Whoa, i didn't re­al­ly ex­pect that record to be this fuck­ing good - a hot con­tender for my fa­vorite pow­er pop record of 2022, plain and sim­ple. Like a cu­ri­ous eggfolk Res­onars or Be­vis Frond, these songs al­so ra­di­ate the melan­choly, dreamy vibes of Lost Bal­loons with lit­tle hints of ear­ly Guid­ed By Voic­es, Soft Boys, Hon­ey Radar or Woolen Men added to the mix for good mea­sure. The quirky and blown-out lo-fi aes­thet­ics sim­ply can't do any­thing to lessen the im­pact and beau­ty of the su­perb song­writ­ing chops on dis­play here.