Sandré - Ave Muñón

On their de­but LP, Barcelona's San­dré de­liv­er a round­house kick of un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, a sound lo­cat­ed some­where on the fringes of post punk, post- and noisec­ore; al­ways keep­ing the del­i­cate bal­ance be­tween a raw, im­me­di­ate im­pact and self-con­fi­dent am­bi­tion. Spec­u­lat­ing about pos­si­ble in­flu­ences, i'm think­ing of a wide ar­ray of bands like Down­town Boys, ear­ly Die! Die! Die!, Les Savy Fav - but i'm al­so feel­ing a very dis­tinct vibe akin to oth­er span­ish acts of re­cent years, es­pe­cial­ly the likes of Ju­ven­tud Juché, Be­tu­niz­er and Cubano Vale.

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Rita Repulsa - Rita's Revenge

Boston elec­tro punk duo Ri­ta Re­pul­sa en­ter the scene with their first EP, whose large­ly sam­ple-dri­ven con­tents rough­ly re­sem­ble the charme of an ex­tra brain dam­aged ver­sion of North Carolina's ISS, sup­ple­ment­ed with a sub­tle dose of noise rock and a lyri­cal fix­a­tion on… Mighty Mor­phin Pow­er Rangers?!? Works for me.

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Spray Paint - Into The Country

For the austin noise rock­ers with that dis­tinc­tive no wave edge, the past three years were marked ex­clu­sive­ly by sev­er­al col­lab­o­ra­tion projects, re­sult­ing in one al­bum, an­oth­er EP and two 7"s, all of it first rate stuff. Now we get a new "reg­u­lar" al­bum, al­though the record­ings al­ready date back to the year 2016. Ac­cord­ing­ly, these songs sound more like the log­i­cal evo­lu­tion from their last LP Feel The Clamps, re­leased that same year. As al­ways with this band, there's no rush to rein­vent them­selves. In­stead, their sound is evolv­ing grad­u­al­ly and dili­gent, re­veal­ing on­ly a few new facets at a time. Most no­table this time is a more min­i­mal­ist ap­proach to their com­po­si­tions as well as the in­creas­ing use of drum ma­chines and synths. And as al­ways, the re­sults are quite thrilling.

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Nick Normal - Windows Painted Shut

Portland's Nick Nor­mal al­ready made a most wel­come splash in the form of a hand­ful of rather Lo-Fi sound­ing EPs in re­cent past. Not on­ly has the dude now found a per­fect home in be­tween all the oth­er whacky moth­er­fuck­ers re­leas­ing their stuff via Dis­con­tin­u­ous In­no­va­tion Inc, but we al­so get to hear his mu­sic for the first time in a son­ic pre­sen­ta­tion that takes at least some ad­van­tage of the au­di­ble range. Oth­er­wise it's busi­ness as usu­al, which in this case means a shit­load of off-kil­ter fun halfway be­tween post- and garage punk. Add to that a hint of new wave and you might be re­mind­ed of Andy Hu­man or Erik Ner­vous, al­so you might draw some par­al­lels to Aus­muteants or Use­less Eaters.

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