Diode - Diode

Some Los An­ge­les group con­sist­ing of a tru­ly all-star garage line­up de­liv­ers a pleas­ant­ly quirky mix of garage-, post- and synth punk, some­times com­ing across like a cross­breed of Nots and Pow!, or like Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors-meet-Use­less Eaters in oth­er mo­ments.

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Brandy - The Gift Of Repetition

It's quite fit­ting that the first-ever 12" record on US garage über­la­bel To­tal Punk starts with a thump­ing groove rem­i­nis­cent of ISS, whose most re­cent EP might have been the last 7" ever to be re­leased on that la­bel - the tran­si­tion in­to a new To­tal Punk era couldn't feel any smoother re­al­ly, re­as­sur­ing us that de­spite a change in for­mat, the label's spir­it is still the same, is alive and well. Grown up a bit, maybe. New York garage noise group Brandy sound their most com­pact and force­ful on their sopho­more LP af­ter hav­ing cut their teeth al­ready on a rough and bril­liant de­but al­bum and on an­oth­er 7" - guess on what la­bel that one came out… More ever be­fore you can feel some dis­tinct Feed­time in­flu­ence, while in their most ab­stract mo­ments there's some kind of a Spray Paint vibe go­ing on. But even more than that, i'm re­mind­ed of con­tem­po­rary post punk acts Know­so and NAG, both of whom had re­leased records on To­tal Punk in the past - just amaz­ing how things come full cir­cle here.

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Girls In Synthesis - Now Here's An Echo From Your Future

Af­ter re­leas­ing a true shit­load of EPs over the past few years and their sound show­ing a steady in­crease in ma­tu­ri­ty, it's re­al­ly no sur­prise that their de­but al­bum comes across as the most ac­com­plished batch of songs by this Lon­don group yet, their very own for­mu­la made up of post punk, noise rock and post­core el­e­ments fine-tuned and en­gi­neered in­to a smooth­ly run­ning, high pre­ci­sion ma­chine while still oc­ca­sion­aly ex­pand­ing their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary - like some Wire-meet-Big Black-isms in Set Up To Fail for ex­am­ple or the bleak doom­scapes á la ear­ly Uni­form in Hu­man Frailty.

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Clock Of Time - Pestilent Planet

An­oth­er Berlin group whose mem­bers al­ready made some waves else­where in the 12XUniverse, name­ly in Bands like Diät, Aus­muteants or Vexx, al­though Diät cer­tain­ly are the clos­est match here in terms of sound - with a some­what more pro­nounced 80s death rock vibe, maybe. Al­so there's some sim­i­lar­i­ty to a slowed down in­car­na­tion of Pret­ty Hurts, Crim­i­nal Code or aus­tri­an col­leagues Red Gaze.

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Vintage Crop - Serve To Serve Again

Con­sid­er­ing the Mel­bourne group's pre­vi­ous track record, i didn't ex­pect their third full length to be any­thing less than su­perb… and sur­prise: This is yet an­oth­er very strong record oc­cu­py­ing a spot of their own in this par­tic­u­lar niche at the junc­tion of play­ful smar­ty­pants garage-, post- and art punk. Wor­thy new pre­mi­um fod­der for ad­mir­ers of Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Re­al­i­ty Group… you might al­so find a bit of Sauna Youth or Pat­ti in there.

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Tom Lyngcoln - Raging Head

An stun­ning sec­ond so­lo ef­fort by some dude who sim­ply knows what he's do­ing, hav­ing so far played in noise rock and post­core groups Pale Heads, The Na­tion Blue as well as the more folk lean­ing Lee Memo­r­i­al and Har­mo­ny, among oth­ers. This record strong­ly veers to­ward the loud­er side of his discog­ra­phy while still adding a few new in­gre­di­ents to the mix, cov­er­ing a quite im­pres­sive spec­trum in­clud­ing malan­choly Wipers-es­que post punk with hints of Red Dons or Ner­vosas, post­core of the rather melod­ic va­ri­ety rem­i­nis­cent, to vary­ing de­grees, of Meat Wave, Bloody Gears, Hot Snakes as well as some breath­less garage en­er­gy á la Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters. Tons worth of larg­er than life dra­ma, the songs to pull it of and a per­for­mance pow­er­ful enough to make you be­lieve every sin­gle note.

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Knowso - Rare Auld Trip /​ Specialtronics Green Vision

Covid year turns out to be quite a pro­duc­tive one for Cleve­land garage-/post punk group Know­so who re­cent­ly un­leashed both a new EP and LP, their sec­ond and third re­leas­es this year alone. Son­i­cal­ly, this is a seam­less con­tin­u­a­tion of their pre­vi­ous awe­some­ness - min­i­mal­ist, ab­stract Post Punk bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­ty to Nag, Brandy, Con­stant Mon­grel or more re­cent Us­less Eaters. What sets them apart is the sheer ef­fi­cien­cy of their arrange­ments and per­for­mance, kin­da like their riffs and beats are pur­pose­ful­ly de­signed to play nice with con­vey­or belts, be eas­i­ly stack­able on pal­lets, best moved around with a fork­lift.

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Public Eye - Music For Leisure

Portland's Pub­lic Eye al­ready were one of the more in­ter­est­ing and ad­ven­tur­ous post punk groups of our time to be­gin with and i al­ways felt we hadn't quite heard their best yet. Turns out i was right about some­thing for a change… On Mu­sic For Leisure their sound has evolved pret­ty much in­to its own thing. Imag­ine the works of some 2010's post punk stand­outs like Diät, Mar­bled Eye, The Es­tranged, In­sti­tute, Rank Xe­rox, Cre­ative Adult and Bruised rolled in­to one. Then add a fair amount of garage punk of the ear­ly Teenanger, Sauna Youth, Flat Worms va­ri­ety, sprin­kle in a hint of Wire and some jan­g­ly folk in­flu­ences á la Vol­cano Suns. Pub­lic Eye bun­dle all of that, then slow it down to a com­fort­able strolling pace while tack­ling the whole thing with a de­cid­ed­ly song-based ap­proach. The re­sult is one of the most ma­ture, con­sis­tant, well-con­struct­ed post punk records i've heard in a good while.

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Vaguess - Directions For Use

Re­spect­ed Los An­ge­les garage pow­er­house Vin­ny Vaguess keeps things in­ter­est­ing. While his pre­vi­ous two long­play­ers turned out a bit mel­low­er, lean­ing quite heav­i­ly in­to pow­er­pop melod­ic­i­ty, his newest EP mix­es things up again in some­what un­ex­pect­ed ways by in­tro­duc­ing quirky post punk el­e­ments, of­ten mak­ing gen­er­ous use of vague­ly de­vo-es­que synths. Speak­ing of the dev­il… with Less­er Of Two we even get a full-blown synth pop hymn, not dis­sim­i­lar to some stuff Alien Nose­job did re­cent­ly. Oth­er points of ref­er­ence might be Nick Nor­mal, Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Teenanger, oc­ca­sion­al flash­es of Aus­muteants. Every­thing works ad­mirably here, in no small part thanks to the kind of ex­cel­lent songcraft we've come to ex­pect from this dude.

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Pork Belly - Jinx & Chew

Promis­ing and fun shit, this first dig­i­tal sin­gle by some San Fran­cis­co group. Post-/art punk of the par­tic­u­lar­ly quirky, play­ful kind that ad­mir­ers of bands like Pat­ti, Rolex, Re­al­i­ty Group or Emer­gency Con­tact will sure­ly ap­pre­ci­ate.