er­wise prob­a­bly best known as the Front­man of Bris­bane group Kitchen's Floor, has so far re­leased two EPs of bor­der­line-avant garde art rock, con­vinc­ing by virtue of its sheer weird­ness, marked by dis­so­nant, hy­per­ac­tive gui­tar strum­ming - kin­da like an out-of-tune funky al­ter­nate re­al­i­ty ver­sion of The Wed­ding Present - com­ple­ment­ed by crude pots-and-pans style per­cus­sion. On his newest 7", the lat­ter gives way to an ac­tu­al drum kit as well as a full band sound and as a whole this takes on a slight­ly less ex­per­i­men­tal, way more tan­gi­ble form on the fringes of post punk, noise rock and 90s in­die rock while re­tain­ing the quirky, in­ven­tive qual­i­ties of its pre­de­ces­sors. Melk­bel­ly-meets-Live Skull? Nah, not quite… but not too far off ei­ther.

DeStructos - Blast!

A flaw­less de­but EP by a Philadel­phia Duo, de­liv­er­ing four pre­ci­sion blows of a quite smart and ver­sa­tile mix­ture lo­cat­ed some­where in the con­tem­po­rary post­core-/noise rock-/post punk neigh­bor­hood and rem­i­nis­cent of such di­verse acts as Dash­er, Cutie, Donors, Lit­tle Ug­ly Girls, Hit Bar­gain, Street Eaters, Xe­tas.

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Qlowski - Ikea Youth /​ Grinding Halt

Some­what un­ex­pect­ed­ly on this Lon­don band's new 7", their sound takes a strong turn to­wards ear­ly 2010's scan­di­na­vian post punk, pret­ty much in be­tween the un­com­pro­mis­ing ear­ly Copen­hagen school (Low­er, Iceage, Echo Peo­ple…) and way more ac­ces­si­ble Acts like Holo­grams, RA. Al­so, Australia's Low Life might be a vi­able com­par­i­son. Then, on the B-Side they in­ject Cure's Grind­ing Halt with a slight hint of New Or­der, which al­so works quite ad­mirably.

Reality Group - Music For Fools Vol. 1

Af­ter hav­ing churned out an ex­cel­lent De­mo and a no less amaz­ing EP in '16/'17, it took a while for Melbourne's Re­al­i­ty Group to come up with their first full length, which makes up for the long wait with a no­tice­ably ma­tured - al­though, thank­ful­ly, in no way or form san­i­tized - set of tunes. This al­bum is every­thing you might have have hoped for from this band; a de­li­cious­ly quirky franken­stein brew made up of garage-, art- and post punk you sim­ply shoudn't miss out on if you have any affin­i­ty for shit in the vein of Pinch Points, Ura­ni­um Club, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Erik Ner­vous, Lithics or even ear­li­er Teenanger.

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Flat Worms - Antarctica

Al­ready a hand­ful of re­leas­es in­to their discog­ra­phy, we kin­da know what to ex­pect from a new Flat Worms record by now. How­ev­er, that doesn't mean they're stand­ing still ex­act­ly. Rather, with every new re­lease they man­aged to fo­cus on and ex­pand up­on a cer­tain facet of their garage-, psy­che­del­ic- and fuzz punk sound, keep­ing things fresh and in­ter­est­ing at all times. This time, record­ing with Steve Al­bi­ni at Elec­tri­cal Au­dio, the re­sult does not on­ly show Albini's trade­mark son­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics, but al­so their over­all sound seems to em­brace some of his lega­cy as a pro­duc­er au­dio en­gi­neer, veer­ing in­to a dis­tinct­ly noise rock/​postcore di­rec­tion that, once again, was al­ways sub­tly present on their pre­vi­ous records but nev­er as much on dis­play as here and might be com­pared to con­tem­po­rary bands like Meat Wave, Metz or USA Nails. Oth­er small but pleas­ant sur­pris­es come in the form of the ti­tle track - a garage jam you could al­most de­scribe as re­laxed - as well as the 90s in­die rock vibes in Mar­ket Forces.

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Eugh - The Most Brilliant Man Alive

While we're at it, speak­ing of Kitchen Peo­ple and Warttman Inc., here's an­oth­er blast of synth punk in­san­i­ty by some Kitchen Peo­ple-af­fil­i­at­ed so­lo project, bear­ing ob­vi­ous sim­i­lar­i­ties to Warttman acts like Set-Top Box and Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., with maybe a bit of Dig­i­tal Leather or Trash­dog sprin­kled in from time to time.

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Taulard - Dans La Plaine

Six years have passed now since Taulard of Greno­ble, France put out their ut­ter­ly en­chant­i­ng, oth­er­world­ly de­but al­bum Les Abor­ds Du Ly­cée. Even af­ter such a long time, there's still no oth­er Band quite like them and their gui­tar-less, or­gan-cen­tric, deeply melan­choly and ec­cen­tric (post-)punk sound that on pa­per looks like it could nev­er work, but some­how it does.

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